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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,6-,*,Copyright 2015 Pearson Education,Inc.,1,Chapter 6:Perception and,Individual Decision Making,2,Learning Objectives,After studying this chapter,you should be able to:,Define perception and explain the factors that influence it.,Explain attribution theory,and list the three determinants of attribution.,Identify the shortcuts individuals use in making judgments about others.,Explain the link between perception and decision making.,Contrast the rational model of decision making with bounded rationality and intuition.,Describe the common decision biases or errors.,Explain how individual differences and organizational constraints affect decision making.,Contrast the three ethical decision criteria.,Define,creativity,and describe the three-stage model of creativity.,3,Define Perception,and Explain The Factors That Influence It,Perception,is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.,It is important to the study of OB because peoples behaviors are based on their perception of what reality is,not on reality itself.,LO 1,4,Define Perception,and Explain The Factors That Influence It,LO 1,5,Explain Attribution Theory and List the Three Determinants of Attribution,Attribution theory,suggests that when we observe an individuals behavior,we attempt to determine whether it was internally or externally caused.,Determination depends on three factors:,Distinctiveness,Consensus,Consistency,LO 2,6,Explain Attribution Theory and List the Three Determinants of Attribution,Clarification of the differences between internal and external causation,Internally caused,those that are believed to be under the personal control of the individual.,Externally caused,resulting from outside causes.,LO 2,7,Explain Attribution Theory and List the Three Determinants of Attribution,LO 2,8,Explain Attribution Theory and List the Three Determinants of Attribution,Fundamental attribution error,We have a tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal or personal factors.,Self-serving bias,Individuals attribute their own successes to internal factors.,LO 2,9,Selective perception,Any characteristic that makes a person,object,or event stand out will increase the probability that it will be perceived.,Since we cant observe everything going on around us,we engage in selective perception.,Halo effect,The halo effect occurs when we draw a general impression on the basis of a single characteristic.,LO 3,Identify the Shortcuts Individuals Use in Making Judgments About Others,10,Identify the Shortcuts Individuals Use in Making Judgments About Others,Contrast effects,We do not evaluate a person in isolation.,Our reaction to one person is influenced by other persons we have recently encountered.,For example,an interview situation in which one sees a pool of job applicants can distort perception.,Distortions in any given candidates evaluation can occur as a result of his or her place in the interview schedule.,LO 3,11,Stereotyping,Judging someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which he or she belongs.,This is a means of simplifying a complex world,and it permits us to maintain consistency.,We have to monitor ourselves to make sure were not unfairly applying a stereotype in our evaluations and decisions.,LO 3,Identify the Shortcuts Individuals Use in Making Judgments About Others,12,Applications of Shortcuts in Organizations,Employment Interview,Evidence indicates that interviewers make perceptual judgments that are often inaccurate.,Interviewers generally draw early impressions that become very quickly entrenched.,Studies indicate that most interviewers decisions change very little after the first four or five minutes of the interview.,LO 3,Identify the Shortcuts Individuals Use in Making Judgments About Others,13,Applications of Shortcuts in Organizations,Performance Expectations,Evidence demonstrates that people will attempt to validate their perceptions of reality,even when those perceptions are faulty.,Self-fulfilling prophecy,or the,Pygmalion effect,characterizes the fact that peoples expectations determine their behavior.,E,xpectations become reality.,LO 3,Identify the Shortcuts Individuals Use in Making Judgments About Others,14,Applications of Shortcuts in Organizations,Performance Evaluation,An employees performance appraisal is very much dependent upon the perceptual process.,Many jobs are evaluated in subjective terms.,Subjective measures are problematic because of selective perception,contrast effects,halo effects,and so on.,LO 3,Identify the Shortcuts Individuals Use in Making Judgments About Others,15,Explain the Link Between Perception and Decision Making,Individuals make,decisions,choosing from two or more alternatives.,Top managers determine goals,products to offer,how to finan


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