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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,中考英语书面表达,1.We should exercise everyday.,2.There are some problems,such as have a fever.,3.Some student think who can get good grades is a good student.,4.We also should be more exercise and make us strong.,5.We shouldnt eat joke food.,6.I think become a good student is very difficult.,7.And you should hard-working.,8.What do you think a good student should be?,9.A good student should be helpful to others,and like helping others.,10.,They also ask us to obey the rules what they make,even though we dont want to.,11.I think if someone is helpful to others or gets on well with his classmates,he is,12.We find that many people have a fever,catch a cold easily so cant go to school.,13.To not have a fever,we can clean our classroom.,14.I dont think student often gets high marks is a good student.,15.A good student not only does well in study but also warm-hearted.,中考中的书面表达题,通常有三种形式:,书信日记通知留言电话记录启事、贺卡。,看图作文。,根据汉语提示作文。,下面作一简单介绍:,一、,英文书信()写信人的地址和日期这一项要写在信纸的左上角,地址在上,日期在下()称呼收信人的称呼写在左上角,称呼因人而异在正式信中用冒号(:)写给较熟悉的人用逗号(,)()正文从称呼的下一行起,不能顶格,但只须空一个词的位置第二行与称呼齐平另起一段用同样的方式开始,()结束语英文信的结束语一般要写在正文的下方,另起一行常见的有:,Best wishes!Good luck to you!Wishing you success!Give my best wishes to you!Hope to hear from you soon!,常用的谦称有:,incerely,yours.(,熟人用),Yours truly.(,不太熟),(5),签名它是书信的最后一部分,签在结尾下面,空一到二行,位置与正文相比稍靠右一点,二日记,格式英文日记的格式与中文日记大体一样,一般是第一行上写日期星期天气情况。日期通常顶格写,然后是星期。天气情况通常写在右上角。然后另起一行写正文。,根据下列提示,请你写一篇日记,记录五月一日(星期五)你和,Lily,一起去参观科技博物馆的事。,、天气:晴朗;,、距离:博物馆离家约两公里;,、交通工具:决定骑自行车去;,、时间:八点出发,十点回家;,、内容:见到了许多照片、实物等,学到很多内容;,、游人:见到许多父母和孩子、学生和老师、士兵等。,注意:字数个左右,要符合日记的格式,可根据内容适当发挥。,看个例题吧!,Friday,May1 Fine,It was fine today.Lily and I went to visit,the History Museum.It is about 2,kilometres,away from my home.So we decided to go there,by bike.We set off at 8 oclock.At the museum we saw many photos and other things.We,learned a lot.There we saw a lot of children,with their parents,students with their teachers,and soldiers.At ten oclock we left the museum,for home.We had a wonderful time today.,通知(,Notice),语句,要求简练、用词贴切,用语书面化。包括三项内容:时间、地点、活动内容。,格式,(,1,)标题:在正文上面正中的地方写上,NOTICE,。,(,2,)正文:说明通知的具体,时间、地点,、活动内容和注意事项。,(,3,)单位:发通知的单位一般写在正文的右下角。,(,4,)时间:发出通知的时间一般写在正文的左下角。,请你用英语为校长和学生会写一个书面通知,时间是,6,月,4,日,内容是:,1,、今天上午,9,:,00,在小会议室召开各班班长会议。,2,、全校师生看下午,4,:,00,的电影,下午的课改在,1,:,00,开始。,看个例题吧!,NOTICE,There will be a meeting for all the,monitors of our school in the small,meeting-room,at 9:00 this morning.,The teacher and the students of our,school are going to see a film at 4:00 this,afternoon.The classes this afternoon will,begin at 1:00.Be sure,not,to be late for,school,please.,June4.2006,The Principal Office,The Students Union,留言,格式,:1,、日期要写在右上角。,2,、称呼:应写在第二行,要左起顶格写。,3,、正文另起一行。用词要通俗易懂,简明扼要。,4,、署名:要写在正文的右下角。,假如你的名字叫李雷,现在写一张英文留言条,内容如下:,1,、你打算和同班同学李伟在周日下午去看望梅梅。,2,、感冒发烧不能去了,在去医院前去了李伟家。,3,、碰巧他不在家,给他留下条子,并再约时间。,4,、写条的日期为,2006,年,5,月,6,日,。,看个例题吧!,May 6,2006,Dear Li,Wei,Im sorry I cant go to see,Meimei,at,half past two this afternoon,for Im not,feeling well.Maybe I have a high fever now.,Im going to see a doctor.Lets go to see,Meimei,next Sunday afternoon,shall we?,Since you are not in,I have to leave this note,to you.My mother told me Id better stay at,home for a day or two.See you!,Li Lei,电话记录,1,、格式:有四个方面的要求:即发话方(,From);,收话方(,To),;日期和时间(,Date and Time),;记录内容(,Message),。其中,记录内容项后面可以出现记录人签名,也可以不出现。,2,、特点:最本质的特点是记录内容须言简意赅,切忌冗长。,假定你是,Mrs,Read,你在,2006,年,10,月,2,日上午接,到,Bill,打给,Tom,的电话,,Tom,正好不在,你接了,电话,请根据通话内容,给,Tom,留一张电话留言,条,(词数,30,字左右),Mrs.Read:Hello.8687878.,Bill:Oh,hello.Could I speak to Tom,please?,Mrs.Read:Im afraid not.He isnt here at the moment.Can I take a message?,Bill:Yes,please.This is Bill.Is that Mrs.Read,?,Mrs.Read:Oh,hello.Bill.Yes,this is Toms mother.,Bill:Thanks a lot for asking me to Toms party on Saturday.Im sorry I cant come.,Mrs.Read:Im sorry to hear that.,Bill:Im afraid we are going to be in Guangzhou that day.I hope you all have a good time.,Mrs.Read:Thank you.Ill give him the message.,Bill:Thank you.Goodbye.,Mrs.Read:Goodbye.,TELEPHONE MESSAGE,FROM,:,Bill To:Tom,DATE:October 2,2006 TIME:10:12,MESSAGE:He cant come to your party on,Saturday because they are going to be in,Guangzhou that day.,假定你是,Mrs,Read,你在,2006,年,10,月,2,日上午接到,Bill,打给,Tom,的电话,,Tom,正好不在,你接了电话,请根据通话内容,给,Tom,留一张电话留言条,(词数,30,字左右),启事,一般的启事包括四部分,:,标题、日期、正文、单位具名。,1,、寻物启事,以标题,Lost,作为放在启事的上方正中。在,Lost,的右上角处写出寻物启事的时间。寻物启事的正文包括遗失物品,遗失的时间、地点、若有人发现遗失物品应送交的人、地点。启事正文右下角写上失主的姓名,,Loser,可写可不写。,假如你叫李华,在五中工作,今天(,2011,年,6,月,8,日)早晨在上班的路上丢了手提包。提包里面有一只钢笔,一把门钥匙和许多钱。,看个例题吧!,June 8,Lost,I lost my handbag on the way to work this morning.There is a pen,a key to the door and a lot of money in it.I wish the finder to return it to me very soon.Will the finder please come to No.5 Middle School or call me?My telephone number is 8786998.My name is Li,Hua,.Ill pay him or her for it.Thank you!,2,、招领启事,以,Found,作为标题放在启事上方之中。启事的正文包括招领的物品、捡到物品的时间及丢失者去认领的地点。启事正文的右下角写上登上这一启事的单位,请根据下面的汉语提示写一篇招领启事,你于今天(月,12,日)上午在学校花园捡到手提包一个,内有钱若干及笔记本一个,请失主前来,201,室领取,看个例题吧!,Found,A handbag with some money and a notebook was le


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