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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 8,Section A,Grammar Focus,Review,Translate the phrases.,outside the window,have fun,next-door neighbor,at first,run away,feel uneasy,have no idea,have fun(in)doing sth.,在窗外,玩得高兴,隔壁邻居,最初;首先,逃跑,心神不安,一点不知道;没办法,做某事很愉快,-Whose volleyball is this?,-It,must,be Carlas.She loves volleyball.,-Whose book is this?,-It,must,be Marys.J.K.Rowling is her favorite writer.,-Whose hair band is this?,-It,could,be Meis.,Read the sentences below,paying attention to the colored parts.,-Whose notebook is this?,-It,must,be Mings.It has her name on it.,-Whose French book is this?,-It,could,be Carols.She studies French.,-Whose guitar is this?,-It,might,belong to Alice.She plays the guitar.,-Whose T-shirt is this?,-It,cant,be Johns.It is too small for him.,Read more sentences.,must,cant,could,might,100%,probably true,20%-80%,possibly true,0,almost not true,表示推测的情态动词,在英语中,表示对某件事物的确定程度,即表示推测的时候,我们通常会用到以下情态动词,:must,might,could,may,cant,couldnt,。,可能性:,must can/could may/might,can not(cant),could not(couldnt),may not,might not,情态动词表推测,一、,must,must,表示可能性最大的肯定推测,意思是“一定、准是”。只能用于肯定句。如果要表示“一定不”,应该用,cant,。如果询问可能性时,应该用,can,。,He must know the answers.,他肯定知道答案。,He cant know the answers.,他肯定不知道答案,Can he know the answer?,他知道答案吗?,二、,can/could,can,表示推测“可能性”时,一般用于否定句或疑问句。,can,在疑问句中意思是“会,可能”。,He cant pick her schoolbag up.,他不可能拿了她的书包。,could,表示某事有可能发生或可能是事实。,Dont eat it.It could go bad.,不要吃它,可能坏了。,The plane could be put off by the storm.,这趟飞机可能会因为暴风雨而推迟。,could,还可用于表示客气、礼貌、委婉的请求语气。,Could you please help me with my homework?,你能帮我完成我的家庭作业吗?,三、,may/might,may,might,表示推测“可能性”时,意思是“可能”,“也许”。,might,不表示过去时态,语气更委婉,可能性更小。,may,might,表推测时,可用于否定句,但不用于疑问句。,He may/might not be at home,but Im not sure.,他可能不在家,不过我也不确定。,情态动词表示推测可以分为以下几种情况,:,情态动词,+do,此结构表示对现在或将来情况的推测和判断,Do you know where she is now?,I think she,might travel,in Beijing.,情态动词,+be doing,此结构表示对现在或将来正在进行的情况的推测和判断。,At this moment,my father,cant be working,in the office.,情态动词,+have done,此结构表示对过去情况的推测和判断。,The road is wet.It,must have rained,last night.,情态动词,+have been doing,此结构表示对过去正在进行的情况的推测和判断。,Your mother,must have been looking for,you at that moment.,根据句意,从方框中选择正确的情态动词填空,每项限用一次。,should,must,cant,may not,mustnt,1.That _ be Lucy.She has gone to Beijing on business.,2.There _ be something wrong with my watch.It isnt working now.,cant,must,3.He _ know the answer,either.,Lets ask that policeman.,4.You _ swim in the river.Its,dangerous.,5.You _ look after your parents,when they become older.Its your duty.,may not,mustnt,should,用,must,might,could,或,cant,填空,The toy car,_,be Jims.He is the,only kid at the picnic.,2.This Mp5,_,be Lindas.I know she has one.,3.The mobile phone _ belong to,Lucy or Lily.They both have mobile,phones.,4.The man _ be Mr Smith.He has,gone to Shanghai and hell be back in,three days.,must,could/might,could/might,cant,4a,Choose the best way to complete each,sentence using the words in brackets.,The keys:,might be,must be,could be,cant be,could be/must be,A:Many people are wearing coats.,B:The weather must be _.,2.A:Sally has been coughing a lot.,B:She might be _.,3.A:This restaurant is always crowded.,B:The food _.,4.A:Whenever I try to read this book,I feel sleepy.,B:It cant _.,4b,Complete these responses.,getting colder/cold outside,having a sore throat/ill,must be delicious,be that boring,4c,Look at this picture of a room.How much can you tell about the person who lives here?Is it a boy or a girl?What are his/her hobbies?Discuss your ideas with a partner.,A:It could be a girls room because its very,tidy.,B:I guess so.But it might be a boys room,because the clothes look like boys clothes.,Look at the two rooms below.Make guesses about the owner of each room.,A,:,It,could/might/,cant,be.because.,B,:,I guess,so/,I dont think so.But it,might/could/,must be.because.,【,浙江湖州,】Whos singing in the next room?,It _ be her.She has gone to New York.,A.cant B.must,C.shouldnt D.can,【,解析,】,考查情态动词表推测。表示否定推测时,用,cant,,意为“一定不,”,。,must,表示推测时,意为“一定,”,,用于肯定句;根据答语“她已经去了纽约”可知是否定推测,故选,A,。,中考链接,【2011,湖北黄冈,】41.Whose T-shirt is this?,It _ be John s.Its _ small for him.,A.cant;much too B.cant;too much,C.mustnt;much too,D.mustnt;too much,【,解析,】,情态动词的用法。根据句意“它不可能是约翰的,对他来说太小了。”故排除,C,、,D,,,too much,为“太多”的意思,,much too,为“太”。故选,A,。,【2013,天津,】Where are you going this month?,We_ go to Xiamen,but were not sure.,A.neednt B.must,C.might D.mustnt,【,解析,】neednt(,不必,),表建议;,must(,一定,),表猜测的可能性很大;,might(,可能,也许,),表不是很肯定的猜测。,mustnt(,不允许,),表命令。句意:,-,这个月你们将去哪?,-,我们或许去厦门,但还不确定。,C,【2013,福建泉州,】-Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation?,-Not yet.We _ go to Qingdao.Its a good place for vacation.,A.may B.need C.must,【,解析,】,句意:,-,你已经决定到哪里过暑假了吗?,-,还没有呢,我们也许去青岛,那是个度假的好地方。情态动词表示推测时,,may,表“可能”,,must,表“一定”,,cant,表“不可能”。,A,【2014,铜仁,】Must I water the flowers now,mum?,No,you _.You _ do it later.,A.mustnt;must B.mustnt;may,C.neednt;may D.neednt;must,【2014,连云港,】_ I know by


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