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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/2/22,#,英语中三大从句的功能辨析,高三年级英语学科,答题步骤及策略,第一步,:,分析结构,若句中有两个句子,(,有两个主谓结构,),且两句之间没有句号、分号,也没有并列连词,第二步,:,根据两句之间的意义,逻辑关系或句式结构来确定需不需要补充出并列连词,(,and,but,or,so,yet,witheror),第三步,:,若无需补充并列连词,那么必定要填主从复合句的连接词,第四步,:,找出主句的谓语动词,根据从句在主句中充当的成分,判断从句种类,第五步,:,再根据从句里所缺成分和句子意义,选填正确的连接词。,易错点辨析,04,易错点列表,What,在名从中,的用法,名从中,what,和,which,的区别,名从中,what,和,how,的区别,表原因时,why,和,that,的区别,定从中,that,和,which,的区别,1.,What,只存在,于,名从中,,用法如下:,Could you tell Jill _she should bring to the meeting tomorrow?(2018,北京东城第一学期期末,4),_ bothers me is that the young man seems to know a bit too much.(2017,北京朝阳第一学期期中,30),The poor young man is ready to accept,_,help he can get.,-What a mess!You are always so lazy!,-Im not to blame,mum.I am _ you have made me.,It is uncertain _,_,side effect the medicine will bring about,although about two thousand patients have taken it.,什么,(,东西,),what,什么,(,事情,),what,不管什么样子的,whatever,什么,(,人,),what,什么样子的,what,What,只存在于名词性从句,2),从句中缺主语、宾语或定语等连接代词能做的成分,3),表达“什么”的意思,不管是什么,(,人,),还是什么,(,事物,),或者,表达“什么样子的”的意思,不管是什么,(,人,),还是什么,(,事物,),1.,What,用法规律总结:,2.,名从中,what,和,which,的区别,_,they need is a good textbook.,There are so many books here.I dont know,_,one I should buy for my sister.,What,which,What,可在从句中充当主语、宾语和定语,意为,:,什么,(,东西、人,),,什么样子的,(,东西、人,),Which,在从句中充当定语,意为,:,哪一个,,,指代前文所提范围内的事物,或人。,3.,名从中,what,和,how,的区别,Parentsaretaughttounderstand_importanteducationistotheirchildrensfuture.,The shocking news made me realize _,a,terrible problem we would face.,what,how,3.,The shocking news made me realize _,terrible problem,s,we would face.,what,5.,表原因时,why,和,that,的区别,1.,We,arent,going,for,the,simple,reason,_,we,cant,afford,it,.,2.,I dont know the reason _ she looks unhappy today.,3.,Up to now there have been different explanations for,_,natural selection makes autumn colors so widespread,4.,The reason we were late is,_,there was an accident on,the,road.,why,why,that,that,名从,:,同位语从句,定语从句,名从,:,宾语从句,名从,:,表语从句,4.,定从中,that,和,which,的区别,This is the,longest,bridge,_,I have ever seen.,I happened to be,the thousandt,h,guest,_,visited the great hotel.,He talked about,the teachers and schools,_,he had visited.,He is the,very,person,_,the police are looking for.,Is there,anything,_,you dont understand?,All,_,glitters is not gold.,Which,is the bag,_,you lost?,He failed in the exam,_,surprised us all.,Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon_ school education depends.,that,that,that,that,that,that,that,which,which,思考:,that/which/what/how/why,,在名从和定从中用法对比,在从句中充当成分,意义,that,名从,不做成分,无意义,定从,主语、宾语,代指先行词,which,名从,定语,哪一个,定从,主语、宾语,代指先行词,what,名从,主语、宾语、定语,什么,(,事物,/,人,),什么样子的,(,事物,/,人,),定从,how,名从,状语,怎么样、如何、多么,定从,why,名从,状语,为什么,定从,状语,为什么,综合语篇练一练,附,Exercise,1(17,年东城期末 完型改编,),At twelve,my life had a huge breakdown.It was then that,I developed OCD(,强迫症,),1)_ in turn led to depression.One autumn evening,I hit rock bottom.I even thought about suicide to end the pain.But a picture of a smiling little girl,wearing her red soccer uniform and holding a bike helmet,caught my eye.It took me a few minutes to realize 2)_ the girl in the photo was.The photo had been taken when I was seven years old.I almost couldnt believe that smiling child was me.I felt a chill go down my spine.It was like my younger self had sent me a message.Right then and there I knew I couldnt kill myself.Once I had been a strong little girl,and I had to become strong like that again.,It has been two years 3)_ I rediscovered myself.The real reason I am healed is 4)_ I took action and refused to let depression ruin my life.Ive learned a lifelong lesson:Never give up.Everyone has challenges in life,but everyone can survive.I am living proof of that.,Now I am prepared for 5)_ challenges life may bring.I have a role model who,is guiding me through life and giving me strength.My hero is a seven-year-old girl,smiling back at me from a photo on my desk.,which,who,since,that,whatever,Exercise,2(19,年朝阳期末 七选五改编,),Many people are crazy about a particular sports team.They are big fans and seem to connect their own identity to their chosen team.,Identity consists of things like gender,personality,abilities,and social groups.The groups we belong to shape our identity.Related to this is the theory developed by Henri Tajfel and John Turner.They suggested 1)_ we naturally classify people into groups.In knowing who we are,we may more closely identify with our social group than with our gender group.We also decide 2)_ group we belong to,based on different aspects of our identity.According to the theory,our self-esteem3)_ we think of ourselvesis reflected in the group we belong to.That leads to the fact 4)_ we want our group to be seen more positively than other groups.For example,we naturally protect the group we belong to,while making other groups less important.We think highly of the team we support,5)_ we may add negative comments about an opposing team.,that,which,what,that,while,三大从句复习建议,养成良好的做题习惯,审清题、按步走、有条理,正确答案跑不了。,加强语篇意识,上下文线索不能忘,知识系统化网络化,


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