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Compositions,抄,组,集,连,抓,审,作文,集句成段,组段成篇,审清题意,连词成句,抓住要点,抄写规范,Writing skillssix steps,自从实施教育新政策,中学生有了更多自主支配的时间,但有些同学不知如何利用好这些时间,针对这种现象,你校广播室“校园英语之声”栏目就“如何更好地利用课余时间”进行征文。请你用英语给该栏目写一篇广播稿。内容要点包括:,注意,:100,词左右,广播的开头已给出,不计入总词数,参考词汇,:make good use of,interest groups,social activities,do sports,net bar,不良现象和行为(至少,3,点),1.,花太多时间在兴趣爱好上,2.,迷恋网吧,上网打游,3.,看法,我认为,建议(至少,3,条),合理安排时间,参加兴趣小组,Hello,everybody!Its time again for our,English Broadcasting Program.Todays,topic is“How to Make Better Use of Our,SpareTime”._,中考英语作文优质课件,中考英语作文优质课件,第一步,:,审清题意,认真审题,,明确写作,主题,、,体裁,、,人称,、,字数,、,结构,、,时态,、提示,要点,和,补充信息,具体做法:,用笔勾画,中考英语作文优质课件,中考英语作文优质课件,自从实施教育新政,中学生有了更多自主支配的时间,但有些同学不知如何利用好这些时间,针对这种现象,你校广播室“校园英语之声”栏目就“如何更好地利用课余时间”进行征文。请你用英语给该栏目写一篇广播稿。内容要点包括:,不良现象和行为(至少,3,点),1.,花太多时间在兴趣爱好上,2.,迷恋网吧,上网打游戏,3.,看法,我认为,建议(至少,3,条),合理安排时间,参加兴趣小组,注意,:,100,词左右,广播的开头已给出,不计入总词数,主题,体裁,人称,结构,时态,字数,已知信息,未知信息,以一般现在时为主,中考英语作文优质课件,中考英语作文优质课件,第二步:,列出写作提纲(,Outline,)。,具体做法:,根据段落整理写作要点,不要遗漏要点!,中考英语作文优质课件,中考英语作文优质课件,Introduction,Main body,Conclusion,problems,opinions,suggestions,Write an outline,花太多时间在兴趣爱好上,迷恋网吧,打电脑游戏,-,-,合理安排时间,参加兴趣小组,-,中考英语作文优质课件,中考英语作文优质课件,List some keywords about problems.,Phrases:,_,_,2.List some keywords about opinions.,Phrases:,_,_,3.List some keywords about suggestions.,Phrases:,_,_,第三步:抓住要点,列关键词,中考英语作文优质课件,中考英语作文优质课件,1.List some keywords about problems.,spend too much time on their hobbies,be crazy about,play computer games,watch too much TV,refuse to do homework,2.List some keywords about opinions.,not good for our health and study,do harm to,focus on,Pay more attention to,1.,花太多时间在兴趣爱好上,2.,迷恋网吧,上网打游戏,.,中考英语作文优质课件,中考英语作文优质课件,3.List some keywords about suggestions.,plan time carefully,achieve a balance between study and bobbies,take part in different after-school activities,join interest groups,do some sports,do some housework,合理安排时间,参加兴趣小组,中考英语作文优质课件,中考英语作文优质课件,spend too much time on their hobbies,refuse to do homework,watch too much TV,be crazy about,play computer games,Whats worse,1.Make sentences with the keywords about problems.,so,that,Many students spend much time on their hobbies,they cant finish their homework on time.,some of them watch too much TV,others students often go to the net bar,and are crazy about playing computer games.,Nowadays,we students have much more free time,than before,.,But,quite a number of students dont,know how to use the time properly.,We dont think its good for their study and health.,2.Make sentences with the keywords about opinions.,第四步:连词成句,第五步:集句成段,组段成篇,中考英语作文优质课件,中考英语作文优质课件,第五步:集句成段,组段成篇,we can plan our time carefully and try our best to achieve a balance between our study and hobbies.can set up and join different kinds of interest groups,and take part in some good social activities.we can do some sports.If we have time,we should help parents do some housew,ork.,However,how can we make better use of our,spare time?,For example,Besides these,And also,we,We,注意添加主题句,连接词!,plan time carefully,achieve a balance between study and bobbies,take part in different after-school activities,join interest groups,do some sports,do some housework,3.Make sentences with the keywords about,suggestions.,There are many things we can do.,中考英语作文优质课件,中考英语作文优质课件,How to give this writing an end?,Lets make better use of our free time and,make our life rich and colorful,!,Why not put our free time to better use?It is a good,way to have a more colorful future.,中考英语作文优质课件,中考英语作文优质课件,范文展示,Hello,everybody!Its time again for our English Broadcasting Program.Todays topic is“How to Make Better Use of Our Spare Time”.,Nowadays,we students have much more free time than before,.,But,quite a number of students dont know how to use the time properly.They spend so much time on their hobbies that they cant finish their homework on time.,Also,some of them watch too much TV,Whats worse,some students often go to the net bar and are crazy about playing computer games.We dont think its good for their study and health.,However,how can we make better use of our spare time?,There are many things we can do.,For example,we can plan our tim


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