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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,A short history,of western painting,2. Whats the main idea of the text?,Influenced,by the customs and _ of a people, _ have,_,a lot _ time going by.,1. How many styles of Western painting are mentioned in the text? What are they?,Four.,Fast reading,styles in Western art,The Middle Ages,The Renaissance,Impressionism,Modern,art,changed,faith,with,5,th,C AD,15,th,16,th,19,th,20,th,The Middle Ages,The Renaissance,Impressionism,Modern Art,Time line,Do you want to know more about each period?,Lets have a time travel !,Features:,theme:,Artists were not interested in showing _ _but interested in creating _.,religion,The Middle Ages,Which is more realistic?,A. 6th century,nature and people as,B. 13th century,respect and love for God,B. 13th century,G,iotto di Bondone,乔托迪邦多纳,犹大之吻,The Renaissance,Features:,Focused more on _ and less on _.,Two developments:,a. _,b. _,religion,human,Drawing things in perspective,Oil painting,Masaccio,:,the first person to use perspective in painting,The Renaissance (15th to 16th century),1.What is the background ?,2.Why did the rich want to possess their own painting?,replaced, began to concentrate less on adopt,possess, decoratesuperb,Fill in the blanks,Painters then _ how to draw things _ _.,And Masaccio was _ _ _use perspective in his paintings.,When his paintings,_ _ _, people _ _,_ their reality. _ the rules of perspective not been,discovered, people wouldnt have been able to paint such,realistic pictures. _ _ oil paints _,made colors look richer and deeper.,discovered,in perspective,the first to,were first seen,were convinced,of,Had,development,By coincidence,Madonna with,Child and Angels,Crucifixion,Masaccio,的作品:,Impressionism,What led to the change in painting styles?,Look at these paintings, what did they paint?,Why did the impressionists have to paint quickly?,Impressionism,莫瑞桥,-,阿尔弗莱德,西斯莱,赛艇,-,局斯塔夫,卡耶博特,蓬图瓦兹,.,埃尔米塔日的坡地,-,卡米耶,毕沙罗,Van GoghSunflower,Modern art,Style,A. Abstract,B.,Concentrate on,What we see with our eyes,Presentation,Color, line and shape,Realistic,Certain qualities,of the object,photograph,A,B,Two extremes,Now can you tell which period the following pictures belong to?,纳税钱 意大利 马萨乔,The Renaissance,蒙娜丽莎,达,芬奇,Modern Art,哭泣的女人,毕加索,我和我的故乡,1911,夏加尔 法国,内战的预感,1931,达利 西班牙,三个音乐家,毕加索,Impressionism,向日葵,梵高,日出,莫奈,草地上的午餐,马奈,与怪兽搏斗的圣凯依斯,庄严的圣母,Middle Ages,基督之死,1). Which of the following statements is true?,A. Paintings in Middle Ages were very realistic.,B. Western art has changed a lot since the 5th century.,C. Impressionist paintings were painted mainly indoors.,D. Modern art began in the Renaissance.,Choose the correct answer,2). In the Renaissance, painters_.,Painted religious scenes in a more,realistic,style.,B.,focused,more,on,religion than on humans.,C. began to paint outdoors.,D. returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art.,3). _discovered how to make paintings look more real by using perspective.,Giotto di Bondone.,Masaccio.,Claude Monet.,D. Pablo Picasso.,4).,Who began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic style?,Giotto di Bondone.,Masaccio.,Claude Monet.,D. Pablo Picasso.,5). At first most people hated the impressionists style of painting, because _.,their painting were very,abstract,.,their painting were very,realistic,.,They,broke,away,from,the traditional style of painting.,D. their paintings were very,ridiculous,.,Impressionists paintings were,accepted as,the beginning of “modern art”.,6). What is the influence of impressionism?,Assignment,Please review the new words in the passage we have just learned.,2,1,Summarize the passage in 60 words.,


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