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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/8/17,Unit3 Fascinating parks,#,Language points,Sarek National Park,-Europes Hidden Natural treasures,Unit3 Fascinating parks,1,1.Good subheadings,catch the readers eye,and make him or her want to read more.,catch ones eye,吸引某人的注意,/,吸引某人的视线,draw ones attention to,attract ones attention to,make sb.interested in.,Unit3 Fascinating parks,其他表达,2,When shopped for a lip balm,something caught my eye.,我买润唇膏时,有个东西吸引了我的注意力。,Unit3,Fascinating,parks,3,2.I woke up to the sound of wind,buffeting,the,cloth,of my tent.,buffet vt.,连续猛击,打来打去,be buffeted by the wind,buffet dinner,buffet lunch,buffet restaurant,breakfast buffet,Unit3 Fascinating parks,被,风吹得左右摇摆,自助餐,自助午餐,自助餐厅,自助早餐,4,After the movie,he took me to eat at a Chinese buffet called Moon River.,看,完电影,他带我去一家叫做月亮河的中国餐馆吃自助餐。,(2)cloth n.,(一块)布;织物;布料,woollen cloth,the cloth industry/trade,a piece of cloth,Unit3 Fascinating parks,毛料,纺织业,一块布,5,She began cleaning the wound with a piece of,cloth,.,她开始用一块布清理伤口。,This small coat was patched(,拼凑,)up with pieces of,cloth,of different colors.,这件小袄是用各种颜色的花布拼起来的。,Unit3 Fascinating parks,6,clothes,n.,衣服,服装,(,没有单数,),clothing,n.,衣服,服装,(,不可数名词,),,常用于指特定类型的服装,如:,winter clothing,warm clothing,Wear protective,clothing,.,穿上保护服,Some locals offered food and,clothing,for the refugees.,一些当地人向难民提供了食品和衣服。,I took off all my,clothes,.,我脱下了所有衣服。,Unit3 Fascinating parks,7,3.I leave my tent and walk over to the mountain,edge,.,edge n.,边,边缘,边线;刀刃,v.,(使)徐徐移动;给,加边,on the edge of.,at the edge of.,Unit3 Fascinating parks,在,.,的边缘,指在物体的表面之上,不特指在物体的表面之上,on the edge of a cliff,at the waters edge,8,on the edge of extinction,濒临灭绝,Soon we were at the edge of the woods.,很快我们就到了树林的边缘。,_ the edge of the jacket,there is a piece of cloth that gives off light in the dark.,在夹克的边上有一块布,它能在黑暗中发光。,Bring the two edges together and fasten them securely(,牢固地,).,把这两块边合在一起,然后牢牢的系紧。,Unit3 Fascinating parks,On,9,4.Sarek mountain used to be covered by,vast,sheets of ice.,vast,adj.,辽阔的;巨大的;庞大的,a vast area of forest,a vast crowd,a vast amount of information,vast areas of the earths surface,Unit3 Fascinating parks,一大片森林,一大群人,大量信息,地球表面的广大区域,10,5.and all new development is,banned,within park boundaries.,ban,.v.,明令禁止,取缔,n.,禁令,ban sb.from doing sth.,禁止某人做某事,prohibit/forbid sb.from doing sth.,禁止某人做某事。,stop/prevent/keep sb.from doing sth.,阻止某人做某事,Unit3 Fascinating parks,11,She was banned from participating in the games for two years after failing a drug test.,由于没能通过药物检测,她两年内被禁止参加比赛。,Many cities with bans still allow shoppers to purchase paper bags.,许多有禁令的城市仍然允许购物者购买纸袋。,Unit3 Fascinating parks,12,6.At the far side of the valley,an ancient cottage is,visible,.,visible adj.,看,的见的,可见的,visible light,visible benefits,The house is clearly,visible,from the beach.,从海滩可以清楚地看到那所房子。,When the darkness comes,the stars become visible.,黑暗,来临,星星变得可视。,Unit3 Fascinating parks,13,可见光,显而易见的实惠,7.Since reindeer were always,on the move,the Sami would,pick up,their tents and,accompany,them.,on the move,在行进中,在移动中,My parents are always,on the move,and have little time for me.,我,父母总是很忙,没时间陪我。,We must keep us,on the move,,,otherwise well be left behind.,我们不能停下脚步,否则会被甩在后面。,Unit3 Fascinating parks,14,pick up,(,偶然,),学会;得到;拿起,捡起;(开车)接人;搭载;接收(信号等),pick up some French,pick up bad habits,pick up the phone,pick up a signal,pick sb.up,pick up speed,pick up a coin,eg:Things began to pick up.,情况开始有所好转。,Unit3 Fascinating parks,15,学会一些法语,染上坏习惯,捡起一枚硬币,接电话,开车接某人,加速,接收信号,accompany,vt.,陪同;陪伴;伴随;(尤指用钢琴)为,伴奏,accompany sb.,accompany sb.to sp.,strong winds accompanied by heavy rain,be accompanied on the piano,eg:Children must be accompanied by two adults.,孩子必须由两名成人陪同。,Unit3 Fascinating parks,16,陪伴某人,陪某人去某地,狂风夹着暴雨,由钢琴伴奏,8.Today,most Sami have houses in villages near Sarek and,live a modern life,just like their neighbours.,live a.life,(,=lead a life,),过,着,的生活,live a happy life,busy,quiet,normal,Unit3 Fascinating parks,17,幸福的,忙碌的,安静的,正常的,9.I am not a Sami,but in Sarek Ive,adopted,some of their habits.,adopt.vt.,采用,采取,采纳;领养,adopt a suggestion,adopt an approach/a policy/an attitude,adopt a child,adoption,n.,采用,采纳;收养,领养,adopted,adj.,领养的,收养的,Unit3 Fascinating parks,18,采纳某一建议,采取某种方法,/,政策,/,态度,收养孩子,She has just _(adopt)by a family in town.,她刚被城里的一户人家收养。,形近,词,adapt v.(,使,),适应;改编,adapt oneself to.,be adapted for,be adapted from,Unit3 Fascinating parks,19,been adopted,使自己适应,被改编成,改编自,The film,is adapted from,a novel.,这,部电影改编自小说。,I find it hard to,adapt myself to,my new class.,我,发现我很难适应新的班级。,His play is going to,be adapted for,television.,他的剧本要被改编成电视。,Unit3 Fascinating parks,20,10.After breakfast,I pack my bag and,set out,again.,set out,set out to do sth.=set about doing sth.,set up,set back,set fire to,set foot on/in,Unit3 Fascinating parks,21,出发,动身,开始工作,着手做某事,建立,创立,搭建,(,把钟,表,),往回拨,点燃,生火,登上,涉足,set up a tent,搭帐篷,Youll be anxious if you set out for a dinner late.,如果你出去吃饭晚了,你会很焦虑的。,The conversation set fire to his dreams.,谈话激发了他的梦想。,In July the enemy came and set fire to all the houses.,七月,里,敌人来了,放火烧了所有房子。,Unit3


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