Six Sigma 12 Steps (六西格玛的12个步骤)14748

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following visual illustrates how the system can work,DEFINE,Six Sigma Breakthrough Steps,Define,Measure,Analyze,Improve,Control,Step 1 -Select Output Characteristic,-Identify Process Input/Output Variables,Step 2 -Define Performance Standards,Step 3 -Validate Measurement System,Step 4 -Establish Process Capability,Step 5 -Define Performance Objectives,Step 6 -Identify Variation Sources,Step 7 -Screen Potential Causes,Step 8 -Discover Variable Relationships,Step 9 -Establish Operating Tolerances,Step 10 -Validate Measurement System,Step 11 -Determine Process Capability,Step 12 -Implement Process Controls,Six Sigma Methodology,Step 1-Define Phase,You have to have a reason to do a project and that reason should be something that is bothering a customer.,If you cant identify what is important to work on,dont work on anything.,If you cant put a name on it you cant do it.,If you cant define the units of measure-be careful!You will end up having to:,Define the units of measure and create a measuring system for the issue at the beginning of your project.,Step 2-Measure Phase,If you dont know what makes something good or bad,how can you measure the problem in terms of defects(DPMO)?,If the definition of what makes a defect(the specification)is not in the same units of measure as the selected Y from step 1,you have the wrong spec.,The definition needs to be crystal clear and brief,Select the Output Characteristic(the“Y”),What is the problem?What is a defect?,Define the Performance Standard of the“Y”,What is the specification or level of performance,required,by the customer,?,Six Sigma Methodology,Step 3-Measure Phase,If you cant measure something,how do you know where you are,where you have been,or where you are going?,If your measurement system is incapable,STOP and FIX IT before proceeding,.,Note:Measurement System Analysis(MSA)must be done on any and all defects you wish to count(watch out if you have a visual inspection of 6 characteristics),Step 4-Measure Phase,I know what I want to fix(step1),what defines it as good or bad(step 2),and I can accurately measure it(step 3)so:,Now I can say how my process is performing in terms of long and short term Z and DPMO which is my baseline defect rate.I know can improve from here.,Validate the Measurement System,Can we accurately and consistently,measure the Y?Can you trust your data?,Establish Process Capability,What is our defect rate today?,Six Sigma Methodology,Step 5-Measure Phase,Where do I want to be at the end of my project?There should be a stretch goal with logic behind its selection.,The objective should make it clear to all at what point the project will be considered complete and successful.,Step 6-Analyze Phase,Define Performance Objectives,Given the current defect rate,how,much should we expect to improve?,Identify Variation Sources(“Xs”),What are some potential causes of the defect?,List all potential inputs(KPIV,X)that could affect my output(KPOV,Y).,This is filling the,top of the funnel,.Some tools include fishbone,C&E matrix,Failure Modes and Effects Analysis(FMEA),detailed process maps.,Think outside the box-if you fix it the same way you did last year,you will have the same problem you have now.,Six Sigma Methodology,Step 7-Analyze Phase,Step 8-Improve Phase,Screen Potential Causes,Can I figure out which of the potential causes are,actually,affecting my defect rate using statistical tests?,Screening is done using Graphical Tools and Hypothesis Tests to identify and,prove which are the vital Xs.This is,the middle of the funnel,for projects,with variable relationships between Xs For some simpler projects,where there are no variable relationships between my Xs(or I have only 1 X),this is also step 8 the bottom of the funnel,the final vital Xs,Discover Variable Relationships,Now that I know which ones,actually,cause the defect,how should they be set so they produce the least amount of defects?,Evaluate if any of my vital Xs are affected by other Vital Xs.This is primarily done t


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