BP Oil Spill

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,BP/Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill,Prepared by Rusty Sturken,Duluth Middle School,Gwinnett County Schools,June/July,2010,Image-a view of the oil in the Gulf of Mexico from underwater is from,http:/ Horizon Oil Platform being transported,http:/ Horizon Oil Platform,Timeline,The Wall Street Journal reported that.,At 11 a.m.on April 20,th,BP(oil company leasing the oil rig)and Transocean(oil rig operator)employees had a disagreement about how to start shutting down the well.,It appears from the article that heavy drilling fluid was removed from pipes in the well.Removing heavy drilling fluid prior to temporarily sealing up a well and abandoning it is normal,but questions have emerged about whether the crew started the process without taking other precautionary measures against gas rising into the pipe.,Less than 11 hours after the meeting,the well had a blowout,an uncontrolled release of oil and gas,killing 11 workers.The platform caught on fire,then sank.,From,http:/ Horizon on fire,http:/ 20,2010-Explosion and fire on Transocean Ltds drilling rig Deepwater Horizon licensed to BP;11 workers were killed.The rig was drilling beneath about 5,000 feet of water and 13,000 feet under the seabed.,April 22-The Deepwater Horizon rig,valued at more than$560 million,sank and a 5-mile-long oil slick formed.,April 25-Efforts to activate the wells blowout preventer failed.,May 7-An attempt to place a containment dome over the spewing well failed when the device was rendered useless by frozen hydrocarbons that clogged it.,May 29-BP said the complex top kill maneuver to plug the well has failed,June 2-BP tried another capping strategy,Early July-“A Whale”,superskimmer,arrives to help,July 7-Oil and natural gas continue to leak from the failed Blow Out Preventer but some oil and natural gas is“captured”and“flared”each day,July 12-NBC reported that each day up to 60,000 barrels of oil escape into the Gulf of Mexico.,Info from,R,and,BP.com,Deepwater Horizon on fire,http:/ Horizon on fire,http:/i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/06/25/article-1289473-094A753D000005DC-978_468x319.jpg,Still picture of video feed from well location on ocean floor,http:/ video feed from“,Skandi,ROV1“,Live video feed from,Skandi,ROV2“,Interactive oil spill map at,Oil is collected in skimming boom attached to the U.S.Coast Guard Cutter Cypress.,It has been a month and a half in the ongoing,Photo:,Flickr,/,Deepwater Horizon Response,From http:/ Skimming Operation,Oil-covered Brown Pelican,Image from,A,brown pel,ican struggles on East Grand Terre Island,Louisiana,Image from,The costs to wildlife,The NOAA Ship Pisces reported a dead 25-foot sperm whale was located 150 miles due south of Pascagoula,Mississippi,77 miles from the oil spill site,Of the 469 turtles verified from April 30 to June 17,a total of 360 stranded turtles were found dead,37 stranded alive.,On June 29,th,CNN reported that the Audubon Institute was caring for over 100 turtles that were“oiled”.,Of the total 46 stranded dolphins,43 dolphins stranded dead,three stranded alive.,Some info from http:/,response.restoration.noaa.gov/dwh.php?entry_id,=809,Satellite Image on May 17,2010,From Google Earth per,http:/ Image on June 28,2010,From Google Earth,The Clean Up,http:/i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/06/25/article-1289473-09D3B193000005DC-241_468x306.jpg,Deploying oil booms on a beach in Louisiana,http:/ of Opportunity”deploy oil booms,http:/ booms laid out at Breton National Wildlife Refuge in Louisiana,http:/ A Whale skimmer,a 1,100-foot ship,converted into a super skimmer,has arrived in the Gulf of Mexico to assist with cleanup of the BP oil spill.,From Reuters?Image location is,http:/ Jimmy Buffett Concert in Gulf Shores,Alabama,Photo by Rick Diamond/Getty Images North America,http:/ by Rick Diamond/Getty Images North America),http:/ Jimmy Buffett Concert in Gulf Shores,Alabama,http:/ Clean Up,As of June 28,th,-,Two systems continue to collect oil and gas flowing from the Deepwater Horizons failed blow-out preventer(BOP)and transport them to vessels on the surface.,BP said it would donate 5million dollars and revenue from oil recovered from the oil spill to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation,From,at http:/, Clean Up,As of June 28,th,-,BP announced that it is now spending 100 million dollars per day on the clean up,spending$2.65 billion so far,A 20 billion dollar compensation fund has been set up by BP,Info from,R,http:/


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