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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,写作句型训练-五种基本句型,五种基本句型是学习英语的基础,,一写句子就出错, 究其根源在于五种基本句型没掌握扎实。,【Learning Aims】:,1. Grasp the five basic sentence patterns for writing; improve your ability to make up sentences.,2. Learn to use the sentence patterns by limited training and cooperation.,3. Believe yourself; enjoy the happiness of writing and study.,英语中的词性,名词:,n. 可数名词, 不可数名词, 抽象名词,(主语,表语,宾语),形容词:,adj,修饰名词即作定语,也可以做状语,副词:,adv,修饰形容词,助动词:,aux,,is/ are/ does/ did,doing,has/,have/ had,done,连词:,conj, 连接两个句子,冠词:,article 不定冠词, 不定冠词, 零冠词,介词:,prep, 后加名词或doing, 不能直接做谓,语,前加be后才能作谓语。,代词:,pron, 代替名词,避免重复。,动词:,不及物动词, 及物动词,英语句子的成分,主语,=,主语从句,,I,like,English,.,That he passed the exam,surprised,everyone.,2.,谓语,3.,宾语,=,宾语从句,I heard,(that) he passed the exam.,4.,表语,=,表语从句,They are,honest.,The question was,why he didnt attend the meeting.,5.,主语补足语,:,修饰主语,6.,宾语补足语: 修饰宾语,7.,定语,=,定语从句,I bought a,good,book.,I bought a book,which is written by Hanhan.,8.,状语(地点状语,时间状语、原因状语、方式状语、结果状语等),=,状语从句,The car accident happened,at the corner.,The car accident happened,where there are many people .,知识储备,不及物动词,后面不能再跟宾语(谓语动词本身能表达完整的意思);无被动语态,及物动词,后面必须跟宾语(谓语动词不能表达完整的意思)。有被动语态,英语五种基本句型列式如下:,基本句型一:主语不及物动词,基本句型二:主语系动词表语,基本句型三:主语及物动词宾语,基本句型四:主语及物动词间宾直宾,基本句型五:主语及物动词宾宾补,内容,总结归纳五种基本句型,并适当补充拓展,要求,积极思考,踊跃回答,,大胆质疑。,在导学案上做好勾画或标记。,目标,全部理解所有词汇用法和例句,评价,能够大胆质疑(出精彩+2分),补充拓展(有深度+2分),解疑(清晰明白+3)(,学科班长记录,),知识梳理与质疑(7分钟),内容,在理解例句基础上背诵,要求,1. 大声激情投入,高效完成,2. 动脑背诵记忆,并思考运用,目标,1. 各组:,组长调控高效记忆状态,,争创挂星,2. A 层 记住所有短语和句型的意思并熟读例句。,B 层 记住所有短语和句型的意思并理解所有例句。,C 层 记住所有短语的用法。,Crazy English(7),提示:,20分钟后,小组长带领组员利用屏幕一对一检测,人人力争达到更高层目标!,限时训练:20分钟,准备好到黑板展示,Brilliant presentation,展示题目,小组,点评,交叉立体目标设计,Task,G1 B,1,展示人,脱稿,;,展示出本小组最佳水平,声音洪亮语言清晰 并能拓展或归纳小结(,用彩笔补充,),2.认真倾听、积极思考重点内容记好笔记。,有不明白或有补充的要大胆提出,Task.,1. 2,G3 B,Task.,3. 4,G5 B,Task.,5. 6,G6 C,Task.,7. 8,G7 C,Task.,9.10,G8 B,Task.,11. 12,Task.,13. 14,Task.,15. 16,Task.,17. 18,G9 A,G2,G4,G1,G2,G4,基本句型一:主语不及物动词,Agree with/ to / on, give out= run out 用完 耗尽,give way (to),基本句型二:主语系动词表语,表语通常是名词或形容词等。,英语中常见的系动词有:be,,Become= make = turn 变成,成为,seem = appear看起来; 显得,似乎;,keep保持; remain仍然是,感官动词:一般无被动,无进行时态。,look看起来; feel摸起来,感觉; smell闻起来;,sound听起来;taste尝起来;,grow/get/go/turn变得;,基本句型三:主语及物动词宾语,可以充当宾语的有名词、代词、不定式、动名词及宾语从句。,1、My father read,the book,.我父亲读过那本书.,主语及物动词宾语,2、They want,to go,.他们想走。(不定式作宾语),3、He stopped,writing,.他停下笔。(动名词作宾语),只能用ing形式作宾语的动词常用的有:,dislike / delay / deny, mind / miss (错过), enjoy / escape (逃避) / excuse, practise / pardon / permit, suggest / stop / stand(忍受), consider , keep, advise / admit / acknowledge(承认) / allow / appreciate (欣赏、感激) / avoid (避免),risk(冒险) / resist(抵制) / recommend(建议); finish / forbid/ imagine/ admit,4、The teacher advised,that we learn English,well.老师建议我们学好英语。(宾语从句),that 引导的宾语从句可以省略,5、The editor asked,why they hadnt finished the report.,(宾语从句),特殊疑问词 引导的宾语从句不可以省略,基本句型四:主语及物动词间宾直宾,宾语分直接宾语和间接宾语,He gave Tom a present.他给了汤姆一件礼物。,=He gave a present to Tom.,英语中常见的可接双宾语的词,,award, bring, hand, lend, mail, offer, owe, pass,pay, read, send, sell, show, teach, tell, write, book,buy, make, order,基本句型五:主谓宾宾补,宾语补足语是说明宾语的情况的,这个句式是英语中比较复杂的一个句式,因为复合宾语的构成内容较多。,1. He found his new job,boring,. (形容词做宾补),2. The called their daughter,Mary,. (名词做宾补),3. This placed her,in a very difficult position,. (介词短语做宾补),4. We went to her house but found her,out,. (副词做宾补),5. What do you advise me,to do,?(不定式做宾补),6. We thought him,to be an honest man,. (to be结构做宾补),7. He believed them,to have discussed the problem,. (不定式的完成式做宾补),8. He believed her,to be telling the truth,. (不定式的进行式做宾补),9. Did younoticehim,come in,?(不带to的不定式做宾补),Task,答案:,主语不及物动词,主语及物动词宾宾补,主语及物动词间宾直宾主语系动词表语 主语及物动词宾语,1. My holidays passed quickly,主语不及物动词,2. 主干: His parents have worked,主语不及物动词,翻译全句: His parentshave worked in the factory for more than ten years.,3. In my opinion, comparing myself with others constantly is not good.,主语系动词表语,4. Everythinglooksdifferent now.,主语系动词表语,5.Heisgrowingtallandstrong, standing out in a crowd.,主语系动词表语,6. Hehasrefusedtohelpthem.,主语及物动词宾语,7. In order to escape punishment, some students always copy othershomework.,主语及物动词宾语,8. When you come across the unknown words, you shouldnt consult your dictionary at once.,主语及物动词宾语,9. Then he lent me a book.,主语及物动词间宾直宾,10. I showed him my pictures yesterday.,主语及物动词间宾直宾,11. On Christmas Day, who sent you this beautiful present?,主语及物动词间宾直宾,12. Theyfoundthehousedeserted.,主语及物动词宾宾补,13. Isawthemgettingonthebus.,主语及物动词宾宾补,14. 主干: I heard a baby crying.,主语及物动词宾宾补,翻译全句:I heard a baby crying in the sitting room before I was asleep last night.,15. 主干: You must keep our classroom tidy and clean.,主语及物动词宾宾补,翻译全句:The room smelling bad, you must keep it tidy and clean.,16. 主干: Lucy and Maryget up.,主语不及物动词,翻译全句:As the exam draws near, Lucy and Maryget up early every morning to review their lessons.,17. 主干:We have homework. to do.,主语及物动词宾宾补,翻译全句:In most cases, we have lots of homework that is hard for us to do.,18. 主干: I dont know why you disagree with this view.,主语及物动词宾语(从句),翻译全句:After reading your composition, I still dont know why you disagree with this view.,Consolidation,(巩固、整理),Homework,背熟、掌握好本学案中重要单词短语的用法知识树及课内探究4个句子。,Thank you!,单词反馈,全对:苗蓓、王辰、刘芳、张淑然、刘小凡、蔡沙沙、马赫楠、刑钊、王颖慧(9人),-1:刘梦瑶、李承皓、刘天舒、张菁、宋萌萌、樊英楠,(6人),共15人,-2:王田雨、刘璐、高歌、刘伊宁、段宗文、阎晗,(6人),共21人,二次过关:牛思远、王璐、刘蓉杰、秦璐、李燕、霍晓丽、李金颖、于程、王聪敏、孙馨彤,作为一名文科的学生,英语只能是你的强,项也必须是你的强项,而基础知识的记忆,更得是你的强项中的强项!,单词反馈,全对:颜丽郡、刘硕、凌云、滕旋、刘楠楠、张秋雨、谢超、尹本顺、高原、胡磊、郎小彤(11人),-1:崔素敏、卜程程、楚晓琴、范鲁杰、孙林静、许元婷(6人),共17人,-2:田烨、刘晓雨、孙姗姗、成天雨、舒甜、翟天元,(6人),共23人,二次过关:张潇、康森、肖俊、高歌、宋宇、周希军、孟祥真、薛雨晴、刘英坤,作为一名文科的学生,英语只能是你的强,项也必须是你的强项,而基础知识的记忆,更得是你的强项中的强项!,第40套听力分数反馈,班级,30分,28.5分,27分,25.5分,总人数,9班,0,2人,10人,11人,23人,10班,1,2人,6人,12人,21人,9人,12人,成天雨30分,谢超、张潇28.5,丁振亚、胡磊、张秋雨、凌云、卜程程、崔素敏27分,刘璐、王璐28.5,徐晨珲、张琪琪、李金颖、张淑然、高歌、刘芳、王颖慧、毕新宇、蔡沙沙、刘梦瑶27分,如果我还有8天高考,我该怎么办?如果对待现在的每一天就像对待高考前的最后一天,任何人都能创造奇迹 ,一、There be句型,There is a man,called,Jerry,waiting,for you.,2.,There is no need to,worry about him.,没有必要,3.,There is no point (in) doing.,做某事没有意义,4.,There is no doubt that,毫无疑问,5. There,stands,a girl,looking,happy .,There used to be, there stands, there remains , there seems.,There have There is have ,二、,as,句型,1. As is known to all,the moon circles round the earth.,= As we all know,the moon circles round the earth.,=,It is known to all that,the moon circles round the earth.,= T,hat,the moon circles round the earth,is known to all .,=,What,is known to all,is that,the moon circles round the earth.,2. As it was getting late, we had to quit.,因为,像,随着,当,的时候,3. Young as he was, he made great contributions to his motherland.,as “,虽然,尽管” ,倒装。,though,既可以倒装也可以不倒装,while,和,although “,虽然尽管”,不倒装,防止两个谓语动词,三、seem 句型,It seems that everyone was satisfied.,=Everyone seemed to be satisfied.,2. It seems as if nothing had happened to him.,as, wish , if only,的虚拟语气,与现在相反:,did,与过去相反,: had,与将来相反:,would/ could/ might do,3. There seems to be a heavy rain.,四、,before,句型,The boy had run out before I could stop him.,2. It will be ten years before everything returns to normal.,要过十年一切才能回归正常。,3. It wasnt two years before he left the country.,还不到两年他们就离开了那国家。,五、since句型,He,has lived,here since his father,moved,here.,2. It is ten years since I smoked,我戒烟已经十年了。,3. It is ten years since I got married.,自从我结婚以来,已经十年了。,It is half a year since I went to the theatre.,六、强调句型,基本句型,It was,how I said it,that,made him angry.,2.,强调句的一般疑问句,Was it,how I said it,that,made him angry?,3.,强调句的特殊疑问句,What was it that,made him angry?,4.,强调句作名词性从句,Can you tell me,what it was that,made him angry?,七、not until 句型,基本句型,He didnt realize the truth until he came back.,2. 倒装句型:,Not until he came back did he realize the truth.,3. 与强调句结合It was not until he came back that he realized the truth.,八、倒装句型,Only through hard work can you expect to achieve your goals.,2. Never should we lie.,3. In front of the house sat an old lady.,九、with复合结构,He stared at the show,with his mouth open,.,2. The boy stood there,with his head down.,3. He stood,with his hands in his pockets.,4.,With nothing to do,he went back home.,5.,With the noise going on,he couldnt concentrate on his work.,6. He lay on the ground,with his eyes fixed on the ceiling.,十、常用It句型,1. It is a fact/an honour that,It is a fact that the earth moves around the sun.,2. It is obvious/apparent/clear that,It is clear that she doesnt like the dress at all.,3. It is believed / accepted/ thought/ held that,It is acknowledged that trees are important to us.,4. It is suggested/ ordered/ desired/ requested that +虚拟语气从句 (should do),It is suggested that we should hold a meeting next week.,5. It is a pity that+ 虚拟语气从句,It is a pity that he should not come.,6. It is natural/ important/ necessary/ strange that + 虚拟语气,从句 (should do),It is important that we raise enough money for the project.,十一、time句型,Its time for sb. to do sth. ,(该是,.,的时候了),= It is time that +,句子,(should do),= It is (high) time that +,句子(,did,),2. It is the first/ second time that,句子,(have done),It was the first/ second time that,句子,(had done),3. I loved the city the first time I visited it.,the first time,next time, each time, every time,等是连词。,十二、 “越来越”句型,The +,形容词或副词的比较级,+,主语,+,谓语动词,the +,形容词或副词的比较级,+,主语,+,谓语动词,The more books we read, the more learned we,become.,1.There,are,thirty percent of the student,s,for,the opinion.,Surporting,2.There,are,500,people,attending,his wedding.,3. There is no need,to be angry,with him.,4.,As we all know,he is one of the most porpular men in our school.,As is known to all,It,is known,that,5.,With the development of our society,more and more people join in the volunteers.,As,our society,develops,1. There,are,thirty percent of the student,s,for,the opinion.,surporting,There,are,thirty percent of the student,s,who surport/ are for /are in favor of,the opinion,.,2.There,are,500,people,attending,his wedding.,3. There is no need,to be angry,with him.,4.,As we all know,he is one of the most porpular men in our school.,As is known to all,It,is known,that,5.,With the development of our society,more and more people join in the volunteers.,As,our society,develops,6. The,harder,you work, the,more progress,you ll make.,7. (1 ) I did,nt,come back home,until,midnight yesterday,(2),It was not until midnight,yesterday,that,I came back home.,(3),Was it,not until midnight yesterday,that,I came back home.,(4),When was it that,I came back home.,(5) My wife doesnt know,when it was that,I came back home.,8.,It seems that,he has been admitted to Beijing university.,He seems to have been admitted,to Beijing university,.,9.,It will be,four days,before,they come back.,10.,It will be,a long time,before,we finish this dictionary.,11. It,is,3 years since I,moved,here,12. 自从他,不,住这儿已经三年了。,13.,Only when,you realize the importance of foreign languages,can you learn,them well.,14. (1),With our lessons over, we went to play football.,(2) The children came running towards us,with the flowers in their hands.,(3),With my mother being,will,,I wont be able to go on holiday.,(4),With the exam to be held,tomorrow,,I couldnt go to the cinema tonight.,15.,It is high time,for us to do something to protect our environment.,It is,high time,that we,did,something to protect our environment.,It is high time,that we,should do,something to protect our environment.,16.,Each time,I went there, I saw him working.,谢谢!,供娄浪颓蓝辣袄驹靴锯澜互慌仲写绎衰斡染圾明将呆则孰盆瘸砒腥悉漠堑脊髓灰质炎,(,讲课,2019),脊髓灰质炎,(,讲课,2019),


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