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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Welcome to our class,Module 3,My school,Unit 1,There are thirty students in my class,.,Learn the new wordsPassage 91,computer,furniture,picture,television=TV,wall,Look at the pictures and say.,thir,ty,nine,ty,six,ty,seven,ty,eigh,ty,for,ty,fif,ty,Find out the numbers.,What school are you in?,I am in,Zhong,Shan Middle School.,Leading in,What class are you in?,Im in Class Five.,How many students are there in your class?,There are 75 students in my class,.,Is there,a TV in your classroom?,Yes,there is,Are there,any pictures in our classroom?,No,there arent.,Lets know something about,Damings,and Lindas classrooms,1.There are thirty students in Lindas class.,3.There is a map of the world in Lindas class.,T,F,2.There are twenty students in,Damings,class.,F,Listen and answer the questions(True or Fault),Class,Number,of students,Pictures,Type of,map,Lindas class,Damings,class,30,40,There are pictures,at the front of,classroom.,There arent,any pictures,A map of,England,A map of,the world,Read the dialogue and complete the table.,1.,Read the dialogue loudly and recite the dialogue by yourselves,.,2.,Check the recitation,(课文背诵),Homework:,例如:,1.,There are,thirty students in my class.,2.But,there is,a computer on the,teachers desk.,3.,Theres,a map of the world in our,classroom.,4.But,there arent,any pictures on our,walls.,找出对话3中含有there be结构的陈述句。,例如:,1.,Is there,a lot of,furture,?,2.,Are there,computers on everyones,desk?,3.,Are there,any pictures on the,classroom walls?,4.And,is there,a map of the map?,请找出对话3中的there be结构的,一般疑问句.,1.,在墙上有一幅地图。,There _ a map on the wall.,2.,在我们班有,40,名学生。,There _ 40 students in our class.,3.,在我的桌子上有一台电脑。,_ _ a computer on my desk.,4.,在你的桌子上有一些书。,_ _ some books on your desk.,is,are,There is,There are,练一练:,1.,Whats like?,这个句型用来询问,“,是什么样?”,例如:,Whats an elephant like?,大象是什么样子的?,Language points:,2.,at the front of,表示“在,的最前面”。,in the front of,表示“在,的前面”。,(在里面内部的前面),in front of,表示“在,的前面”,.,(在外面的前面),3.,s,所有格表示所属关系,意为“,的”。,例如:,teachers desk,4.,a lot of+,n.,表示“许多的,大量的”。,there be,结构表示在某地有某人或某物。,there be,结构中的,be,与后面紧跟着的名词,保持单复数的一致。,例如:,There,is,some,water,in the bottle.,there be,结构的否定句是在,be,后加,not.,其缩写形式为,:is not=isnt,are not=arent,Grammar:,Is there a blackboard in the classroom?,Yes,there is.,看图回答问题:,Is there a map of the world on the wall?,Yes,there is.,Are there any computers in the classroom?,Yes,there are.,Are there any televisions in the library?,No,there arent.,How many students are there in your class?,There are 30 students in my class.,How many pictures are there on the wall?,There is one picture on the wall.,How many?,Numbers,desks,televisions,students,blackboards,pictures,computers,30,做调查。要求用how many来提问,调查你班的情况。,用,there be,结构描述你理想的班级。,A:How manyare there in your,classroom?,B:There are,A:Is there a,B:Yes,there is./No,there isnt.,A:Are there?,B:Yes,there are./,No,there arent.,s,o,me,are,cl,a,ssroom,comput,er,teach,er,g,ir,l th,ir,ty,Listen and repeat:,Listen and repeat the numbers.,twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety,seventy,thirty,forty-six,fifty,sixty,twenty-one,eighty,ninety,forty,twenty,21,70,60,46,90,80,50,20,30,40,Match the words with the numbers.,there be,结构中的,be,的单复数取决于后面紧跟的名词。,there be,结构的疑问句是把,be,提前。,some,在否定句和疑问句中要变为,any,。,本课小结:,1.There,somewater inthebottle.,A.is B.are C.be D.am,2.Therearent,birdsinthesky.,some B.a C.an D.any,3._there apen inthebox?,am B.is C.are D.be,A,D,B,练一练:,4.Howmany,arethere inthe,classroom?,boy B.boys C.girl D.student,5.There _ a lot of tall buildings in the city.,A.is B.am C.are D.be,B,C,课后准备一个对话,介绍你理想的,。,Homework:,


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