Unit3 Alienation And The Internet

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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit Three,Alienation And The Internet,Pre-reading Questions,1. Do you go on line every day ? What do you usually do ?,2. Are you a net worm ? How many hours do you stay on line every day ?,Main Ideas,advantages and disadvantages of the Internet,advantages: - free exchange of ideas, globalization,disadvantages: -alienation,Advantages,It gives us easy access to a lot of information we need;,1,It makes communications faster and more effective without the hindrance of physical distance;,2,It makes our life more colorful with various kinds of games;,3,It can help us forget our miseries at least temporarily.,4,Possible unintended negative consequences,It can make us feel addicted to it and take a lot our time with which we can do something more important.,The virtual world it offers can make us forget who we really are and develop an unrealistic attitude towards life,We can be deceived by someone in the cyberspace with ill intentions,Communications on the Internet is far from being safe because of the viruses and occasional breakdown of the computer system.,Disadvantages,Part Division,Main body: the author supports his point with evidences and reasons.,Conclusion: the author reiterates his point that only when we make a moderate use of the Internet can we fully realize its potential without having our sense of reality skewed.,Part II: Para. 3-6,Part III: Para. 7,Introduction: the Internet may be responsible for furthering the fragmentation of society by alienating its individual users.,Part I: Para. 1-2,New words from the text,1.,access,n,U 1), (to,sth,),means of approaching or entering (a place); way in,(接近或进入某地的)方法,;,通路,:,The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.,要到那农舍去唯有穿过田地,. 2), (to,sth/sb,),opportunity or right to use,sth,or approach,sb,(使用某物或接近某人的)机会或权利,:,Students must have access to a good library.,学生要有使用好图书馆的便利条件,.,access,v,Tn, (,computing,计,),存取(计算机文件),accessible,a.,容易取得的,2.,dramatic,adj,1) attrib,作定语, of drama,戏剧的,:,a dramatic society,戏剧协会 *,The play is a dramatic representation of a real event,.,这出话剧改编自真人真事,. 2) exciting or impressive,戏剧性的,;,激动人心的,;,给人深刻印象的,:,dramatic changes, developments, news,激动人心的变化,发展,消息,dramatically,adv.,drama,n.,戏,剧本,3.,further,v,Tn, promote,促进或推动(某事),;,增进,:,further,sbs,interests,提高某人的兴趣 *,further the cause of peace,推动和平事业,.,furtherance,n,U,某人兴趣的提高,某事业的促进等,4. fragment,n,1) small part or piece broken off (,sth,),(某物的)碎片,:,find several fragments of a Roman vase,发现古罗马花瓶的几块残片,. 2) separate or incomplete part (of,sth,),(某事物的)片断或不完整部分,:,I heard only a fragment of their conversation.,我只听到他们谈话的只言片语,.,fragment,v,I,Tn,(使某物)破碎或裂开,;,分离,:,fragmentary,adj,由小的,不完整的或无联系的部分组成的,fragmentation,n,U,分裂,破碎,5. alienate,v,Tn,Tn.pr,sb,(from,sb/sth,),cause,sb,to become unfriendly or indifferent; estrange,sb,使某人疏远或冷淡,;,离间某人,:,The Prime Ministers policy alienated many of her followers.,首相的政策使很多拥护她的人疏远了她,.,alienation,n,U, (from,sb/sth,),疏远,;,离间,alienated,adj,疏远的,被隔开的,alienator,n.,转让人,让渡人,6. addict,n,1) person who is unable to stop taking drugs, alcohol, etc,离不开麻醉药,酒类等的人,;,有瘾的人,:,a heroin addict,有海洛因毒瘾的人,. 2) person who is strongly interested in,sth,对某事物有强烈兴趣的人,:,a chess, TV, football addict,棋迷,电视迷,足球迷,.,addicted,adj,pred,作表语, (to,sth,),对某事物有瘾的,addiction,n,U, C, (to,sth,),瘾,;,沉溺,addictive,adj,使人上瘾的,7.,moderate,adj,1) keeping or kept within limits that are not excessive,有节制的,;,不过分的,:,a moderate drinker,饮酒有节制的人 *,moderate wage demands,适度的工资要求,2) average in amount, intensity, quality, etc; not extreme,(量,强度,质等)中等的,适度的,:,moderate price increases,适度的涨价*,a moderate performance,不好不坏的演出,moderate,n,持温和意见的人(尤指政见),moderately,adv,8.,exaggeration,n,1) U action of exaggerating,夸张,;,夸大,;,言过其实,. 2) C exaggerated description, statement, etc,夸张的描述,说法等,:,a story full of exaggerations,通篇夸夸其谈的故事,exaggerate,v.,夸大,夸张,exaggerated,adj,夸张的,;,言过其实的,9.,binge,n,(,infml,口,) 1) time of wild or excessive eating and drinking,(大吃大喝的)狂欢,:,He went on/had a three-day binge,.,他大吃大喝了三天,. 2) excessive indulgence in anything; spree,放纵,;,纵情,:,a shopping binge,大买特买,.,binge,vi.,狂欢作乐,10.,skew,v,T to affect or influence someones ideas, actions, or judgment, especially in a way that makes the ideas etc not correct or fair,歪曲,扭转:,These assumptions about Communism skewed American foreign policy for decades.,skew,adj,歪,;,斜,;,偏,:,The picture is a bit skew.,这幅画有点歪,skew,n,(,idm,习语,),on the skew,歪,;,斜,;,偏,.,11.,lament,v,1) I,Ipr,Tn, (for/over,sb/sth,),feel or express great sorrow or regret for (,sb/sth,),为(某人,某事物,)感到悲痛,;,哀悼,;,痛惜,:,lament (for) a dead friend,哀悼亡友 *,lament (over) ones misfortunes,悲叹自己的不幸,2) I,Tn, complain (about,sth,),抱怨(某事),:,Shes always lamenting the lack of sports facilities in town.,她总是抱怨伦敦缺少体育设施,.,lament,n,悲恸,挽歌,;,哀诗,.,lamentable,adj,惋惜的,;,可悲的,lamentation,n,悲痛,;,哀悼,;,挽歌,;,哀诗,.,lamented,adj,悲叹的,;,痛惜的,12.,foster,v,1) ,Tn, help the growth or development of (,sth,); encourage or promote,培养,培育(某物),;,鼓励,;,促进,:,foster an interest, attitude, impression, etc,培养兴趣,滋长某种情绪、加深印象 *,foster the growth of local industries,扶植地方工业,. 2) I,Tn, take care of and bring up (a child that is not legally ones own),照顾,抚养(法律上不属於自己的孩子),;,领养,;,收养,:,People who cannot have a baby of their own sometimes foster (a child).,不能生育的人有时领养别人的(孩子),.,13.,simulate,v,Tn, 1,),pretend to have or feel (,esp,an emotion),假装有或感到(尤指情感),:,her carefully simulated disappointment,她精心装出的失望,. 2) take on the appearance of (,sth/sb,),模仿,伪装(某物,某人,),:,insects that simulate dead leaves,伪装成枯叶的昆虫 *,change color to simulate the background,改变颜色以模仿得与背景一致,.,simulated,adj,模仿的,;,假的,simulation,n,假装,;,模拟,;,模仿,14. perceive,v,1) ,Tn, (,fml,文,) become aware of (,sb/sth,); notice; observe,意识到,注意到,观察到(某人,某事物,),:,We had already perceived how the temperature fluctuated.,我们已注意到温度的波动情形,. 2) ,Cn.n,/a,sth,as,sth,interpret,sth,in a certain way; view,理解或领悟某事物,;,认为,:,I perceived his comment as a challenge.,我认为他的批评是对我的激励,.,perceivable,adj,.,能意识到的,15,converse,n,the converse,sing,:,the opposite,相反的事物,:,He says she is satisfied, but I believe the converse to be true: she is very dissatisfied.,他说她已心满意足了,不过我认为实际情况相反,:,她很不满意,.,converse,adj,与(某事物)相反的,;,逆的,converse,vi.,交谈,16.,gratify,v,1,),Tn,esp,passive,尤用於被动语态, give pleasure or satisfaction to (,sb,),使(某人)高兴或满意,:,I was most gratified at/by/with the outcome of the meeting.,我对会议的结果感到极其满意,. 2) ,Tn, give (,sb,) what is desired; indulge,满足(某人)所欲,;,纵容,:,To gratify my curiosity, do tell me what it is.,为满足我的好奇心,你一定得告诉我那是什麽,.,gratification,n,喜悦,;,满意,;,满足,gratifying,adj, (to do,sth,/that.),令人高兴的,;,令人满意的,


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