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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 12 Lesson 1,Visiting Britain,Teaching Objectives,(教学目标),1,To practise reading a text and improve students reading ability.(,练习阅读,提高阅读能力,),2 To learn the culture and customs and new concepts about the UK(,了解英国的生活方式和价值观念),3 To practise expressing ideas and writing sentences and articles,(,能恰当地说出和写出文章中的好句子,能复述并写出短的文章,),Step 1 Words in this lesson(2mins),owe(vt)apology(n)absorb(vt),欠债,道歉,认错 吸收,brief(adj)expectation(n)exchange(vt),短暂的 预期 交换,wander(vi)tasty(adj)foggy(adj),漫步 美味的 多雾的,majority(n)anyhow(adv)reasonable(adj),大多数 无论如何 合理的,Step 2 lead in,导入,(2mins),The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.,Big Ben London The UK,Afternoon tea,national flower,rose,Step 3 Fast-reading,泛读,(7mins),Part One,(para1),Part Two,(para2-6),Part Three,(para7),Xiaojins advice on food,tipping,money,accommodation and British humour,a reason for finishing the letter,Xiaojins stay in Britain&saying welcome to Aunt Mei,Step 4 Careful Reading,精读,(8mins),Read the text again and answer the questions,1 Why does the writer call London an International City?,2 When do you need to tip in London?,3 Where does the writer suggest his aunt stay if she come here?Why?,4What does the text mainly introduce?,1.,Why does the writer call London an International City?,Because there are people from all over the world living there.,2.When do you need to tip in London?,When“service not included”is on the restaurant bill.,3.,Where does the writer suggest his aunt stay if she come here?Why?,He suggests she staying in the English countryside for a few nights.As he know she enjoys hiking.,_,_,_,_,money,_,_,food,Accommodation,humour,tipping,4.,What does the text mainly introduce?,Para1 I certainly _ you _for not writing more often.,(,owe sb sth,欠某人某物),Para2 Id tell you a bit about _you can_.,(,expect to do sth,期望做某事),Para5 I think we should _in the English countryside for a few nights as I know you_,(consider doing sth,考虑做某事,enjoy doing,喜欢做某事,),Para6 _are really friendly and I have_,(,the majority of,大多数的,-make friends,交朋友),Step 5,Fill these sentences and remember them.,填词学句,(8mins),Para1 I certainly,owe you an apology,for not writing more often.,Para2 Id tell you a bit about,what you can expect to find.,Para5 I think we should,consider staying,in the English countryside for a few nights as I know you,enjoy hiking,.,Para6,The majority of them,are really friendly and I have,made some good friends.,Step 5,Fill these sentences and remember them.,填词学句,(8mins),In group,Retell the,text,Discuss the main idea,of the text,小组讨论,总结 复述,Step 6 Discussion&Retell(8mins),Check your bill to see if a tip is included,Stay in the countryside,wander through the fields,They find the strangest things funny,Culture shock,food,money,humor,accommodation,tipping,Chinese restaurant,get used to bacon,eggs and toast,exchange cheques,I m so happy you are coming to visit me in London.I,find,it is such an,international,city.,There are,lots of Chinese restaurant here.Besides,it is easy to,exchange,travellers cheques.Something that always,confusing,me is tipping.If you want to,avoid getting confused,you should always,check,your bills.When you come here,you should,consider staying,in the English countryside as you,enjoying hiking,.,One last thing,the humor of British,is different from,us,they may find the strangest things funny.,Anyway,I cant,wait to,see you here.,Brief summary,本课小结,1,目标呈现,2,单词复习,3,三维导入,4,泛读大意,5,精读细节,6,填词学句,7,讨论心得,8,口述概括,9,书写成文,Homework of today,According to your discussion,write a summary about this text.,(100words),Thank you!,


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