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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,为公司建立良好的形象,*,PPT,文档演模板,Office,PPT,为公司建立良好的形象,2024/10/4,为公司建立良好的形象,Teaching Contents,Lead-in,2. New words and expressions of Reading A,3. Warming-up (Topics discussion),4. Brief Introduction of KFC and McDonalds,5. Build up vocabulary,6. Analyze Reading A,7. Reading B: Product Questionnaire,8. Career Development Questionnaire,9. Simulated writing,为公司建立良好的形象,Lead-inLeadership and Team Building,领导力与团队的建设,“ Its impossible to lead people who dont trust you.”,“不可能领导对你不信任的人.”,“No matter what a leader does, if followers dont respond, then the leader fails.”,“,不管领导如何做,只要跟随者不予回应,那么,这个领导就是失败的.,- Stephen Robbins,为公司建立良好的形象,Leadership is the art of,领导力是一种艺术,即:,Getting more from people than they think they are capable of.,获取更多超越人们认识自己能力之外的东西.,Influencing people to strive willingly to achieve a common goal.,影响人们自愿地努力达成共同的目标.,Inspiring loyalty, trust, commitment and respect.,鼓励忠诚,信任,承诺与尊重.,Getting things done with expected results.,达到预期的结果.,4,为公司建立良好的形象,Leadership Qualities,领导的素质,Vision,远景,Competence,能力,Persistence,毅力,Communicating and active listening,沟通与积极地倾听,Self-confidence,自信,Charisma,个人魅力,Integrity,诚实,Strive for excellence,追求卓越,Maintain team spirit; concern for others,维持团队精神;关心他人,Continuous learning and developing oneself,持续学习与提升自我,5,为公司建立良好的形象,Types of leadership,by Nadler and Tushman,领导力的类型,摘自,Nadler and Tushman,Charismatic Leader,魅力型领袖,Project a powerful, confident and dynamic presence.,表现得强有力,自信,充满活力.,Possess a special quality that enable him to mobilize activities.,拥有很强的煽动力.,Articulate with a compelling vision.,对事物具有深刻的洞察力.,Demonstrate personal excitement,体现自身激情,Express personal support and empathy during a change process.,当事物出现变化时,表现出支持与同情.,6,为公司建立良好的形象,Instrumental Leader,实施型领导,Focus on building competent teams,致力于建立有竞争力的团队,Clarify required behaviors,采取必要的行动,Put in performance measurement,纳入行为的度量标准,Administer rewards and punishments to motivate desired behavior.,通过奖励与惩罚激励好的行为.,Are you a charismatic or instrumental leader?,你是魅力型的领导还是实施型的领导呢?,Types of leadership,by Nadler and Tushman,领导力的类型,摘自,Nadler and Tushman,7,为公司建立良好的形象,New Words and Expressions,heritage,n.遗产, 继承物,heritage tourism,文化遗迹游,World Heritage Site,世界遗产地,heritage conservation,文物保护,World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site,世界文化与自然遣产,为公司建立良好的形象,legacy,n.遗赠物, 先人或过去遗留下来的东西,historical legacy,legacy of history,历史遗产,legacy issue,历史问题,enhance,He made many efforts to,enhance,his reputation.,为公司建立良好的形象,commit,v.犯罪, 承诺, 委托(托付),commit suicide,commit error,commit crime,commit oneself to/devote oneself to/contribute oneself to,The girl,was,committed,to,the care of an aunt,commitment,His political,commitment,is only skin-deep.,他政治上的承诺只是表面文章。,为公司建立良好的形象,complement n/v,This wine,complements,the food perfectly.,用这种酒配这种菜肴最妙不过了。,A wine is a,complement,to a good meal.,美食加美酒才算完备。,Compliment,n/v,Pay sb a compliment,Compliment sb on sth,Your presence is a great,compliment,.,承蒙光临,不胜荣幸。,complimentary,为公司建立良好的形象,enforce,enforce payment,强制性支付,enforce discipline,实施纪律,enforcement machinery/mechanism/body,执行机构,enforcement measures,强制措施,enforcement power,执行权(力),为公司建立良好的形象,integral,The kitchen is an,integral,part of a house.,integral number/point,Integral structure,Validate v,validated date,失效期,In order to validate the agreement, both parties sign it.,Valid adj,valid time/period,is valid for,Validity n,Validity period/date,为公司建立良好的形象,diverse,diverse suggestions/views/problems/methods/,aspects/fields/,development,Her interests are very,diverse,.,她的兴趣非常广泛。,accountability,有责任, 有义务,official accountability,勤政爱民,accountability system,责任追究制度, 问责制,为公司建立良好的形象,flexibility,n. 灵活性, 柔韧性, 适应性,flexibility of law/thinking,法律灵活性/思维的灵活性,flexibility exercise,柔软操,flexibility principle/provision,弹性原则/弹性条款,为公司建立良好的形象,head and shoulder above,胜过,超过,As an actor, Charles Chaplin stood head and shoulder above the rest of all the actors of his time.,为公司建立良好的形象,Warming-up,Do you like to eat in KFC and McDonalds, why?,Answer from your experience.,How much do you know the KFC and McDonalds?,为公司建立良好的形象,Reasons,Everything there is so delicious.,The waiters and waitress are very passionate and friendly, making you feel very comfortable.,The environment there is clean and bright. It is very relaxing to eat there.,为公司建立良好的形象,KFC,KFC =,?,KFC = Kentucky(肯塔基州),Fried Chicken,为公司建立良好的形象,The history of KFC,It initiator is Harland Sanders (,哈兰山德士),Harland Sanders established the worlds first KFC in,Louisville,路易(斯)维尔(美国肯塔基州北部城市), Kentucky 1939,frying fresh chicken to customers.,为公司建立良好的形象,KFC Corporation,KFC Corporation,based in Louisville, Kentucky, is the worlds most popular chicken restaurant chain,Every day, nearly,eight million,customers are served around the world. KFCs menu includes Original,Recipe,chicken - made with the same great taste Harland Sanders created more than a half-century ago. Customers around the globe also enjoy more than 300 other products.,KFC has more than,11,000 restaurants,in more than,80,countries and territories around the world. .,为公司建立良好的形象,Yum,KFC is part of Yum! Brands, Inc., which is the worlds largest restaurant system with over,32,500,KFC, A&W All-American Food, Taco Bell塔可钟, East Dawning东方即白 and Pizza Hut restaurants in more than 100 countries and territories.,为公司建立良好的形象,A&W :,Allen and Wright (fast food restaurant and root beer),艾伦和赖特(速食店和根啤酒),为公司建立良好的形象,KFC in China,The first KFC set up in Beijing China in 1987.,There were over 2500 in February 4, 2009 in China,We Do Chicken Right.,为公司建立良好的形象,Why does KFC,succeed greatly?,KFC has advanced ideas and methods in the human resources management especially in,human resources plan, recruit, training,human resources management has been the important part of KFCs core competence.,为公司建立良好的形象,为公司建立良好的形象,About McDonalds,The business began in,1940, with a restaurant opened by siblings Dick and Mac McDonald in San Bernardino, California.,The present corporation dated back to 1955.,McDonalds headquarters is in Oak Brook, Illinois.,initiator: Rock Kroc,McDonalds corporation has more than,31000,restaurants in 121 countries.,为公司建立良好的形象,McDonalds business philosophy,McDonalds shows us a style of life and Western culture, consumers like him because McDonalds business philosophy is,quality, service, cleanliness, value,为公司建立良好的形象,Big Mac,Big Mac,McNuggets,为公司建立良好的形象,criticism,为公司建立良好的形象,Build up Vocabulary,Company brief,公司简介,Enterprise honor / Culture,企业荣誉/ 文化,Cooperation partner,合作伙伴,Quality certificate,质量认证,为公司建立良好的形象,Operation philosophy/ Management ideas,经营理念,Service philosophy,服务理念,Marketing philosophy,营销理念,Talent policy,人才思略,Quality policy,质量方针,Quality for survival, and quantity for growth.,以质求生存,以量求发展,为公司建立良好的形象,Analyze Reading A,1)Heritage of McDonalds,a.,Giving back to the communities in which they live and work.,b.,Leadership and doing the right thing,has been,the legacy of McDonalds,2)A,series,commitments,Commitment to education.,为公司建立良好的形象,Commitment to quality and safety.,Commitment to social responsibilities.,Commitment to creating an environment which,values,and,respects,employees,recognizing,and,rewarding,their performance,providing,them meaningful growth opportunities.,为公司建立良好的形象,Commitment to education,1)education of youth,a. work in partnership with parents and educators.,b. top priorities of education and schoolwork.,2)education of managers and employees,a. job experience complements and supports employees educational goal.,b. education always come first.,c. reward good grades and school attendance.,d. provide tuition for employees to continue their education.,为公司建立良好的形象,Commitment to quality and safety,1) a,leader,in,setting,and,strictly,enforcing high-quality and safety standards.,2) proper food storage, handling and cooking practices.,3) Food safety check list is used daily in each restaurant.,为公司建立良好的形象,Five people principles,1) Respect and recognition,2),Values,and,leadership behavior,3) Competitive pay and benefits,4) Learning, development and personal Growth,5) Resources to get the job done.,为公司建立良好的形象,Reading B: Product Questionnaire,How to design a,questionnaire,?,为公司建立良好的形象,Introduction to Questionnaire Design,Objectives in designing questionnaires,Deciding what to ask,Principles and Guidelines to Writing Questions,4. Format of responses,5. How to arrange question,6. Length of questionnaire,为公司建立良好的形象,1. Objectives in designing questionnaires,A questionnaire is often used for research.,To obtain accurate relevant information for our survey.,为公司建立良好的形象,The information obtained by each question will be specific to the information you will need in your analysis. Therefore, before you compose any questions:,Think through your research questions and objectives,Think about how you will conduct your analysis,2. Deciding what to ask,为公司建立良好的形象,The information obtained by each question will be specific to the information you will need in your analysis. Therefore, before you compose any questions:,Think through your research questions and objectives,Think about how you will conduct your analysis,Deciding what to ask,为公司建立良好的形象,Principle 1-Use short and simple sentences,3. Principles of Writing Questions,Attention:,Sentences should contain one or two clauses no more than three.,为公司建立良好的形象,Principle 2-Ask for only one piece of information at a time,Principles of Writing Questions,For example:,Are you satisfied with our products appearance and safety design?,为公司建立良好的形象,Principle 3-Avoid Negatives,Principles of Writing Questions,For example:,Small group teaching should not be cancelled.,Small group teaching should continue.,Attention:,Double negatives should always be avoided.,为公司建立良好的形象,Principle 4-Ask precise question,Principles of Writing Questions,For example:,How often did you borrow books from your library?,How many books have you borrowed from the library within the past six months altogether?,Attention:,Failure to specify a frame of reference.,为公司建立良好的形象,Open format:,4. Format of responses,Closed format,Are there any other comments you would like to make?,Comments:,I think/ suggest.,为公司建立良好的形象,Some general rules:,5.,How to arrange questions,为公司建立良好的形象,6. Length of questionnaire,Short simple questionnaires usually attract higher response rates than long complex ones,为公司建立良好的形象,Principles of Writing Questions,A questionnaire gets people to express their feelings, perceptions, behaviors, and experiences, both past therefore, avoid:,Asking for secondhand information,Asking hypothetical hapetkl,假设的;假定的,questions,Asking about causation,原因,Asking for solutions to complex issues,为公司建立良好的形象,Principles of Writing Questions,Question wording should ensure that every respondent,应答者,will be answering the same thing, so avoid:,Ambiguousmbjus,模棱两可的;含糊不清的,wording or wording that means different things to different respondents,为公司建立良好的形象,Do:,Use simple wording,Be brief,Be specific,为公司建立良好的形象,Do not:,Be vague,Be condescending or talk down to respondent,Use biased wording,Use abbreviations or scientific jargon,Use objectionable questions,Be redundant,为公司建立良好的形象,Career Development Questionnaire,Career development is very important because of the competitive nature of the,job market,. It is important to learn the steps that one needs to take in order to develop their career to get ahead. Developing your career means promotion and making more money.,为公司建立良好的形象,PERSONAL DETAILS,Names _,Age _,Employment status,Employed _ Part time employed _ Unemployed _,Self employed _ Student _,Education,High school graduate _,Graduate _,Post graduate _,Other _,Would you be willing to go back to school to develop your career?,_,What is your ideal working environment?,i. Organized, calm and serene,siri:n,ii. Work best in chaos,keis,iii. Interesting,为公司建立良好的形象,Teamwork,Work together to design a questionnaire on,Ideal Spouse,to interview your classmates?,为公司建立良好的形象,Simulating Writing,Memorandum (Memo),MEMORANDUM,To: Mr. Lockwood Course Coordinator,From: Howard Thomas,Date: 19 November, 2015,Subject: Lesson Plan for 28 November Lecture,I intend to teach memo writing in my next lecture. I plan to cover the following parts:,1. Inside Address,This is omitted in a memo. As internal communication the reason is obvious.,为公司建立良好的形象,2. Greeting,It is more polite to put Mr., Mrs. or Ms. before and after the name of the recipient. You may sometimes address the readers as a group.,3. Subject,This is a phrase to tell the reader what the memo is about. Sometimes only the phrase is given without the word Subject before it.,4. Body,These should be short, less than 10 lines, and concentrate on only one paragraph one idea each. Sometimes for memos with three or more paragraphs, it is advisable to begin each with a heading in capital letters to tell what the paragraph is about. Another practice is numbering the paragraphs for easy reference later on.,为公司建立良好的形象,5.Carbon copy,This is written as c.c. for short. As in a letter, it lists the persons who are also receiving the memo.,6. Signature,Only the initial is needed. The office and name in print of the writer are omitted. In more casual memos there is no signature at all.,Any thoughts on my notes? Anything to add? Let me know at tea break.,c. c. Mr. P. L, Oucke, Training Officer,为公司建立良好的形象,Memorandum,Components,1. Name of the unit/Memo,2. From: x x x,3. To: x x x,4. Date,5. Subject,6. Body or Message,为公司建立良好的形象,Sample 1,MEMO,Date: Sept. 20, 2015,To: Mr. Li Ming,Director of Tech. Dept., the China Construction Bank, Qingdao Branch,From: Credit and Loan Department,Subject: purchase a computer,I would like to remind you that our office is in need of a new computer to cope with the ever increasing business. I sincerely hope that it will be possible to buy a Lenovo,Computer to meet our urgent need.,Regards,为公司建立良好的形象,sample 2,Internal Memorandum,To:Anne Bell,From: Graham Davis,Date: 21 May 2015,Subject: Office Furniture,We need some comfortable chairs for visitors to go in the managers office.,Can you arrange it?,We need 10 chairs in either beige or dark brown. The maximum you can spend is $ 500.,为公司建立良好的形象,Homework,Write a memo,You are the training manager of a company, which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organize foreign language training for some of your staff.,Write a memo to staff:,explaining why the courses are necessary.,saying which members of staff should attend.,announcing when the courses will start,Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.,为公司建立良好的形象,Some Types of practical writings,Note,Receipt,IOU,Leaving of Words,Note for Leave( note for sick leave/ leave of absence),Notice,E-mail,.,为公司建立良好的形象,Essential Elements:,1. Date,2. Salutation,3. Body,4. Signature,为公司建立良好的形象,Receipt,March 20, 2010,Received from colleague, Li xiaolan the following things:,One laptop,One typewriter,One copier,Annie,为公司建立良好的形象,IOU,To Mr. Anderson,March 10, 2009,I. O. U. three thousand RMB(RMB¥3000), within one year from this date with annual interest rate at three percent(3%).,Annie,为公司建立良好的形象,Leaving of Words,Monday,Dear Li,As National Day is drawing near, I,m very glad to invite you to travel,Lijiang with several other friends of ours on this weekend. I,m sure we will have a very happy time and enjoy this trip very much.,Yours always,Annie,为公司建立良好的形象,Note for Leave,note for sick leave/ leave of absence,To:,From:,Date:,Subject:,Body:,为公司建立良好的形象,note for leave,To: James Green, Manager,From: Judy, Secretary,Date: March 15th, 2008,Subject: note for leave,Dear Mr. James Green,I would like to know if I could ask for a leave for one day March 17th. My sister will return from England. I,d like to meet her at the airport. And I will try my best to finish my work on March 16,th,.,Many thanks. I,m looking forward to your kind answer.,为公司建立良好的形象,note for sick leave,To: Mr. Wang,From: Cheng Liang,Date: Jan. 11th, 2009,Subject: note for sick leave,Dear Mr. Wang,I am terribly sorry that I shall be unable to attend this morning,s two periods of English class due to a bad cold. Enclosed is a certificate from the doctor who said I must stay in bed for a few days. I will go back to school as soon as I recover.,yours respectfully,为公司建立良好的形象,Notice,There will be a board meeting to discuss the question of stock dividends on Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2008, at 2:30 p.m.,All directors and those concerned are requested to meet at the board room of the Head Office on time.,Aug. 8, 2008,The chairman Office,ChengDu Golden Sun Toy Company,为公司建立良好的形象,Oral Notice,Oral English,Salutation:,Boys and girls,Ladies and gentlemen,Comrade and friends,Attention, Please!,You Attention please!,May I have your attention, please?,Ending:,Thank you for listening,为公司建立良好的形象,examples,1. It,s hereby proclaimed that Miss Li was appointed manager of Public Relations Department.,2. It,s hereby announced that the board of directors has decided to dismiss Mr. Wang from the post of chief of the Production Department.,3. The day after tomorrow being the,National Day, there will be no work for three days. Work will be resumed on Oct.4.,为公司建立良好的形象,演讲完毕,谢谢听讲,!,再见,see you again,2024/10/4,为公司建立良好的形象,


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