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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,CULTURAL CORNER,CULTURAL CORNER,Dictation,Dictation,横过;穿过,大陆的;大洲,面对,标志性建筑,坐落(某处)的,象征;符号,位于,1.across,2.,con,ti,nen,tal,3.face,4.,land,mark,5.,si,tu,ated,adj.,6.symbol,7.lo,ca,ted,横过;穿过1.across 2.continental 3.,计划,项目,工程,文明,古代的,协议;契约,8.project,9.c,i,v,i,l,i,sation,10.ancient,11.agreement,统治,治理,12.govern,计划,项目,工程8.project 9.civilisati,Pre-reading,Pre-reading,外研版英语必修3module1-European-公开课课件,欧盟简介,欧洲联盟(简称欧盟,,European Union-EU,是由欧洲共同体,(,发展而来的,是一个集政治实体和经济实体于一身、在世界上具有重要影响的,区域一体化组织。,总部设在比利时首都布鲁塞尔。,欧盟简介欧洲联盟(简称欧盟,European Union-,外研版英语必修3module1-European-公开课课件,欧盟总部,欧盟总部,While Reading,While Reading,Fast Reading,Read the passage quickly,and fill in the table.,Fast ReadingRead the passage q,What,is the EU?,An _,How,did it start?,The idea began,in the,_.,How many,countries belong to it by 2004?,_,organisation,1950s,25,The idea beganHow many countr,Careful Reading,Activity 1:Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.,1.What is the relationship between the EU and its members?,2.Does the UK belong to one of the first members in the EU?,3.How many people does the expanded EU have?,Careful ReadingActivity 1:Rea,1.What is the relationship between the EU and its members?,The countries are independent and are governed in different ways.,2.Does the UK belong to one of the first members in the EU?,No,it doesnt.,1.What is the relationship be,3.How many people does the expanded EU have?,The expanded European Union has a population of more than half a billion people.,3.How many people does the ex,Activity 2 True or False,2.Each of the countries sends representatives,to the European Parliament.,3.By the 2000,there were 25 member countries in the EU.,1.In France,the head of state is a king or queen.,4.The population of expanded EU is as big as the United States.,T,F,F,F,Activity 2 True or False2.Each,Post Reading,Post Reading,The European Union is an organization of _ countries.The idea of it _ in the 1950s.There were 6 _ countries in the EU at first.Little by little,the number _.,By the 2000,there,_,15 member countries.In 2004 the EU increased,_,25 members.The,_,EU,has a population of more than half a billion people,_,as big as the US.,expanded,Summary,European,member,increased,were,to,began,twice,The European Union is an organ,Language Points,1.in terms of,就,而言,就,而说,;,从,的角度,It is a small country both in terms of size and population.,就面积和人口而言,它是一个小国。,Happiness cant be measured in terms of money.,幸福不是用金钱来衡量的,。,Language Points1.in terms of,in the long term,从长远来看,In the long term,the agreement will have a great influence on our company.,从长远来看,,这份协议会对我们公司有重大的影响。,in the long term 从长远来看从长远,2.on the other hand,另一方面;反过来说,on(the)one hand.,;,on the other,一方面,;另一方面,He is clever,but on the other hand,he makes many mistakes.,他很聪明,可另一方面出错也很多,2.on the other handHe is cleve,I won,t go to see the film.On the one hand,,,I don,t have time,;,on the other hand,,,I am not interested in it.,我不会去看那场电影,一方面,我没有时间,另一方面,我也不感兴趣。,I wont go to see the film.On,3.little by little,逐渐地,一点点地,He will learn how to make sculptures little by little.,3.little by little 逐渐地,一点点地H,4.twice as big as,倍数表达法,倍数,+,as,+,形容词原级,+,as,倍数,+,形容词比较级,+,than,倍数,+the size/length/width+,of,4.twice as big as 倍数表达法倍数,Practice,Practice,1,_ability,he is quite fit for the position.,A,In terms of B,In case of,C,As a result of D,In face of,2,I would like a job which pays more,,,but _ I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.,A,in other words B,on the other hand,C,In,a word D,as a matter of fact,A,B,面对,万一,由于,1_ability,he is quite,3,Because of his illness,,,he got thin_.(,逐渐地,),little by little,4,Asia is four times larger,than,Europe.,Asia is four times,as,large,as,Europe.,Asia is four times,the size of,Europe.,3Because of his illness,he go,Home work,1.Practic reading the passage after class.,2.Review what we have leant today.,3.Finish your exercise book,Home work1.Practic reading the,1.,近年,越来越多的天鹅选择到伊犁河流域越冬,这与当地实施天然林保护、湿地生态恢复等重点林业工程建设使湿地生态明显改善有很大关系。,2.,校庆在即,学校要求全体师生注重礼仪,热情待客,让从全国各地回母校参加庆祝活动的校友感到宾至如归。,3.,近三十年来,中国社会的快速发展,以及中国和国际交流的扩大,西方媒体从敌视到误读,逐渐改变了对华的片面报道,4,我们可通过河流触摸历史,把河流和历史抽象成一种符号,赋予河流更加丰富和充满变数的内涵。,5,河流不仅焕发了所有大地景观的活力,且还是重要的经济资源、战略资源和不可替代的文化资源。,6,帮助家境不好的孩子上大学,是我们应该做的,况且这孩子各方面都很优秀,我们一定要帮助她圆大学梦。,7,在那个民族独立和民族解放斗争风起云涌的时代,能激发人们的爱国热情是评判一部文学作品好坏的非常重要的标准。,8,社会大转型的时代,往往也是造就伟人的时代,几乎所有基本领域,都在春秋战国那个充满活力的黄金时代开山立宗并创造了我们民族精神的最高经典。,9,原生文化是一个民族的根基,其体现的精神没有因为经历了两千多年就逐渐消退,当各种复杂的问题困扰我们的时候,每个人都能从中寻找到再生的动力。,1.近年,越来越多的天鹅选择到伊犁河流域越冬,这与当地实施天,


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