商务现场口译课件20单元PPT 19

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Transportation&Logistics,Unit,Nineteen(welcome to download),Unit Objectives,After studying this unit,you should,understand the importance of quality assessment in interpreter training.,find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.,master the basic words and expressions about transportation and logistics.,know some cultural background knowledge about transportation and logistics.,Preparing -Warm-up Exercises,You are going to hear a short passage.Listen to the passage and note down what you hear.Then interpret the passage with the help of your notes.your interpretation will be recorded.Listen to your recordings and make some comments on your interpretation.,Preparing -Skills Presentation,Packaging Training(I):Quality Assessment,Two Aspects of Interpretation,Three Criteria of Interpretation,Four Assessors Expectations,Preparing,-,Phrases Interpreting,English to Chinese,vessel,shipper,carrier,loading port,logistics industry,logistics activity,logistics network,logistics alliance,physical production,integrated logistics,1.,货船,2.,运货方,3.,承运人,4,装货港,5.,物流产业,6.,物流活动,7.,物流网络,8.,物流联盟,9.,产品配送,10.,综合物流,Preparing,-,Phrases Interpreting,B.,Chinese to English,提单,备运提单,记名提单,不记名提单,送货日期,送货,转运,保税仓库,全方位物流服务公司,满足搬运货物的需求,Bill of lading,Received for shipment B/L,Named B/L,Bearer B/L,Delivery date,Make delivery,Forward,bonded warehouse,Full-Service Distribution Company(FSDC),to meet delivery demand,Preparing,-,Sentences Interpreting,English to Chinese,根据商品的描绘,上述产品会用木筐加以包装,.,过去,10,年,公司自己提供运输能力的倾向越来越大,.,货物在运输过程中可能发生风险损失,需要办理货物保险,.,已装船提单表明货物已实际装上开往目的港的承运船只,.,因为货物易碎,要用软材料包装,再轻轻放于硬纸箱里,以减少损坏,.,B.,Chinese to English,The radios are packed 14 pieces to a box and 200 boxes to a wooden case.,How long does it usually take you to make delivery?,We regret to say that we cannot accept your demand for prompt shipment as we usually ship goods by regular liners.,I,m afraid we can,t promise delivery earlier than June.,The carrying vessel run by Hong Kong Global Shipping Corporation is named Yellow Mountain.,Performing -Decoding(Note-taking),Performing -Memorizing(Story-retelling),Listen to the recordings of Text A again.Try to catch more details and improve your notes.Then retell the speech in your own words with the help of your notes.,Performing,-Encoding(Message Reconstructing),中正国际货运集团凭着多年丰富经验,,精心筹划一套完备的货运服务组合给顾客享用。服务范围包括海运、空运、陆运及海空联运等。结合一丝不苟的服务态度,务求令顾客的货物在每个环节中获得最适当的处理。,我们已经与世界上领先的著名航运公司建立了长期的合作关系,例如马士基,东方国际运输集团(),中远国际,中海集运,并在国际货运业的客户中建立了良好的声誉。这一切的取得归功于我们提供的优良服务。,Performing,-Coordinating(Field Interpreting),impressive,packaging,shipment,peak season,orders,cancellations,L/C,extra fees,印象深刻,包装,运货,旺季,定单,取消,信用证,附加费用,Packaging -Interpreting and Assessment,集装箱港,珠江三角洲,枢纽港,保税区,国务院,重点工程,吞吐量,container seaport,Pearl River Delta,hub port,Free Trade Zone,State Council,key project,handling capacity,Packaging,-Interpreting and Assessment,Packaging,-Feedback and Comments,Aims of this Unit,Students Feedback,Teachers Comments,The candidate has met the standard,knowledge and skill requirements.,Candidates:_ Date _,Assessor:_ Date _,Assignment -Simulation Exercises,Role-play the following situations with your partners,acting as the Chinese speaker,English speaker and the interpreter respectively.One group will be invited to perform in class.,Situation A,Your business counterpart hope that you advance the shipment to mid-April but you cant agree to such an early delivery because your factories have a heavy commitment.,Situation B,Your business counterpart requires you to do your best to expedite the shipment.You offer to contact the producers to see if the shipment can be made a little earlier.,Points to Remember,The reconstruction consists of the informational content and its package.Content and package interact to achieve the desired communication effect.,The following three criteria are generally accepted in the circle of interpreting:,“,accuracy,smoothness and timeliness,”,.,As a professional act of communication,interpreting usually involves four parties,namely,the Speaker,the Listener,the Client and the Interpreter.,An interpretation is communicatively effective if it serves the four groups,expectations.,


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