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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4,What would you do?,1.sharewith,sb,和某人分享,2.put it in the bank,把它存进银行,3.give it to charity,把他给慈善机构,4.medical research,医学研究,5.If I were you,I would wear a shirt and tie.,如果我是你的话,我就穿衬衣打领带,6.give advice on,提有关,的建议,7.what if,如果,怎么办呢?,8.everyone else,别的每一个人,9.What would you do if you had a million dollars?,如果你有一百万美圆你会做什么?,10.I hope I could fly to the moon.,我希望我能飞到月球上去。,短语:,短语:,11.get,pimpels,长粉刺,12.take a big exam,参加一次大的考试,13.help with this problem,帮助解决这个问题,14.take a long walk,长时间散步,15.in public/in a public place,在公众场合,16.do a personality survey,做性格调查,17.give a speech/make a speech,作演讲,发表演说,18.in front of the whole school,在全校师生面前,19.without permission,未经允许,20.be in a movie,拍电影,短语:,21.be friends with,sb,.,和某人成为朋友,22.have a cold,感冒,23.introduce oneself to,向,作自我介绍,24.wait for,sb,.to do,sth,.,等某人做某事,25.invite,sb,.to do,sth,.,邀请某人做某事,26.not in the slightest/not at all,一点也不,27.annoy,sb,.,令某人生气,e to,sb,.,来到某人身边,29.rather than,胜过,而不是,30.would rather do than do,宁愿,而不愿,31.all day.,整天,32.have confidence in,sb,.,对某人有信心,32.be confident of doing,sth,.,对做某事有信心,33.at lunch time,在午餐时间,34.an English speech contest,英语演讲比赛,35.represent the class in the school contest,代表班级参加学校的比赛,e top in the school exams,在学校考试中名列前茅,37.let down,让,失望,e up with /think of/think up,想出,想到,39.the solution to the problem,解决问题的办法,短语:,40.know of,知道有,听说,41.be faced with,face,sth,面临,面对,42.a first-aid book,一本急救的书,43.on the nearby shelf,.,在附近的书架上,44.have a lot of experience dealing with teenagers,多关于处理青少年问题的经验,45.have experience in,sth,.,在某方面有经验,e out,出版,47.by accident/by chance,偶然,48.cover,sth,.With,sth,.,用,把,盖住,短语:,49.be covered with,被,覆盖,50.fall downstairs,摔下楼梯,51.hurry to,急忙去,52.medical help.,医学救助,53.find out,查明,找出,54.put the burned area under cold running water,把烧伤部位放在凉的流动的水下冲。,55.get along (well)with/get on(well)with,与某人相处,56.plenty of,很多的,足够的,57.in history,历史上,短语:,58.hide,sth,.from,sb,.,隐藏某物不要某人看见,59.ask,sb.for,advice,向某人寻求意见,A:,短语大盘点:,1.,与,相处,8.,未经许可,2.,偶然地,9.,征求某人许可,3,捐给慈善组织,10.,一点也不,4.,如果,会怎样?,11.,在,的陪伴下,5.,医学研究,12.,事实上,6.,变得紧张,13.,大量的,7.,比起,更喜欢,14.,使,沮丧,现在考考你!,get along with,by accident,give it to charity,What if-,medical research,get nervous,prefer -to-,-,without permission,ask ones permission,not in,the slightest,with the company of,in fact,plenty of,let-down,What would you do if you had a million Yuan?,give it to charity,捐到慈善机构,give it to medical research,捐给医学研究,give it to the zoo,捐给动物园,buy a big house for my family,给家里买栋大房子,buy snacks,买零食,buy a car,买辆车,travel around the world,周游世界,put it in the bank,存到银行,I would-,Report:,_ is a,kind,boy/girl,he/she said that if he/she had a million,yuan,he/she would _.I am,glad,to have such a,good,friend.And I think I,should,learn from him/her.,表可能的假设:,If,从句,+,一般现在时,主句,+,一般将来时。,Translation:,如果你认真学习,你将取得好成绩。,如果明天不下雨,我们就去逛街。,如果你去北京,我也将跟你去。,如果他不来,晚会将推迟。,如果你不吃早餐,你就会很快饿。,If you,study,hard,you,will,get good grades.,If it,doesnt rain,tomorrow,we,will,go shopping.,If you go to Beijing,I,will,go with you.,If he,doesnt come,the party,will,be put off.,If you,dont have,breakfast,you,will,get hungry quickly.,中考考点,grammer,Subjunctive Mood(虚拟语气),概念,:,表示与事实相反或根本不可能实现的事,.,if,引导虚拟语气的条件状语从句,从句为非真实条件句,一般用过去时主句用“,should/would/could/might,动词原形”,.,eg,:If I,had,time,I,would go,for a walk.,(,事实上我现在没有时间,不能去散步),If I,were,invited,I,would go,to the dinner.,(,事实上没有人邀请我,我也不能去参加宴会),If I,had,a million dollars,I,would put,it in the bank.,(,事实上我没有一百万美元,也不可能存在银行),用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。,1.If I _(know)his number,I would,phone him.,2.,I_,_,_(not,buy)that coat if I were you.,3.I _,_,_(help)you if I could,but Im afraid I cant.,4.If we had the choice,we,_,_,_,(live)in the country.,5.Youre always tired.If,you_(not go),to bed so late,every night,you wouldnt be tired all,the time.,6.If I were you,I _,_,_(not wait).,I _,_,_,(go),now.,中考对对碰!,knew,wouldnt buy,would help,would live,didnt go,wouldnt wait,would go,translate these sentences into English.,如果我是你,我就穿上套装,.,如果我有一百万美元,我就买一栋大房子,.,我不知道是否该去参加那个聚会,.,如果你是我,你该怎么办,?,如果你努力学习英语,你会通过考试的,.,他不知道是否该带礼物去,.,If I were you,I would wear a suit.,If I had a million dollars,I would buy a big house.,I dont know if I should join that party.,If you were me,what would you do?,If you work hard on English,you will pass the test.,He doesnt know if he should bring a present.,Exercise,If I _(be)a bird,I _(fly)in the blue sky.,If I _(find)a purse,I _(give)it to the police.,If you _(have)something important,you _(can go)now.,If he _(have)no time,lets ask Tom instead.,If she _(come),please tell me.,If I _(be)you,I _(choose)this one.,were,would fly,found,would give,have,can go,has,comes,were,would choose,Unit5 Review,It must belong to Carla.,1.,寻找物主,:,2.,推断,:,Whose book is this?/Whose is this book?,Who does this book belong to?,Who is the owner of this book?,一定,肯定:,可能,也许:,不可能,一定不:,Its Lucys.,It belongs to Lucy.,Lucy is the owner of this book.,must,This book must be Lucys.,could/might,It could be Jims.,cant,This book cant be mine.,Tom must/could/might/cant be watching TV.,(三)标出短文中出现的本单元重要的单词、词组或句型


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