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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,We,know,her,We,know,(that),she,likes,English.,主,主,谓,谓,宾,o,宾,在复合句中充当宾语的从句叫,宾语从句,简单句,复合句,什么 是宾语从句?,试比较,主 谓 宾,We know her We know(that,宾 语 从 句,The Object Clause,宾 语 从 句,引 导 词,宾语从句三要素,语 序,时 态,引 导 词宾语从句三要素语 序时,I,think,_,Tom is a good student,.,a.He,said,b.,He had,a good time,yesterday,.,He,said,_,he had a,good time,yesterday,.,(that),(that),1.当从句为,_,句时,引导词为,_.,陈述,that,(,无意义,可省略,),a.I think,b.,Tom is a good student,.,请把下列句子合为一句:,I think _Tom is a good s,练一练,1.This is a book.,2.You like singing.,3.He worked last night.,4.They will go home.,5.Jim has been to Beijing.,(that),I know.,将下面的句子连成宾语从句,练一练1.This is a book.(that)I kn,请把下列句子合为一句:,a,.,I dont know b,.,Is Tom a good student?,I dont know,_,To,m is a good student,.,a,.,Sh,e ask,s,b,.,Will,you,play ping-pong tomorrow,?,Sh,e ask,s,_,you,will,play ping-pong tomorrow.,if/whether,if/whether,2,.当从句为,_,句时,引导词为,_.,一般疑问,if/whether,(,有意义,不可省,),请把下列句子合为一句:a.I dont know,练一练,1.Is he reading?,2.Does Tom work hard?,3.Did you watch TV?,4.Will they read books?,5.Can you sing?,if/whether,I want to know.,将下面的句子连成宾语从句,练一练1.Is he reading?if/whethe,请把下列句子合为一句:,a,.,I,wonder,b,.,Where are you from,?,I,wonder,_,you are from.,a,.,They,ask b,.How do you learn English well,?,They,ask,_,you learn English well.,where,how,3,.当从句为,_,句时,引导词为,_.,特殊疑问,wh-,特殊疑问词,(,有意义,不可省,),请把下列句子合为一句:a.I wonder b.Wh,练一练,1.,What,are you doing?,2.,Where,do you live?,3.,When,does he get up?,4.,How,did you go to school?,5.,Who,will you play with?,Can you tell me.,将下面的句子连成宾语从句,练一练Can you tell me.将下面,(,)(2019,益阳中考,),Could you please tell me _I can buy some stamps?,Yes.There is a post office on Center Street.,A why B.where C.when,B,()(2019益阳中考)B,从句的语序,:,_.,陈述语序(引导词,+,主语,+,动词,+,其他),I think,(that),this song,is,beautiful,.,The teacher asked,if/whether,I,liked,this song,.,The teacher wonders,what,I,can learn,from it,.,引导词 主 动词 其他,引导词 主 动词 其他,引导词 主 动词 其他,从句的语序:_,(,)(2019,邵阳中考,),Could you please tell me _mooncakes traditionally in China,Li Hua?,During the Mid-autumn Festival.,A.when people ate,B.when people eat,C.when do people eat,B,()(2019邵阳中考)B,1.当主句为,_,时态,从句的时态,_.,现在,不受限制,视情况而定,(主,现,从不,限,),I think(that)you are right.,Do you know what happened to Tom yesterday?,Please tell us where we will go fishing tomorrow.,1.当主句为_时态,从句的时态_,He,told,me(that)he,arrived,in Shaodong last week.,He,said,(that)he,was watching,TV at eight last night.,2.,当主句为,_,时态,从句的时态,_.,过去,为过去时态的一种,(主,过,从也,过,),He told me(that)he arrived i,主 句,+,从 句,现在,时态,不受限制,,视情况而定,一般,_,时,一般,_,时,_,进行时,_,进行时,一般,_,时,过去将来时,_,完成时,过去完成时,过去,时态,为,过去,时态的一种,_,过去时,过去,_,时,过去,_,时,过去,_,时,现在,过去,将来,现在,过去,现在,一般,进行,完成,将来,主 句 +从 句现在时态不受限,(2019,四川眉山中考,),What did Tom say to you just now,John?,He asked _,A,why I am so happy today,B,what will I do for the weekend,C,who did I play football with after school,D,if I could go to the movies with him tonight,D,(2019四川眉山中考)D,The teacher said(that)the earth moves,around the sun.,She,told me,(that),the sun _ in the east.,A.rise B.rose C.rises D.had risen,1.当从句为,_,时,从句的时态为,_.,客观真理或事实,一般现在时,(,真理,永,现在,),The teacher said(that)the ea,引导词,陈述句,:,特殊疑问句,:,一般疑问句,:,(,that,),i,f/whether,语序,宾语从句三要素,陈述,语序,时态,wh-,特殊疑问词,主,现,从不,限,主,过,从也,过,真理,永,现在,引导词陈述句:特殊疑问句:一般疑问句:(that)i,THE END,THE END,


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