英语口语课Local Snacks

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Local Snacks,Worlds most delicious foods,Some foods you eat to stay alive,others you eat because not to would be a crime.Here are those foods worth traveling the world to gorge on.,Local Snacks,The sea is lapping just by your feet,a warm breeze whips the tablecloth around your legs and a steamy pan of paella sits in front of you.Shrimp,lobster,mussels and cuttlefish combine with white rice and various herbs,oil and salt in this,Valencian,dish to send you immediately into holiday mode.,Though if you have it in Spain,youre probably there already.,大海冲刷着你的脚,和煦的微风吹动桌布轻拂你的腿,一盘热气腾腾的海鲜拌饭摆在你的面前。小虾、龙虾、贻贝和墨鱼,配以白米饭和各种香草,加上油和盐新鲜烹制出这款瓦伦西亚美食,会立即带给你一种假日风情。,尽管你并不是在西班牙吃的它,但很可能你已感觉自己已经在那里了,。,SEAFOOD PAELLA,SPAIN,西班牙海鲜饭,Local Snacks,Nothing really prepares you for the stench of one of the strangest dishes on earth.Like durian,smelly tofu is one of Southeast Asias most iconic foods.,The odor of fermenting tofu is so overpowering,many arent able to shake off the memory for months.So is the legendarily divine taste really worth the effort?Sure it is.,Stinky tofu,Southeast Asia,对于这种地球上最奇怪的菜肴之一的恶臭,你会感到防不胜防。和榴莲一样,臭豆腐是东南亚最具代表性的食品之一。,豆腐发酵的气味是如此强烈,许多人好几个月都无法摆脱对它的记忆。那么,这种传说中的美味真的值得一试吗?当然。,Local Snacks,Fajitas,Mexico,This assembly kit of a dining experience is a thrill to DIY enthusiasts everywhere.,Step 1:Behold the meat sizzling on a fiery griddle.Step 2:Along with the meat,throw side servings of capsicum,onion,guacamole,sour cream and salsa into a warm,flour tortilla.Step 3:Promise all within hearing range that youll have“just one more.”Step 4:Repeat.,墨西哥发吉达(辣味肉卷),此用餐体验组合能让每个,DIY,爱好者心潮澎湃。,第,1,步:在煎锅上煎肉。第,2,步:将肉和辣椒、洋葱、鳄梨酱、酸奶油和莎莎夹入热的面粉玉米饼里。第,3,步:大声告诉所有在场者,你只要“再吃一个”。第,4,步:重复以上步骤。,Local Snacks,Donuts,United States,These all-American fried wheels of dough need no introduction,but we will say one thing:the delicious guilt of snacking on these addictive calorie bombs makes them taste even better.If thats possible.,美国甜甜圈,这种全美国最爱的油炸面包圈就不用再多讲了,但我们还要说一句:每次吃这个诱人的卡路里大餐时,心中总是充满罪恶感,但就因为这样,甜甜圈显得更加美味了。前提是我们允许自己吃的话。,Local Snacks,Hamburger,Germany,When something tastes so good that people spend US$20 billion each year in a single restaurant chain devoted to it,you know it has to fit into this list.McDonald,s may not offer the best burgers,but that,s the point-it doesn,t have to.,The bread-meat-salad combination is so good that entire countries have ravaged their eco-systems just to produce more cows.,德国汉堡,当某种东西好吃到能让人们在一家它的专卖连锁餐厅里每年花上,200,亿美元,你便明白这种食物为什么一定会登上这个榜单了。麦当劳可能无法献上最美味的汉堡,但问题的关键不在这里,而是它根本没必要这样做。,面包、牛肉、沙拉的组合相当经典,各国争抢着破坏生态系统,就是为了养更多的牛。,Local Snacks,The maltose-syrup glaze coating the skin is the secret.Slow roasted in an oven,the crispy,syrup-coated skin is so good that authentic eateries will serve more skin than meat,and bring it with pancakes,onions and,hoisin,or sweet bean sauce.,Other than flying or floating,this is the only way you want your duck.,Peking duck,China,中国北京烤鸭,北京烤鸭吸引食客的秘密,是其甜美而光泽鲜明的脆皮。人们将烤鸭在炉中慢慢翻转烘烤,烤出甜美多汁的脆皮,地道的食客会多吃皮,少吃肉,用小薄饼卷上,再配以葱段和海鲜酱或甜面酱,令人爱不释口。,你的鸭子如果不是在飞在或者浮在水面上,那么这是你唯一想让它做的事情。,Local Snacks,Massaman,curry,Thailand,Emphatically the king of curries,and perhaps the king of all foods.Spicy,coconutty,sweet and savory,its combination of flavors has more personality than a Thai election.,Thankfully,someone invented rice,with which diners can mop up the last drizzles of curry sauce.,“The Land of Smiles”isnt just a marketing catch-line.Its a result of being born in a land where the worlds most delicious food is sold on nearly every street corner.,马沙文咖喱被称为咖喱之王,其实应该也是万食之王。将辛辣、椰果味、香甜、咸味融合在一起,马沙文咖喱的口味比泰国选举更有特色。,感谢有人发明了米饭,因为配上米饭才能把最后一滴咖喱酱统统吃光。,“,微笑之国,”,的称号并不只是宣传标语。这是因为这片土地的每个街角都有卖全世界最美味的食物。,Local Snacks,sushi,the quintessential Japanese delicacy of,vinegared,rice topped with raw fish and other ingredients.,How to eat sushi?,Local Snacks,1.Grip the sushi-do not squeeze.,2.Roll it partway over.,3.Turn it upside down,4.Dip lightly into soy sauce,5.Place whole piece in the mouth,letting the texture and delicate flavor of the soy-dipped fish touch the tongue first.,Local Snacks,What do you want to have for todays dinner?,Local Snacks,Dialogue 1,K:Im hungry.Lets go to the snack bar.,E:Ok,what unusual food do you want to try?,K:Im going to try,Gado,Gado,.,E:Whats that?,K:Its kind of rice ball that is made in Malaysia.What about you?,E:I dont know.I dont know what most of this food is!,K:Do you want,noodles,vegetables,rice,meat,seafood,beans,or dessert?,E:Id like to have some vegetables first.,Local Snacks,K:Have you ever tried,tempura,?,E:No,what is it?,K:Its deep fried vegetables,which is commonly eaten in Japan.,E:What do you use to eat it?,K:Most people eat tempura with chopsticks,but you can use a fork if you dont know how to use chopsticks.,E:That sounds good.Do you know if there are any vegetable dishes that are spicy?,K:Let me think.You could get an Indian or Thai vegetable curry,or you could get some,kimchi,.,E:Ill try all of those.How do you know so much about International food?,K:I used to


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