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Unit 7,Will people have robots?,Section A Grammar Focus-3c,Lead-in,I will be,He/she will be,Talk,Five years ago,Today,In five years,He was,He is,He will be,He played,He plays,He will play,He had,He has,He,will have,New words,peace,sea,build,sky,n.,和平,n.,海;海洋,v.,建筑;建造,v.,天空,/,pis,/,/,si,/,/bld/,/,ska,/,What will the future be like?,Cities will be more polluted.And there will be fewer trees.,Will people use money in 100 years?,No,they wont.Everything will be free.,Will there be world peace?,Yes,I hope so.,Kids will study at home on computers.,They wont go to school.,Grammar Focus,Countable nouns,Uncountable nouns,There will be,more,people,.,There will be,fewer,trees,.,There will be,more,pollution,.,There will be less,free,time,.,ll=will,wont=will not,3a,Fill in the blanks with,more,less,or,fewer,.,1.In the future,there will be _ fresh,water because there will be _ pollution,in the sea.,2.In 100 years,there will be _ cars,because there will be _ people in the,cities.,less,more,more,more,3.There will be _ jobs for people because,_ robots will do the same jobs as people.,4.I think there will be _ cities because people,will build _ buildings in the country.,5.In 50 years,people will have _ free time,because there will be _ things to do.,fewer,more,more,more,more,fewer,3b,Complete the predictions with what you think will happen.,Kids study at school now.In 100 years,_,_,2.I sometimes see blue skies in my city,but in the,future _,_,I will often see the blue skies,because,study,at home on computers.,kids will,there will be less pollution.,4.Families usually spend time together on weekends,but maybe in 200 years _,_,3.People now usually live to be about 70-80 years old,but in the future _,people will live to be 200 years old.,because they have robots to do everything.,everyday can be weekend,3c,Draw a picture of what you think a city in,the future will be like.Then describe it to,the class.,I think there will be more tall buildings,and there will be fewer cars and more buses.,Language points,一般将来时,1.,一般将来时的概念:表示,将来,某个时间要发生的,动,作或存在的状态,,或将来,经常、反复发生,的动作。,例:下周我将回家乡。,I will go back to my hometown next week.,肯定句,:,否定句,:,一般疑问句,:,特殊疑问句,:,主语,+shall/will+,v.,原形,主语,+shall/will+not+,v.,原形,shall/will+,主语,+,v,原形,特殊疑问词,+,一般疑问句,2.,基本句型:,简略回答,:,Yes,I shall./Yes,I will.,No,I shall not./No,I wont.,3.,一般将来时的句式结构:,(,1,)肯定式:,主语,+will/shall+,动词原形,+,其他,.,主语,+be going to+,动词原形,+,其他,.,will,用于各种人称,,shall,用于第一人称,,be,随人称、数和时态的变化而变化,,will,在人称代词后常缩写为,ll,。,(,2,)否定式:在,will/shall/be,后加,not,。,例:这些男孩今天下午不踢足球。,The boys wont play football this afternoon.,(,3,)一般疑问句:将,will/shall/be,提到主语前面。,例:学生们要去看比赛吗?,Will the students watch the match?,1).be going to,表示,近期、眼下,就要发生的事情,,will,表示的将来时间则,较远一些,。,例:,He is going to write a letter tonight.,He will write a book one day.,4.be going to,和,will,的区别:,2).be going to,表示根据,主观,判断将来肯定发生的,事情,,will,表示,客观,上将来势必发生的事情。,例:,He is seriously ill.He is going to die.,He will be twenty years old.,3).be going to,含有,“计划,准备”,的意思,,而,will,则没有计划性。,例:,She is going to lend us her book.,He will be here in half an hour.,4).,在有,条件从句,的主句中,一般不用,be going,to,而用,will,。,例:,If any beasts comes at you,Ill stay with,you and help you.,tomorrow,明天,the,day,after,tomorrow,后天,next,week,下周,next,year,明天,next,month,下个月,soon,不久,the,year,after,next,后年,5.,一般将来时常用的时间状语,:,the,week,after,next,下下周,in the future/in future,将来,in+,一段时,间,之后,from now on,从今往后,this year/term/week,今年,/,这个学期,/,这周,in the future,与,in future,in the future,in future,“在将来,未来”。多指较遥远的将来的某一时间,在时间概念上一般不包括现在。,“从今以后”。相当于,from now on,;“不久的将来”,相当于,in the near future,或,soon,。多指从现在开始近期的将来,在时间上包括现在。,1.I think kids will study at home on computers,_ ten years.,A.at B.for C.after D.in,2.Hurry up!The train _ in two minutes.,A.go B.went C.will go D.goes,Exercise,3.I think that England _ next time.,A.will win B.won C.is winning D.wins,4.There _ a meeting tomorrow,afternoon.,A.will be going to B.will going to be,C.is going to be D.will go to be,5._ you _ free tomorrow?,No.I _ free the day after tomorrow.,A.Are;going to;will,B.Are;going to be;will,C.Are;going to;will be,D.Are;going to be;will be,Translation.,My grandfather wont go fishing tomorrow.,Jim will be fifteen years old in five days.,(2),明天我爷爷不会去钓鱼。,(1),五天后,,Jim,就15岁了。,Will you come to,Changsha,next month?,(3),你下个月将会来长沙吗?,(4),我们什么时候再见面?,When shall we meet again?,


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