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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 5 Listening,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 5 Speaking,Unit 5,Visiting the Moon,Listening,Modern hotel,What places are there in a hotel?,cinema,garden,shops,sports room,exercise,machines,restaurant,The,Space Hotel,If we travel to space,where will we live?,Do you know,the,space hotel?,The space,hotel is different from the modern hotel.The space hotel is located in the space.,In the space hotel,y,ou will,be close to the space and,have a deeper understanding,about the space,.,Do y,ou want to stay in the,space,hotel?,Part II Pre-Listening,New words,garden n.,花园,rock n,.,岩石,postcard n.,明信片,machine n.,机器,Role play,Now,We are working in the space hotel called,Little Star Hotel,.We are all the stuff(,员工,)in this hotel.,Each group manages,(经营,管理),1 place.,Kiki,is,the CEO,.,The group leaders are,managers.,Group 1 Cinema stuff,Group 2 .,.,Your task is to,provide,the best service,(服务),for,customers,(顾客),.,Step 1.Know about the basic information,(基本信息),of different places in our hotel.,Finish the exercise on textbook.,To complete notes,you should:,Read the notes carefully and get a general idea.,Pay attention to the key words,such as the,names of buildings.,Listen to the time carefully.,If not,listen clear,ly,try,to,g,uess,the meaning,.,Cinema,Tomorrow:an exciting film about space.Times:_ p.m.and _ p.m.,Moon Garden,Grows _ for our restaurant.Open form 2 p.m.to 5 p.m.,3,8,food,Shops,Buy great things such as _ rocks and space postcards.Open from _ a.m.to 6 p.m.,Space Room,The best place to watch _ and see the Earth.Open all day.Tomorrow:fly over _ at 9 a.m.,Moon,11,space,China,Sports Room,Good exercise machines and _ games for children.Open from 10 a.m.to _ p.m.,Start Restaurant,The best restaurant in space.Come for a big _.Open from 7,a.m.to 11 p.m.,fun,3,meal,Step 2.Find out the information of your place.Try to write down on your paper.,Tapescript,(A robot is talking about the Space Hotel.),Welcome to the Space Hotel.You can visit the,following places:,Cinema.Tomorrow,the cinema is going to show an,exciting film about space.Film times are 3 p.m.and,8 p.m.,Moon Garden.Youll love this beautiful garden.It,also grows food for our restaurant.Its open from 2,p.m.to 5 p.m.,Shops.You can buy great things such as Moon rocks,and space postcards.The shops are open from 11 a.m.,to 6 p.m.,Space Room.Open all day,the Space Room is the,best place to watch space and see the Earth.Tomorrow at 9 a.m.,well fly over China.,Sports Room.Youll find many good exercise,machines and fun games for children here.The Sports Room is open from 10 a.m.to 3 p.m.,Star Restaurant.Enjoy a big meal at the best,restaurant in space.Its open from 7 a.m.to 11 p.m.,Step 3.,Group work.,Complete your painting a,ccording to the information you write.,Share your painting with the class in,2,minutes.,学生的画,Step 4.Make a plan.,Meet at:_ How:_ How long:_,Time,Where to go and what to do,8 a.m.,Have breakfast in the Star Restaurant,9 a.m.,Watch_,10 a.m.,Visit_,_,_,A:when are we going to meet?,B:We are going to meet at.,A:How are we going to get there?,B:We are going to get there by.,A:How long will it take to get there,?,B:It will take us about.,A:What about our plan?,B:We are going to have breakfast in the Star Restaurant at 8 a.m.At 9 a.m.,we are going to.,A:When are we going to meet?B:We are going to meet at.,A:How are we going to get there?B:We are going to get there by.,A:How long will it take to get there,?,B:It will take us about.,A:What about our plan?,B:We are going to have breakfast in the Star Restaurant at 8 a.m.At 9 a.m.,we are going to.,Share your plan!,We are going to have breakfast in the Star Restaurant at 8 a.m.,At 9 a.m.,we are going to.,Part V Review,一,.,根据句意及所给单词的中文提示写出所缺单词,注意其形式。,1.He wants to buy a house with a beautiful,_(,花园,).,2.You can see lots of _(,岩石,)on the mountain.,3.Uncle Lee always sends _(,明信片,)to his friends when he goes travelling.,4.Washing _(,机器,)can help housewives wash clothes.,5.There are lots of stars and planets in _(,太空,).,garden,rocks,postcards,machines,space,二,.,根据中文意思完成句子。,1.,欢迎光临白云宾馆!祝您入住愉快!,_ _ Baiyun Hotel!Have a pleasant stay!,2.,这个书店每天的营业时间是从早上,9,点至晚上,8,点。,The bookshop is open _ 9 a.m._ 8 p.m.,every day.,3.,我有许多爱好,例如弹吉他、游泳和唱歌。,I have many hobbies,_ _ playing the,guitar,swimming and singing.,4.,广州塔是观赏广州全城的最佳地方。,Canton Tower is _ _ _ _,watch the whole city of Guangzhou.,from to,such as,Welcome to,the best place to,Unit 5,Visiting the Moon,Speaking,Part I Lead-in,挑战自己,请快速朗读下面的绕口令。,Round and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran.,Part II Pre-Learning,Talk time,Read the words after the tape.,Part III While-Learning,Pay attention to these words.Read them aloud.,f,ir,st,g,ir,l,th,ir,ty,h,ur,t,n,ur,se,p,ur,ple,w,or,d,w,or,k,w,or,ker,c,er,tainly,h,er,n,er,vous,ear,ly,ear,th,l,ear,n,Pay attention to these words.,Read them aloud.,/,l,/,/,r,/,/,h,/,l,ead,r,ead,h,ead,l,ight,r,ight,h,eight,l,oad,r,oad,h,old,litt,l,e,r,ow,h,ow,Pay attention to these words.Read them


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