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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,An Introduction to,Linguistics,School of Foreign Languages,Gu,Tongqing,1,2. Phonetics,(,语音学,),Introduction,Spelling, pronunciation and phonetic transcription,Speech organs/organs of speech,The phonetic properties of speech sounds,Classification of English speech sounds,2,2.1 Introduction,What is phonetics?,Phonetics,is the field of language concerning the physical properties of sounds.,or:,Phonetics,is the science which studies the characteristics of human sound-making, and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription.,3,The process of speech production and perception:,Speech Speech,production perception,(Speaker A) (Speaker B),4,The Scope of Phonetics,Articulatory,phonetics,(,发音语音学,):,the study of the,production,of speech sounds, i.e. the study of speech,organs and how they move to produce speech sounds.,Auditory,phonetics,(听觉语音学),:,the study of the,perception,of,speech sounds,by the human ear.,Acoustic,phonetics,(声学语音学),:,studies the,physical properties,of speech sounds.,5,2.2 Phonetic Transcription,The IPA,(The International Phonetic Alphabet),In 1888, the International Phonetic Association devised the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).,The basic principle of the IPA is using one letter selected from major European languages to represent one speech sound.,Roman small letters: b, p, s, z, k, g,Greek letters: ,Letters upside down ,Obsolete letters: ,2 letters together: ,t , d ,Diacritics: p,h,p,o,6,More about IPA:,The IPA has been revised and corrected several times and is now widely used in dictionaries and textbooks throughout the world. The latest version of the IPA was revised in 1993 and corrected (updated) in 1996.,The present system of the IPA derives mainly from one developed in the 1920s by the British phonetician Daniel Jones and his colleagues at University of London.,7,Henry Sweet, in his,Handbook of phonetics,made a distinction between,narrow,and,broad,transcription.,Compare : broad and narrow transcription,words: pit feel later,broad transcription: /pit/ /,fi:l,/ /,leit,/,narrow transcription: /,p,h,it,/ /,fi:,/ /,leiD,/,8,Broad and Narrow Transcription,A broad transcription,is one that only takes account of the sound differences that are important to distinguish words from each other in a language. A broad transcription is the transcription with letter-symbols only,.,A narrow transcription,attempts to represent more or less accurately the way in which a particular speaker pronounces his words. A narrow transcription is a transcription with letter symbols together with,diacritics.,9,2.3 The Speech Organs,10,1.lips 2.teeth,3.teeth ridge (alveolus),4. hard palate 5.soft palate(velum) 6.uvula 7.tip of tongue 8. blade of tongue 9. back of tongue 10.vocal cords 11.pharyngeal cavity 12. nasal cavity,11,Vocal tract,Pharynx, velum,Pharyngeal cavity,Glottis/Throat,Oral cavity,mouth,Nasal cavity,nose,12,13,The process of sound production,voiceless oral cavity,airstream,larynx voiced,(vocal cords),glottal stop nasal cavity,trachea,velum,14,Voiced /voiceless sounds,Two states of vocal cords:,When the vocal cords are drawn wide apart, letting air go through without causing vibration, the sounds produced in such a condition are,voiceless,.,If the vocal cords are brought close to each other, the passing air will have to force its way through the narrow passage, which sets the vocal cords into vibration, producing a,voiced sound,.,2.4 The phonetic properties of speech sounds,15,The position of the velum: Nasal/Oral sounds,When the velum is raised, the,entrance into the nose is cut off.,Then the air stream can only pass,through the mouth. Sounds thus,produced is,oral.,When the velum is lowered, the,entrance leading to the nose is open,and air can escape both mouth and nose.,A,nasal,sound,is thus produced.,16,Classification of English Speech Sounds,Consonants & Vowels,What distinguishes consonants from vowels?,17,Consonants,Classification,of English,consonants:,Place of articulation,Manner of articulation,voicing,18,Place of articulation,bilabial: / p, b, m/,labiodental,: / f, v/,dental: /,/,alveolar: / t, d, l, n, s, z /,palatal : / j, , /,velar: / k, g, ,/,palatal-alveolar: / t , d /,glottal: h,19,Manner of Articulation,stops/plosives,: /p, b, t, d, k, g/,nasals: /m, n, ,/,fricative,: /f, v, s, z, , ,/,affricates: /t, d,/,approximant:,/,j, w, r, h, l /,20,Other dimensions:,voiceless or voiced,nasal or oral,21,Description of English consonants,Examples:,f voiceless,labiodental,(central) (oral) fricative,n voiced alveolar (central) nasal (plosive),l voiced alveolar lateral (oral) liquid,22,英语辅音分类表,23,Vowels,The classification of English vowels,24,6 dimensions:,the position of the highest part of the tongue (front, central, back vowels),The height of the,tongue raising,(,high, mid, or low),(the openness of the mouth (close, semi-close, semi-open, open vowels),the degree of lip rounding(rounded, unrounded),whether a vowel is oral or nasal,whether a vowel is long or short,whether a vowel is pure or gliding,25,the position of the highest part of the tongue (front, central, back vowels),front vowels: /i:, i, e,/,central vowels: /, :,/,back vowels: /u:, u, a:,:,/,26,The height of the tongue raising,(high, mid, or low),high,vowels: /i:, i, u:, u/,mid-high:,/e,:,/,mid-low:,/,:,/,low:,/, a,/,27,the degree of lip rounding (rounded, unrounded),rounded: /u:, u,:/,unrounded: / i:, i, e, :,a:/,28,long (tense) and short (lax) vowels,monophthongs,(pure vowels) & diphthongs (gliding vowels),29,英语元音舌位示意图,: ,:,High/,Mid-high/,Mid-low/,Low/,ROUNDED,30,Description of English vowels:,Examples:,i: front,high,unrounded ( long pure ),u,back,high,rounded (short pure ),31,Exercises:,Identify the one sound that is not a member of each group and explain the property that distinguishes the sound from the group.,1. g p b d,2. f p m v b,3. u i e ,4. z v s d g,5. t z d n s,6. m n b ,7. g k b d p v t,8 .a u e w i ,32,Write the phonemic symbol for the described consonant sound.,1. voiceless bilabial stop,2. voiced alveolar stop,3. voiceless dental fricative,4. voiced,labiodental,fricative,5. voiceless palatal fricative,6. glottal fricative,7. voiced affricate,8. bilabial nasal,9.velar nasal,10.palatal semivowel,33,After-class work,Homework,Study the Chinese consonants and compare with its English counterparts. Then answer the questions.,1).What English consonants do you think are most troublesome to Chinese learners of English?,2).What Chinese consonants do you think an English speaker is likely to have trouble with when he or she is learning Chinese?,34,35,


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