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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,语 法:否 定,Negative words and negative statements,一、否定的表达方式,1.,运用直观否定词,2.,运用隐性否定词,3.,运用否定词缀,4.,运用固定搭配,1.,运用直观否定词,(,no,not,never,none,neither,nobody,nothing,nowhere,等,),Eg.,我没有一个朋友抽烟。,我有两只钢笔,没有一支书写流畅。,记住永远不要通过封面评价一本书。,None of my friends smoke.,I have two pens,neither of which writes smoothly.,Remember never to judge a book by its cover.,2.,运用隐性否定词,(,few,little,hardly,scarcely,barely,rarely,seldom,beyond,last,等,),Eg.,他几乎迫不及待要出国。,玛丽很少获得阅读的机会。,What you said is beyond me.,He is the last person that I want to see.,He can hardly wait to go abroad.,Mary seldom gets chance to read.,3.,运用否定词缀,(,im-,in-,ab-,dis-,non-,ir,il,un-,de-,mis-,-less,-proof,-free,等,),Eg.,im,possible,in,experienced,in,correct,in,convenient,ab,normal,ab,use,dis,like,dis,agree,non,-fiction,ir,regular,ir,responsible,il,legal,un,fair,un,happy,un,satisfied,de,crease,mis,fortune,mis,understanding,home,less,hope,less,speech,less,use,less,water,proof,fat-,free,duty-,free,4.,运用固定搭配,1)too to,eg.,他太小了不能够上学。,2)far from,远离;远非,一点也不,非但,eg.,你的作文远不能令人满意。,3)would rather do than do,prefer to do rather than do,prefer doing to doing,eg.,他宁愿辞职也不愿向他的老板屈服。,He is too young to go to school.,Your writing is far from satisfactory.,He would rather quit than give in to his boss.,4)rather than,而不是,eg.,我喜欢数学而不是语文。,5)free from,没有,不含,;,免于,不受,伤害,eg.,free from difficulty/doubt/fear,free from artificial colour,那笔意外之财让他没有了经济上的烦恼。,6)anything but,一点也不,Ps:nothing but,就只是,仅仅,eg.,这个故事一点也不有趣。,孩子们就只想看电视。,I like maths rather than Chinese.,The unexpected fortune set him free from financial worries.,The story is anything but interesting.,The children want to do nothing but watch TV.,7)in no way,in no case,by no means,under no circumstances,at no time,on no occasion,on no condition,on no account,决不,eg.,我们绝不能放弃。,Under no circumstances should we give up.,二、部分否定与全部否定,1.,部分否定,2.,全部否定,观察并翻译:,1.1)Not every boy in our class likes playing basketball.,2)Every boy in our class doesnt like playing basketball.,2.1)I like both of the two books.,2)I dont like both of the two books.,3)I like neither of the two books.,4)I dont like either of the two books.,1.,部分否定:,not,与表示整体意义的词连用,(,all,both,everything,everybody,everyone,everywhere,always,often,entirely,completely,altogether,necessarily,等,),无论位置如何,表“不全是”,“不总是”。,Eg.,All that glitters is not gold.,压力未必是一件坏事。,我不完全同意。,Stress is not necessarily a bad thing.,I dont agree completely.,2.,全部否定:用,no,none,nobody,nothing,no one,nowhere,not any.,never,neither,等,Eg.,我们班没有一个男孩喜欢打篮球。,我对她一无所知。,房间里没有人。,None of the boys in our class like/likes playing basketball.,I know nothing about her.=I dont know anything about her.,Theres nobody in the classroom.=There isnt anybody in the classroom.,Tips:,no=not+any,nothing=not+anything,nobody=not+anybody,no one=not+anyone,nowhere=not+anywhere,neither=not+either,三、否定形式表肯定意义,1.not+,否定意义的词,(,双重否定表肯定,),2.,否定词,+,比较级,=,最高级,3.cant too/enough,4.no soonerthan/hardly when,5.not until,6.cant help doing,cant help but do,cannot but do,cant choose but do,have no choice but to do,may/might as well do,1.not+,否定意义的词,(,双重否定表肯定,),Eg.,一个星期之内完成这个任务不是不可能。,对于学生来说犯拼写错误并非不常见。,世上无难事,只怕有心人。,鱼离开水就不能活,。,Its not impossible to finish the work in a week.,Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.,Its not uncommon for students to make spelling mistakes.,Fish cant live without water.,2.,否定词,+,比较级,=,最高级,Eg.,我很赞同。,(,同意得不能再同意了,),形势太糟糕了。,(,坏得不能再坏了,),这是我看过最好的电影。,(,我从来没看过比这更好的电影,),I cant agree more.,I have never seen a better film.,The situation cant be worse.,3.,cant(cannot)too,cant(cannot)enough,再,也不为过,越,越好,Eg.,当你过街的时候再仔细也不为过。,一个学生读越多的书越好。,我再怎么感谢你也不为过。,你花越多的时间读英语越好。,You cant be too careful when crossing the road.=You cant be careful enough when crossing the road.,I cant thank you enough.,A student cant read too many books.=A student cant read enough books.,You cant spend too much time reading English.=You cant spend enough time reading English.,4.,no sooner than,hardly(scarcely)when(before),一,就,Eg.,他一出门就开始下雨了。,我们一上火车,火车就出站了。,He had no sooner gone out than it began to rain.=No sooner had he gone out than it began to rain.,Hardly had we got on the train when it pulled out.,5.,It wasnt long before,It wont be long before,不久就,很快就,Eg.,他很快就回来了。,我们很快就能再见面了。,It wasnt long before he came back.,It wont be long before we meet again.,6.,not until,7.,cant help doing,情不自禁做某事,cant help but do,cant choose but do,cannot but do,不得不做,只得做,have no choice but to do,别无选择只能做,may/might as well do(=had better do),不妨,最好做,四、否定转移,think,believe,suppose,expect,imagine,等词否定前移,Eg.,我认为他不诚实。,我们相信这个消息不是真的。,我认为你不该对电脑游戏上瘾。,思考:对于这些句子,如何添加反意疑问句呢?,I dont think(that)he is honest.,We dont believe(that)the news is true.,I dont think(that)you should be addicted to computer games.,1.,反意疑问句,Eg.,I dont think(that)he is honest,is he,?,We dont believe(that)the news is true,is it,?,I dont think(that)you should be addicted to computer games,should you,?,练习:,He couldnt have finished the work,_?,He couldnt have finished the work,last night,_?,I dont think he could have finished the work la


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