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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,What steps do you take to reduce downtime?,Current Situation Questions,Capability Questions,1. What actions do you take to troubleshoot systems?,How much time is spent troubleshooting or replacing & configuring complex I/O devices, like a damaged drive? How often do your people connect to a system and find out that they dont have program documentation? Does this cause additional resources to get involved? How much does an hour of downtime in lost production cost? Do you incur overtime costs for extra hours needed to troubleshoot systems?,Measure # % $ E,2.,When changes are made to a production run, how do you modify & store parameters?,How often are changes made to production runs, such as packaging size, labelers, etc.?,What is the average amount of time it takes to configure the devices correctly and get back on line? How much time is lost due to incorrectly configuring the device, or not having the correct configuration information available? How much does an hour of machine downtime cost?,Measure # % $ E,3.,Are you ever down due to a lack of spare parts?,What additional time do parts shortages add to your total downtime? How do you know if you have the correct compliment of spare parts available?,What is the turnaround on getting spare parts?,Do you feel there is obsolete material present in your inventory? What are your costs associated with the obsolescence?,Measure # % $ E,Recap:,“So your current situation is”,Confirm Solution:,“If you had (capabilities)could you then (achieve goal)?”,What specific capabilities are you looking for?,1. Event:,Question:,Player:,Action:,When a problem occurs in your production system,would it help if,your maintenance engineers,could identify the problem by accessing one central data table and take corrective action without retrieving multiple programs and multiple copies of documentation, so that the system is fully functional?,When a change occurs in a production run (such as packaging,size or labeling),would it be helpful if,your control engineer,could make a copy of the existing system from a central computer, make modifications, and apply new parameters to all drives without connecting to each drive separately?,W,hen planning spare parts stocking,would it help if,an Asset Management professional,could identify, document and recommend parts requirements based upon statistical analysis of your installed base of equipment and Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) data so that you have the right spare parts when needed,?,2. Event,Question:,Player:,Action:,Solution Development Prompter,Title:,Plant Manager,Goal:,Reduce unscheduled downtime,Offering:,Integrated Architecture; Asset Management,3. Event:,Question:,Player:,Action:,解决方案开发步骤,SDP左侧,当采购权力人物 分享一个目标后, 请他们描述他们目前的方法。,询问勾画你的产品的诊断性问题。,总结目前的情况并取得采购权力人物的认可。,SDP右侧,询问采购权力人物,他们能采取什么行动以达到他们的目标。,提出问题将对产品使用的想象 (你的想法)转变为能力 (采购权力人物的想法)。,询问采购权力人物,他们是否具备达到目标的所有能力, 他们能否达到他们的目标。如果他们的回答是肯定的,则你已然创建了一套 “解决方案”。,55,你采取什么样的步骤减少停工时间?,目前的情况和问题,能力 问题,1.,你采取什么行动来排除系统故障?,排除故障或更换和设置复杂的输入/输出装置,如一个损坏的设备要花费多少时间?有多少次你的员工连接到一个系统后发现他们没有项目资料?这会消耗另外的资源吗?停工一小时造成的生产成本消耗是多少?排除系统故障产生的加班成本是多少?,量度 # % $ E,2.,当一个生产过程发生变化时你如何修改或保存参数?生产过程发生变化的次数多吗?比如包装尺寸、标签等? 正确对设备进行设置并恢复生产的平均时间是多长?不正确地设置或没有正确的设置信息会损失多长时间?停工一小时造成的生产成本消耗是多少?,度量 # % $ E,3.,你曾经因为缺少备件而停工吗?配件的缺乏使你损失了多少工时?你如何知道你是否有对现有备件的正确评价?获得备件所需要的时间多长?你认为在你的库存中有废弃的材料吗?与废弃材料相关的成本是多少?,度量 # % $ E,概括:,“因此你的目前的 情况 是”,确认 解决方案:,“假使你具备 (能力)你能够 (达到目标)?”,你在寻求什么样的特殊能力?,1. 事件:,问题:,人物:,动作:,当你的生产 系统出现问题,,如果是否有帮助,你的维修 工程师,能通过访问中央数据表和采取纠正措施而无须补救多个程序和多套资料拷贝便能发现问题,这样系统仍完全正常工作吗。,当生产中发生一个变化时(诸如包装尺寸和贴标签),如果是否有帮助,你的控制工程师,能从中央计算机制作一个备份、作出一个修改和应用新的参数到所有盘中,而无须分开连接到每个盘?,当安排备件的存放时,如果是否有帮助,资产管理专业人士可以在已安装设备基地和平均故障间隔时间的数据分析的基础上进行辨认、记录、并推荐零件的使用要求,你可以在需要的时候获得适当的备件。,2. 事件:,问题:,人物:,动作:,解决方案开发 激励者,职务:,工厂经理,目标:,减少非计划性的停工时间,提供:,完整的组织、资产管理,3. 事件:,问题:,人物:,动作:,What steps do you take to reduce downtime?,Current Situation Questions,Capability Questions,1. What actions do you take to troubleshoot systems?,How much time is spent troubleshooting or replacing & configuring complex I/O devices, like a damaged drive? How often do your people connect to a system and find out that they dont have program documentation? Does this cause additional resources to get involved? How much does an hour of downtime in lost production cost? Do you incur overtime costs for extra hours needed to troubleshoot systems?,Measure # % $ E,2.,When changes are made to a production run, how do you modify & store parameters?,How often are changes made to production runs, such as packaging size, labelers, etc.?,What is the average amount of time it takes to configure the devices correctly and get back on line? How much time is lost due to incorrectly configuring the device, or not having the correct configuration information available? How much does an hour of machine downtime cost?,Measure # % $ E,3.,Are you ever down due to a lack of spare parts?,What additional time do parts shortages add to your total downtime? How do you know if you have the correct compliment of spare parts available?,What is the turnaround on getting spare parts?,Do you feel there is obsolete material present in your inventory? What are your costs associated with the obsolescence?,Measure # % $ E,Recap:,“So your current situation is”,Confirm Solution:,“If you had (capabilities)could you then (achieve goal)?”,What specific capabilities are you looking for?,1. Event:,Question:,Player:,Action:,When a problem occurs in your production system,would it help if,your maintenance engineers,could identify the problem by accessing one central data table and take corrective action without retrieving multiple programs and multiple copies of documentation, so that the system is fully functional?,When a change occurs in a production run (such as packaging,size or labeling),would it be helpful if,your control engineer,could make a copy of the existing system from a central computer, make modifications, and apply new parameters to all drives without connecting to each drive separately?,W,hen planning spare parts stocking,would it help if,an Asset Management professional,could identify, document and recommend parts requirements based upon statistical analysis of your installed base of equipment and Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) data so that you have the right spare parts when needed,?,2. Event,Question:,Player:,Action:,Solution Development Prompter,Title:,Plant Manager,Goal:,Reduce unscheduled downtime,Offering:,Integrated Architecture; Asset Management,3. Event:,Question:,Player:,Action:,6. Confirm,3. Confirm,2. Diagnose,5. Diagnose,(Prescribe),4. Frame,1. Frame,GO TO PAGE _ IN THE ROLE-PLAY SECTION,Skill Practice #1,Basic Solution Development,Sales Process Steps,Solution Development:,Diagnose Current Situation,& Develop Solutions,$ % #,Selling Steps,Discovery Meeting:,Identify Business Goal,Qualify Buying Influence,Champion?,Proof Step?,Key Player Meetings:,Solution Development $ % #,Qualify Opportunity,(Negotiate Sequence of Events),Execute & Manage SOE Steps,Prospecting and,Business Development,Negotiation and Close,你采取什么样的步骤减少停工时间?,目前的情况问题,能力问题,1.,你采取什么行动来排除系统故障?,排除故障或更换和设置复杂的输入/输出装置,如一个损坏的设备要花费多少时间?有多少次你的员工连接到一个系统后发现他们没有项目资料?这会消耗另外的资源吗?停工一小时造成的生产成本消耗是多少?排除系统故障产生的加班成本是多少?,量度 # % $ E,2.,当一个生产过程发生变化时你如何修改或保存参数?生产过程发生变化的次数多吗?比如包装尺寸、标签等? 正确对设备进行设置并恢复生产的平均时间是多长?不正确地设置或没有正确的设置信息会损失多长时间?停工一小时造成的生产成本消耗是多少?,度量 # % $ E,3.,你曾经因为缺少备件而停工吗?配件的缺乏使你损失了多少工时?你如何知道你是否有对现有备件的正确评价?获得备件所需要的时间多长?你认为在你的库存中有废弃的材料吗?与废弃材料相关的成本是多少?,度量 # % $ E,概括:,“因此你的目前的 情况 是”,确认 解决方案:,“假使你具备 (能力)你能够 (达到目标)?”,你在寻求什么样的特殊能力?,1.事件:,问题:,人物:,动作:,当你的生产 系统出现问题,,如果是否有帮助,你的维修 工程师,能通过访问中央数据表和采取纠正措施而无须补救多个程序和多套资料拷贝便能发现问题,这样系统仍完全正常工作吗。,当生产中发生一个变化时(诸如包装尺寸和贴标签),如果是否有帮助,你的控制工程师,能从中央计算机制作一个备份、作出一个修改和应用新的参数到所有盘中,而无须分开连接到每个盘?,当安排备件的存放时,如果是否有帮助,资产管理专业人士可以在已安装设备基地和平均故障间隔时间的数据分析的基础上进行辨认、记录、并推荐零件的使用要求,你可以在需要的时候获得适当的备件。,2.事件:,问题:,人物:,动作:,解决方案开发 激励者,职务:,工厂经理,目标:,减少非计划性的停工时间,提供:,完整的组织、资产管理,3.事件:,问题:,人物:,动作:,6.确认,3. 确认,2. 诊断,5.诊断,(开处方),4.框架,1. 框架,翻到第 _ 页角色表演部分,技术实践 #1,基本解决方案开发,Sales Process Steps,解决方案开发:,诊断目前现状,开发解决方案,$ % #,销售步骤,发现性会议:确认业务目标,认定采购权力人物,倡导者?,验证步骤?,关键人物会议:,解决方案开发 $ % #,机会认定,(事件顺序谈判),执行和管理 SOE 步骤,潜在主顾和业务发展,谈判和结束,Rockwell Automation,Sales,Process Map,Pipeline Stages/Funnel Milestones,Sales Ready Messaging Tools (internal),Call Intro Prompter,Menu of,Goals/,Success,Story,Solution Development Prompter,Call Intro Prompter,Solution Development Prompter,Opportunity Qualification Template,Benefit Summary by Goal,Customer Correspondence (external),Sequence of Events Plan,Implementation Plan,Cost v. Benefit,Success Metrics,Key Player Letter,(5 key components),Meeting Confirmation email,Champion Letter,(5 key components),Sales Call Debrief Questions,Key Player Oppty. Chart,Qualification Decision Prompter,Letter to Confirm Key Player Meetings,Discovery Meeting:,Identify Business Goal,Solution Development:,Diagnose Current Situation & Develop Solutions,$ % #,Qualify Buying Influence,Champion?,Proof Step?,Key Player Meetings:,Solution Development $ % #,Qualify Opportunity,(Negotiate Sequence of Events),Execute & Manage SOE Steps,Prospecting and,Business Development,Sales Process Steps,Negotiation and Close,Negotiating Worksheet,Contract,Evaluating (50%),E,Champion (20%),C,Goal shared (10%),G,Active (0%),A,Verbal (90%) Proposal (10%),V/P/W,Phone Scripts,Prospecting Prompter,Competency Components,Product,Usage,Knowledge,Market,Knowledge,CustomerCentric Selling,Skills,SDP,罗克韦尔自动化销售程序图,目标分享d (10%),G,倡导者 (20%),C,评估 (50%),E,口头的(90%) 提案 (10%),V/P/W,Pipeline 阶段/Funnel 里程碑s,激活 (0%),A,销售,待命通讯工具 (内部),访问介绍,提示,目标菜单/,成功经历,访问记录,组织为潜在,主顾提示,解决方案开发提示,访问介绍,提示,解决方案开发 激励者,机会认定,模版,按目标的利益汇总,客户,对应,(外部),事件计划的顺序,执行 计划,成本v. 利益,成功 规律,关键人物 信函,(5个关键组成部分),会议 确认 email,倡导者信函,(5个关键组成部分),销售访问,小结问题,关键人物,机会图,资质决定,提示,确认关键人物 会议的,信函,发现性,会议:,发现业务 目标,解决方案开发:,诊断目前的 情况 & 开发 解决方案,$ % #,认定采购,权力人物,倡导者?,证据步骤?,关键人物,会议:,解决方案开发 $ % #,认定机会,(事件的谈判 顺序),执行 & 管理SOE步骤,潜在主顾和,业务发展,销售程序步骤,谈判和关闭,谈判 工作表,合同,能力的组成部分,产品,使用,知识,市场,知识,CustomerCentric Selling,技巧,SDP,59,Rockwell Automation,Sales,Process Map,Pipeline Stages/Funnel Milestones,Sales Ready Messaging Tools (internal),Call Intro Prompter,Menu of,Goals/,Success,Story,Phone Scripts,Prospecting Prompter,Solution Development Prompter,Call Intro Prompter,Solution Development Prompter,Opportunity Qualification Template,Benefit Summary by Goal,Customer Correspondence (external),Sequence of Events Plan,Implementation Plan,Cost v. Benefit,Success Metrics,Key Player Letter,(5 key components),Meeting Confirmation email,Champion Letter,(5 key components),Sales Call Debrief Questions,Key Player Oppty. Chart,Qualification Decision Prompter,Letter to Confirm Key Player Meetings,Initial Discovery Meeting:,Identify Business Goal,Solution Development:,Diagnose Current Situation & Develop Solutions,$ % #,Qualify Buying Influence,Champion?,Proof Step?,Key Player Meetings:,Solution Development $ % #,Qualify Opportunity,(Negotiate Sequence of Events),Execute & Manage SOE Steps,Prospecting and,Business Development,Sales Process Steps,Negotiation and Close,Negotiating Worksheet,Contract,Evaluating (50%),E,Champion (20%),C,Goal shared (10%),G,Active (0%),A,Verbal (90%) Proposal (10%),V/P/W,CustomerCentric Selling Skills,Prospecting & Business Development,Alignment,Personal,Buyer behavior over time,Buyer starting point,Solution Development,continued,Key Player Qualification,Opportunity Qualification & Control,Establishing Business Value,Negotiation,CCS Process Management,罗克韦尔自动化销售程序图,分享了目标 (10%),G,倡导者 (20%),C,评估 (50%),E,口头l (90%) 提案 (10%),V/P/W,Pipeline 阶段/Funnel 里程碑,积极的 (0%),A,举行发现性 会议:,发现 业务 目标,解决方案开发:,诊断 目前的 情况 & 开发 解决方案,$ % #,认定 采购权力人物,倡导者?,证据步骤?,关键人物 会议:,解决方案开发 $ % #,认定机会,(事件的谈判 顺序),执行 & 管理SOE步骤,潜在主顾和,业务发展,销售程序步骤,谈判和关闭,销售,待命通讯工具 (内部),访问介绍,提示,目标菜单/,成功经历,访问记录,组织为潜在,主顾提示,解决方案开发提示,访问介绍,提示,解决方案开发 激励者,机会认定,模版,按目标的利益汇总,客户,对应,(外部),事件计划的顺序,执行 计划,成本v. 利益,成功 规律,关键人物 信函,(5个关键组成部分),会议 确认 email,倡导者信函,(5个关键组成部分),销售访问,小结问题,关键人物,机会图,资质决定,提示,确认关键人物 会议的,信函,谈判 工作表,合同,CustomerCentric Selling 技巧,潜在主顾和业务发展,组合,个人的,采购人超时行为,采购人起点,解决方案开发, 继续,关键人物 资质认定,机会 认定 & 控制,建立商业价值,谈判,CCS流程管理,61,Emotional decisions are justified by value and logic,CCS Core Concept #6,Rqmts,Vendor A,Vendor B,Vendor C,“How are you any different from Vendor A?”,情绪化的决定通过价值观和逻辑证明,CCS核心概念 #6,62,要求,供应商A,供应商B,供应商C,“你与供应商A有不同之处吗?”,63,If Youre Vendor A,If Youre Vendor B .,Buying Stages,Skeptical,Lengthy diagnosis,Open discussion,Unclear timeframes,Access to power,See new usages,Excitement,Time is extended,Key Players are involved,Non-product objections,Go / No Go decision,Last look,May avoid talking with you,Access to power the proposal is delivered,Col. A was here,Believers,Have all the answers,Limit discussion,They push you,“Rubber stamp”,Check list,Reservations,In a rush,Delegated Representatives,Minor product objections but it will do the job,Encouragement,“Best and final price”,Will return phone calls,No access to power,Stage I,Need Development,Stage II,Proof,Stage III,Consequences,Buyer Behavior,People buy from people they,Success Story Components:,1. _,2. _,3. _,4. _,如果你是供应商A,如果你是供应商B .,采购 阶段,怀疑的,拖沓的诊断,公开讨论,时间表不清,访问权势,看到新用途,兴奋,时间延长,关键人物介入,非-产品目标,Go / No Go 决定,最后一瞥,会避免与你交谈,访问给出提案的权势人物,“Column A” 在这儿,相信者,有所有的答案,限制讨论,他们逼迫你,“橡皮图章”,检查单,保留,匆忙,被授权的代表,监督产品目标但它会做此工作,鼓励,“最好的和最终的价格”,会回访问,不访问权势人物,阶段I,需求开发,阶段II,证据,阶段III,后果,采购者行为,64,人们从的人那里购买,成功 经历 组成部分:,1. _,2. _,3. _,4. _,65,Do they believe youre sincere?,Do they believe youre sincere AND competent?,The Buying Influence is willing to have a conversation.,The Buying Influence is willing to reveal their business goals, problems, needs.,“Yes”,“Yes”,Trust = Sincerity + Competence,1.Key Player (Industry/Title),From Targeted Conversation List,2.Goal,From the Menu of Goals,3.Contributing Reason,Prior to implementing your offering, cite a reason they could not accomplish their goal. This reason should come from the left side of the Key Players SDP,4.Corresponding Capability,Choose the capability from the right side of the SDP that addresses the corresponding reason cited,5.Capability Statement,State that you or your company provided the capability,6.Quantified Results,Share quantified results that were achieved and be sure they link to the goal being discussed,Establishing Credibility,Success Story Components,他们相信你是诚心的吗?,他们相信 你是诚心和有能力的吗?,采购权力人物愿意 进行一次对话。,采购权力人物愿意告诉你他们的业务目标, 问题, 需求。,“是”,“是”,信任 = 诚心 + 能力,66,关键人物 (行业/头衔),来自有目的的对话清单,目标,来自目标菜单,提供理由,在落实你的产品时, 引证一个他们可能无法完成目标的原因。该理由应该来自关键人物的,SDP左侧。,相应的能力,从SDP右侧选择能克服所引证原因的能力,能力 论述,说明是你或你的公司提供了该能力,量化的结果,分享取得的量化结果并确信它们与正在讨论的目,标相联系,建立信誉,成功经历的组成部分,“We recently worked with a,Plant Manager of a bottling plant,1,who wanted to,increase production throughput.,2,Meeting production schedules was difficult because of unexpected downtime of plant equipment.,3,He said he needed a way for his maintenance staff to receive notification alerts prior to potential equipment failure and view the severity of the problem so they could schedule maintenance before the equipment failed.,4,We provided him with this capability.,5,Over the past 6 months, downtime has decreased by 10% and production schedules have been met without working overtime,6,.”,Key Player (Job Title & Industry),Goal or Issue,Contributing Reason,Corresponding Capability,Capability Statement,Quantified Results,Establishing Credibility The Success Story,Success Story Components:,Goal Identification,“What are you hoping to accomplish?”,Menu of Goals/Success Story,Solution Development,Current Situation/Capabilities with Measurement,Goal Expansion,Menu of Goals/Success Story,Preliminary Qualification,“Is now the right time to evaluate?”,Close The Call,“How would you like me to follow up?”,*,They,want to talk to,you,. It could be based on an inbound call, a request from an existing customer, a referral from a distributor, etc.,Conversational Road Map #1 Inbound* Contact,“我们目前 与,装瓶厂的厂长,1,一起工作,他想,增加 生产量。,2,因为出现不希望的工厂设备停工时间,因此完成生产计划是困难的。,3,他说他需要一种方法使他的维修人员在潜在的设备故障出现前接收到警告通知并发觉问题严重程度,从而能在设备失效前制定维修计划。,4,我们为他提供了该能力。,5,在前6个月,停工时间减少了 10%且无须加班而完成了生产计划,6,”,关键人物 (工作职务& 行业),目标或问题,提出理由,相应的能力,能力论述,量化的结果,建立 信誉 成功经历,成功 经历 组成部分:,68,目标识别,“什么是你希望完成的?”,目标菜单/成功经历,解决方案开发,目前的 情况/能力加测量手段,目标扩展,目标菜单/成功 经历,初步 认定,“现在是作出评估的正确时间吗?”,结束访问,“你愿意我怎样跟踪 ?”,他们,想要和,你,讲话。它可以是基于一个打来的电话,来自一个现有客户的要求,一个分销商的推荐,等等.,对话路线图 #1 回访,69,*,They,want to talk to,you,. It could be based on an inbound call, a request from an existing customer,a referral from a distributor, etc.,Buying Influence inquiry:,“Were interested in learning more about your automation solutions.”,Salesperson response:,“What are you/your organization hoping to accomplish?”,Solution Development,4.Success Story or Menu of Goals,If “No”, end call and debrief with manager. If “Yes”, Solution Development,2.Menu of Goals or Success Story,Seller action:,1. Shares goal for which you have a,Solution Development Prompter,4. Shares goal for which there is no,Solution Development Prompter,Buying Influence response:,2. “Solution” admitted (features),3.,Solution Development by proxy,3. Gathering information,Inbound* Contact,Solution Development By Proxy,Inbound call wanting “information”,Recognized aT a lower level job title (Project Leader, Maintenance Supervisor, etc.),No personal goals or objectives other than information gathering,If they cant articulate any organizational goals or objectives, ask for access to someone who can,Solution Development by proxy,(“What is your manager/your organization hoping to accomplish?”),Attempt Solution Development for a higher level job title relying on the opinion of the person youre speaking with,Use information (column) as leverage to gain access if necessary,*,他们,想要和,你,讲话。它可以是基于一个打来的电话,来自一个现有客户的要求,一个分销商的推荐,等等.,采购权力人物 质询:,“我们对进一步了解你的自动化解决方案感兴趣。”,销售人员 反应:,“你/你的老板/你的组织希望完成什么?”,解决方案开发,4.成功经历或目标菜单,如果“否”, 终止访问并和经理一起小结。如果“是”,开发解决方案,2.目标菜单或 成功经历,销售员行动:,1. 分享目标,对此你有解决方案开发激励者,4. 分享目标,对此没有解决方案开发 激励者,采购权力人物 反应:,2. 被接纳的 “解决方案” (特征),3.,通过代理人开发解决方案,3. 收集信息,回访,70,通过代理人的解决方案开发,回访想要的 “信息”,低一级的职位,(项目经理, 维修经理, 等。),没有个人的目标或者目的,单纯信息的收集,如果他们不能清晰明白地说明组织的目标或目的, 试图接近能说清的人,通过代理人的解决方案开发,(“什么是你的经理/你的组织 希望 完成?”),尝试解决方案开发到更高职位依赖于和你对话的人的想法,如果必要,利用信息 (栏目) 作为杠杆得以入门,71,Recap,Confirm Solution,Attempt to elicit emotion with your questions.,Frustrating? Embarrassing? Stressful? Discussed in staff meetings?,Establish base lines of how much it is costing them today by asking:,How many? How often? How much?,#; %, $,(W/,/Rs/RMB, etc.),Value Measurement,Value Validation,Correlate the value of capabilities to current situation you previously diagnosed,“If you had that capability, how many/how often/how muchcould you.?”,Who is looking to you to achieve this goal?,Is there a trend? Is the situation escalating?,What is the impact on your business of operating,the way you currently operate?,Confirm Solution (summarize capabilities),“If you had the capabilities weve just discussed, could you achieve your goal?”,Correlate VALUE of solution with buyers Goal,“You are currently experiencing 10% unscheduled downtime; with the capabilities we have discussed, how much improvement do you think you could achieve?”,Clarify/intensify personal/political value of achieving goal,CURRENT SITUATION QUESTIONS,CAPABILITY QUESTIONS,Solution Development Prompter,Preliminary qualification:,End call:,“Based upon our discussion, I believe Rockwell Automation can help you achieve your goals. Is now th


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