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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Welcome to our class,Teaching aims:,1.Grasp,Reading Strategy,on how to read an interview.,2.Read an interview on,happiness,and learn how to,stay happy,in difficult times.,3.Learn,how to i,nterview,a person,.,Brainstorming:,What does happiness mean,What is happiness to the cat?,Eating fish every day.,What is happiness to the dog?,Eating meat every day.,What is happiness to Ultraman?,Protecting people from being attacked by monsters and safeguard,ing,world peace.,W,in,ning,the games and bring,ing,honour,to the country and the team,What is happiness to these people?,What is happiness to you?,Playing computer games.,Having no classes every day.,Having no homework.,Having much money.,Passing an exam or get a high score.,Winning the classmates respect or the teachers praise.,.,.,Who is,she,?,Sang,Lan,Learn something about,her from Reading.,The search for happiness,For Sang,Lan,happiness means,An interview takes place when one person()asks another person()a series of questions on the topic.,interviewer,interviewee,An interview,Reading,strategy,the first paragraph,Introduce _ of the interview,who the,_ is and what he does.,How to read an interview,the topic,interviewee,Interviewer:,Interviewee:,Host,Dr.Brain,Topic:,Happiness,Find the related information(1),How to read an interview(2),the following,paragraphs,Fully understand the,_.,Pay attention to the,summary,of the _ of the topic.,questions,background,What are,the questions,that the host asks Dr Brain?,(3),Can you tell us a little bit about Sang,Lan,and who she is?,How old was she when this happened?,And how has Sang,Lan,adapted to her new life?,1.How did Sang,Lan,get injured?,At the Goodwill Games in 1998,when Sang,Lan,was practicing,she fell to the gymnastics mat and got injured.,2.How did Sang,Lan,stay positive?,By keeping busy.,Skimming,()1.The topic of the TV interview,was the story of Sang,Lan,.()2.Dr Brain studies happiness.,()3.Sang,Lan,became a gymnast,when she was eleven years old.,()4.Sang,Lan,was injured in China,in 1998,while practicing for,the Goodwill Games.,F,F,T,F,True or False,the search for happiness,six,New York,Careful reading,()5.Before her accident,Sang,Lans,best event was the vault.,()6.Sang,Lan,broke her legs and,will never walk again.,()7.Leonardo,DiCaprio,visited Sang,Lan,in the hospital.,()8.Sang,Lan,believes doing no,work keeps her happy.,F,F,T,T,neck,keeping,busy helps her to stay positive,Happiness,Being surrounded by family and friends,Achieving success in something,A day without suffering or just being alive,(Those who have been injured or struggle with a physical disability),Read,Para 1,to find out what happiness is.(3),1.,2.,3.,Reading Comprehension,Read,Para 5,to find the related information.(3),Before the accident,hospital,Now/After leaving hospital,Happy,and,successful,in her sport,Cheerful,Find,happiness,through reaching much smaller goals and through the love of the people around,her.,While in,What kind of life did/does Sang,Lan,live?,File,(档案),Name,Sang,Lan,Birth year,photo,Birth,Place,Best event,Personality,Experiences:,1981,Ningbo,China,the vault,energetic,happy and hard-working,1987(at 6),1991,1998(at 17),Read,Para 7&8,to complete SLs file.,She began learning gymnastics.,She started winning competitions.,She made a mistake while practicing vaults.,She fell and broke her neck.,Read,Para 10,to complete the table.(10),Many(1)_ visitors like Leonardo DiCaprio went to(2)_ her up.,She was always in good(3)_ and thought about(4)_ she could do to get better.,She was happy for her teammates(5)_ and was proud of the things she had(6)_.,Hearing she would never be a gymnast,she was able to overcome her(7)_ and felt thankful to be(8)_ and(9)_ to have the rest of her life to(10)_new things.,While in hospital,famous,cheer,spirits,what,successes,accomplished,sorrow,alive,lucky,learn,Describe Sang,Lans,personality,Personality of Sang,Lan,brave,courageous,optimistic,hard-working,determined,considerate,考虑周到的,能体谅人的,体贴的,Before,going to hospital,happiness means,_,While,staying in hospital,happiness means,_,_,After,leaving hospital,she finds happiness through,_,To,SangLan,Conclusion,devotingtoworkingand making,being alive and,having the rest,reachingand having the love,1.What is happiness to Sang Lan?,2.What does the example of Sang Lan show us?,It shows how people can find happiness even during times of a personal catastrophe.,3.In the opinion of Sang Lan,whats the secret,to happiness for many people?,The secret is to have appreciation,for good things in life and to focus,on goals.,Being(1)_ in her sport when she was young,Being described as(2)_,happy and hard-working,Working towards something special,Trying to make her parents take(3)_in her,Being in good(5)_,She was also happy for her teammates successes and was proud of her(6)_.,Feeling thankful to be alive,and lucky to have the rest of her life to learn new things,(7)_ from Peking University,(8)_ a sports programme about the 2008 Beijing Olympi


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