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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1 Living well,基础知识自测,6._,n.,残疾,伤残,无能,7._,n.,雄心,野心,8._,vt,.,使,适应,9._,vt,&vi,辞职,辞去(工作,职位等),10._,adj.,适合的,适宜的,一、单词识记,根据提示写出下列英语单词或汉语意思。,1._,adj.,with a lot of noise,not quiet,2._,vt,.,make sb.angry,3._,n.,sth,.that encourages,4._,n.,being absent,5._,adj.,有益的,受益的,得利的,noisy,annoy,encouragement,absence,beneficial,disability,ambition,adapt,resign,suitable,11._,vt,.,祝贺,庆贺,12._ n.,毕业,毕业典礼,13.clumsy,adj.,_,14.microscope n._,15.software n._,16.politics n._,17.literature n._,18.assistance n._,19.approval,n.,_,20.profit n._,congratulate,graduation,笨拙的,显微镜,软件,政治,政治学,文学(作品),著作,文献,协助,援助,赞成,认可,收益,利润,盈利,二、词组互译,将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。,1._,适应某事,2._,总而言之,3._,取笑,4._,不必担心,5._,对,有益,6._,在很多方面,7._,换句话说,8._,梦想做某事,adapt(oneself,)to,sth,./doing,sth,.,all in all/in a word,make fun of sb.,Never mind.,in many ways,in other words,dream about/of doing,sth,.,be beneficial to,sb/sth,9._,实现抱负、理想,10._,做某事有困难,11.out of breath _,12.cut out _,13.meet with _,14.live a normal life _,15.live with dignity _,16.bump into _,achieve ones ambition,have difficulty(in)doing,sth,.,上气不接下气,切去,省略,停止(做某事),遇到,经历,过着正常的生活,有尊严地活着,撞到,撞上,三、动词填空,用适当所给动词的适当形式填空,1.The old couple _(adapt)to the city life since they came to Guangzhou.,2.I _(annoy)by what he said just now.,3.I wrote a letter to Marty _,(congratulate)him on his success.,4.After the law was passed,slavery _(abolish)in England.,5._(resign)from his factory,he is now staying at home,doing nothing.,has adapted,was annoyed,to congratulate,was abolished,Having resigned,四、介词填空,用适当的介词填空,1.Going abroad for further study is beneficial _ young children.,2.Marty has learned to adapt himself _ his disability.,3.The young man is out-going,so he is suitable _this position.,4.People _ disabilities should be respected instead of being looked down upon.,5.I want to express my sincere congratulations _ your passing the exam.,to,to,for,with,on,五、精彩文段,请用适当的词填空,或者用所给词的适当形式填空。,Marty has a rare disease 1 _ affects his muscles.As a result,he is often very tired and weak.2_,he never feels sorry for himself and has adapted to his 3 _(disable).He keeps himself busy doing things like 4 _(write)and computer programming that do not require physical strength.He is realistic 5 _ his disability but does not let this stop him doing as much as he can.,which/that,However,disability,writing,about,As a 6 _(mental)strong boy,Marty is eager to work in a computer industry 7 _ he grows up.He has friends 8 _ whom he can go to,to,movies and football games and he has lots of pets.Every day,it 9 _(take)him much time to look after the pets.In many ways,Martys disability has made him 10 _ stronger and more independent boy.,mentally,when,with,takes,a,六、语篇运用,Li,Huas,left leg was badly hurt in a traffic accident,which made it easy to bump into other students.At first,he had some difficulty in adapting to his disability.Whats worse,some of his classmates made fun of him.However,with the help of his teachers and good friends,he became independent and he was never annoyed with what others said.He worked hard and was never absent from school,because he dreamed about/of going to a key university and achieves his ambition of being a doctor after graduation.,重要考点突破,6.conduct,n.,行为;品行,vt,.,指挥;管理;带领,搭配,conduct,sb,around,=show,sb,around,带领某人参观,conduct oneself(well),行为表现,(,好,),理解,指出下列各句中,conduct,的词性和意思。,(1)The children,conducted,themselves well at the party.,(2)My aunt,conducts,her business very successfully.,(3)The guide,conducted,us around the whole city.,(4)His,conduct,disappointed us.,n.,行为,vt,.,表现,vt,.,管理,经营,vt,.,带领,7.resign,v.,辞职;辞去,(,职位、工作等,),搭配:,resign from,sth,./resign as,sth,.,辞职,resign oneself to(doing),sth,.,只好接受;听任,运用:,根据汉意思,完成英文句子。,(1),我决定辞去主席的职务。,I have deiced to,_,my position,_,General Manager.,(2),她只好接受车丢失的事情。,She resigned herself _.,resign from,as,to losing her car,8.congratulate,vt,.,祝贺;庆贺,搭配:,congratulate sb.on,sth,./doing,sth,.,为某事祝贺某人,注意:,congratulate,后的宾语只能是人。,运用:,根据汉意思,完成英文句子。,(1),你父母会为你的考试成绩而祝贺你。,Your parents will _ your exam results.,(2),大家都在祝贺刘翔赢得了赛跑。,People congratulated Liu Xiang _ the race.,congratulate you on,on winning,9.adequate,adj.,足够的;充分的,搭配:,be adequate to(doing),sth,.,胜任,(,做,),某事,be adequate for,sth,.,足以,;,充足,运用:,根据汉意思,完成英文句子。,(1),这些钱足够用来旅游。,The money is,_,the trip.,(2),我希望他将胜任这一工作。,I hope he will,_,the job.,adequate for,be adequate to,11.courage,n.,勇气,派生,_,vt,.,鼓励,鼓舞,_,n.,鼓励,奖励,_,vt,.,使,泄气,),活用,用,courage,的适当形式填空。,(1)Students should be _ instead of being scolded when they make mistakes.,(2)The failure in the experiment didnt _ him.,(3)Whenever I fail my exam,my teachers always give me a lot of _.,encourage,encouragement,discourage,encouraged,discourage,encouragement,重要词组,3.meet with,遇到;经历;会晤,运用:,根据汉意思,完成英文句子。,(1),今天晚上我要与彼得会面。,I _ this evening.,(2),昨天我在火车上遇到一位朋友。,I _ in the train yesterday.,will meet with Peter,met with a friend,4.make fun of(=laugh at),取笑;嘲笑;和,开玩笑,(to make unkind,insulting remarks about someone or something),运用:,根据汉意思,完成英文句子。,(1),不要取笑那个可怜的孩子。,Dont_.,(2),嘲笑别人未免不礼貌。,Its impolit


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