unit 2Daily Verbal Communication (I)跨文化交际复习指导资料

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1 The Keys to Exercises,A.1-5 T F F T T,6-10 T T F T F,C.,1.,园林工人,2.,理发师,3.,清道夫,/,清洁工,4.,补鞋匠,1,E.1.,a)No.Ignoring others suggestion is impolite and offensive.,b)Yes.When you try something new,it may be difficult at first.After a while,you will get accustomed to it.,c)Yes.You could learn about others customs by asking for cultural explanations.You could ask,for example,a teacher:“Would you mind if I use your last name?”In my country,it is polite for students to use their teachers last name.,2,E.2.1),a)No.Even if this was true,she wouldnt expect a wife to say this about her own husband.To her,the Japanese woman insulted her own husband.,b)No.Even if this was true,she wouldnt expect the Japanese woman to compare their husbands appearance.,c)Yes.A statement like this about ones spouse in the U.S.would be considered very disrespectful.If an American woman said this about her husband,people might think that they didnt have a good relationship.,3,E.2.2),a)No.This would not be a Japanese way for a wife to say that she didnt like her husband.,b)Yes.In Japan,a person would be considered boastful and not modest enough if he or she complimented his or her family members in front of others.Instead,some Japanese(particularly those who are more traditional)might say something slightly negative just to show that they are being modest and not overly proud.,c)No.See b).,4,Case Study,In the United States,public criticism is one of a number of techniques that can be used quite effectively to change personnels behavior.In the world of Islam,however,where the preservation of dignity and self-respect is absolutely essential,public reprimand will be totally counterproductive.If Arabs feel that they have suffered a loss of personal dignity because they have been criticized in public,they take it as a dishonor to both themselves and their families.And when Sam insisted on using this“motivational”technique,the individual at whom the reprimand was directed was not only hurt for the open humiliation but also loses the respect of fellow workers witnessing it.,5,Unit 2,Daily Verbal Communication(I),7,Objectives,Learn the differnces of addressing people and greeting between Chinese and western culture.,Learn what are the topics at the beginning of the conversation.,Learn how to visit someone and how to leave.,8,Verbal communication,Definition of VC,VC takes place when,VC takes place when,VC refers to the communication that is carried out either in oral or in written form with the use of words,.,university students are composing an article,finishing a professors assignment on campus,the employees are writing a report t to their managers in a company by email.,people are chatting with their friends,discussing an issue in a group,or making a public speech.,9,Attributes of verbal communication,can keep and,disseminate information.,can express all kinds of ideas we want to express,can be more clarified and efficient than other ways.,Attributes,Attributes,10,CONTENTS,I.Warm-up cases,II.Detailed Study:,Addressing People,Greetings,Initiating Conversations,Visiting Someone,Partings,III.Case Study,IV.Summary,V.Assignments,11,Case 1.Twelve cups of tea,I.Warm-up cases,Question 2:,How could you help“I”in this case,out of the awkward situation?,Question 1:,Why did I have 12 cups of tea?,12,Case 2.Have you had your lunch?/Where are you going?,Chinese,Westerners,normal,A greeting,offended,An invasion of privacy,13,II.Detailed Study,1.Addressing People,Discuss the differences in addressing people between English and Chinese cultures.,Addressing People,Name order:,He Xiangu Linda Smith,*Smith*Miss Linda*Teacher He*Teacher,Aunt Mary Uncle Joe,Brother Joseph Sister Anne,Addressing by title,office,profession:,*Principal Morris *Manager Jackson*Bureau Director Wang,Doctor Brown Mayor White,Prof.Lessing Nurse Liu,Captain Fan Colonel Yu,15,Decide the following addresses are right or not.,He Xiangu Andrew Lewis,He,Xiansheng,Mr.Lewis,He Xiangu,Andrew,Xiangu,Andy,Gu,Lewis,He,jingli,Mr.Andrew,He,tongzhi,Teacher Lewis,He,xiaozhang,Principal Lewis,He,laoshi,Professor Lewis,He,yisheng,Doctor Lewis/Doctor,16,How to address people?,Acquaintance,Mr.Ms.,or Mrs.+surname,VIP,Title+full name/surname,Ambassador,大使,Doctor,博士,Duke,公,爵,Marquis or Marquess,侯,爵,Count or Earl,伯,爵,Viscount,子,爵,Baron,男,爵,Stranger,Mr.Madam,(only use the word,Sir,if he is much older than you or you dont know his surname but he is a VIP),Young people,Young man Young Lady,Kid(s)Young Master(,小王子,),17,Summary of addressing people,Chinese,English,Formal Relationship/Situation,Surname+Title,Title+Surname,Neutral Relationship/,Situation,Surname+Title,Title+Surname,Given Name,Close Relationship/,Informal Situation,Given Name,Given Name,18,How to express,fu,+title?,vice,professor,deputy,assistant,associate,director,president,manager,Please match the following two groups.,19,Tips:,行政头衔,以“副”字的表示副职的行政职务头衔,可用,vice,、,deputy


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