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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Section 7th,The booming economy means people are working harder than ever.And that does not leave much room for relationship.,经济繁荣意味着人们比以往任何时候都更为努力地工作。这样就没有什么余暇去结交异性。,Pimpi Arroyo,a 35-year-old comper who lives alone in a house in Pairs,says he has not got time to get lonely baceuse he has too much work.“I have deadlines which would make life with someone else fairly difficult.”Only an Ideal Woman could make him change his lifestyle,he says.,35,岁的作曲家平庇,阿罗约独自居住在巴黎的一所房子里,他说自己无暇感到孤独,因为有很多事要做。“我总有很多工作要赶在期间内完成,这样的话,我就很难喝别人一起共同生活。”他说只有“理想妻子”才能改变他的生活模式。,Kaufmann,author of a recent book called The Single Woman and Prince Charming,tihnks this fierce new individualism means that people expect more and more of mates,so relationships do not last long if they start at all.,最近出版的,单身女人和白马王子,一书的作者考夫曼认为,这种狂热的新型个人主义意味着人们对配偶的期望越来越多,因此相互之间的关系持续不长,如果他们开始交往的话。,Eppendorf,a blond Berliner with a deep tan and chronic wanderlust,teachers grade school in the mornings.In the afternoon she sunbathes or sleeps,resting up for going dancing.Just,shy,of 50,she says shed never have wanted to do what her mother did give up a career to raise a family.Instead,Ive always done what I wanted to do:live a self-determined life.,埃彭道夫是个金发碧眼的柏林女人,一身古铜色的皮肤,而且一直热衷游泳。她上午在一所小学教书,下午则去日光浴或睡觉,休息够了就去跳舞。他还不到,50,岁,说自己从未想过要像母亲那样生活,为了照顾家庭而放弃自己的事业。而“我一直在做自己想要做的事;过自己想要过的生活。”,shy:less than;lacking,Page 21 paragraph 9,1.Such freedom can be addictive,particularly for women,notes sociologist Kaufmann.,社会学家考夫曼指出这种自由会令人上瘾,特别令妇女上瘾。,2.“Women are still expected to be the housewife in couples,”he notes.,他说:“在夫妻关系中,人们依然期待妇女做内当家。,“Its very hard for women to fight against this idea,so the only way they can attain sexual equality is to live alone.”,4.De Kergorlay hasnt,ruled out,marriage,but wouldnt give up her freedom for a man.,(,rule out:,排除、不考虑),克尔戈莱并不排除结婚的可能性,但是她不会为了一个男人而放弃自己的自由。,“妇女要与这种观念斗争是非常困难的,所以她们得以获取男女平等的唯一方法就是独自生活。”,5.“If I were to get married,”she explains,“I would still want my own room an escape zone where I can be by myself.”,她解释说:,“,如果我要结婚,我仍要有自己的房间,一个属于我自己的自由空间。”,


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