Appllying Knowledge Management to Improve Performance of Dispersed Teams 应用知识管理提升团队绩效

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Title,Body Text,Second Level,Third Level,Fourth Level,Fifth Level,2002 CSM,Fig. 1-,23,Applying,Knowledge Management,to Improve Performance of Dispersed Teams,Center for Systems Management, Inc.,2325 Dulles Corner Blvd, Suite 670,Herndon, VA 20171,(800) 486-8090,And keeping them from becoming “Virtual”,Mark A. Wilson,At what point does a team become,“Virtual”?,not all in one room,not all in one floor of a building,not on one campus,not in the same city,not in the same time zone,not communicating and collaborating effectively,When team members are:,Virtual,adjective,“Existing in the mind, especially as a product of the imagination.”,Definition,FirstA Little about CSM,Our,business is based on managing and transferring knowledge,We train and consult in project management and system engineering,Our clients are government agencies and large corporations, primarily telecom and aerospace,Our products/services are tailored for each client,This has created a large IP repository,CSMs Visualization Model,Context,Until 1999, we were located on one floor of an office building in the San Francisco Bay Area,Our staff is now widely dispersed with the largest concentration in Northern Virginia,Even where were clustered (Northern VA, Northern CA, and Denver), we are seldom in the local office.,Problems we experience as a “Dispersed Team”,People,Process,Resources,Tools,Collaboration is seldom face-to-face,Email / IM is addictiveand time consuming,Different cultures in Europe and Asia sometimes create misunderstandings,Determining visibility and Status is a challenge,Different time zones requires asynchronous ops,Roles and responsibilities are often unclear,Communication takes more effort,Physical separation can evolve into isolation,Knowledge Management - CSM context,Managing the leadership, organization, technology and learning aspects of internal and external intellectual assets through retention and collaborative sharing of knowledge for the purpose of improving performance and inspiring innovation throughout an enterprise.,(There are at least as many definitions of KM as there are of Systems Management),Charles H.,Bixler, D.Sc.,George Washington University,CSMs Definition,:,The integration, configuration management, sharing, access, and reuse of knowledge assets.,The leveraging of collective wisdom to increase responsiveness and innovation.,The Delphi Group,Knowledge Assets Available to Anyone for Action,For CSM, this is focused on IP, but it also includes our processes, event data, client discourse, status, and works in progress.,The Good Old Days,Our functional, vertical organization was unambiguous,Internally focused with central controle.g., a “Key Messages Czar” and a central course development department,We managed our IP reasonably well,IP was in the form of PowerPoint files and Word documents,CM tools were spreadsheets and databases,Internal collaboration and CM worked well, but growth was limited by development capacity and customer exposure,Marketing,& Sales,Finance,& Admin,Development,& IP Mgmt,Event,Management,InstructorsConsultants,CSM was Re-engineered in 1999,We reorganized as client-centered and horizontal,Client Program Managers were heavily involved in IP development and tailoring,Control was distributed (but the tools werent),We relocated and dispersed,Geographical, time zone, and office separation,The tools and processes didnt adapt well,We became dependent on e-mail,Unfortunately, it slowed the use of other forms of collaboration, communication, and CM,Proposal Writing: A Case Study in KM,Pre-1999, when a new RFP was released, the marketing manager:,Accessed his personal memory for all related past activities and market info,Went to his PC and pulled out the closest predecessor to edit,Drew from a couple of other files, perhaps asking for input at the water cooler,Today, writing a new proposal can be a very big task,Past proposals are monolithic and dispersed among several industry specialists and client program managers,Rich new market research and competitive sources require good Internet search skills to exploit,How will we write this proposal?!,No problem, Ill dust off the one we wrote last year for their competitors.,Database,Database,Database,Database,KM Problems of the Dispersed CSM,The KM applications of that time (1999),Cracking a peanut with a sledge hammer,Data was fragmented and tools didnt scale to a small company,Our large clients were struggling with enterprise automation,Large IT support commitment and lack of integration,CRM,Event Mgmt,Timecards,Proj,Mgmt,Document Repository,First Generation KM Tool Suites,Life Cycle Cost,Effectiveness,Integration,Who is going to tailor, install, and support this system!,CSM CFO,We have tried unsuccessfully to balance e-mail with “pull” collaboration tools such as a bulletin boards and news groups.,How do we keep e-mail from becoming just more,corporate information landfill,instead of an information resource?,Lessons Learned (and still to be learned),Centrally-controlled IT and KM processes dont transfer easily to a highly dispersed, decentralized organization,First generation packaged solutions managed documents, but not content fragments.,We use (abuse?) about 5% of the features in MS Office,Emerging technology gives us hope,Our home-grown applications are unwieldy and inefficient, but they are generating the requirements for our taxonomy, categorization, and content classification,Just-In-Time Technologies Web+XMLscalable technologies that fit CSM just right,While we were dispersing CSM . . .,KM was changing focus from IT document management, network technology, and conventional databases to:,Content management,Information structures, and,Accessibility“Its no good if you cant find it and, worse yet, looking for what you know is somewhere, but still not finding it.”,Where we are now:,Busy exploiting XML, evaluating ASPs & standard elements (parsers), and looking for the right collaboration solution.,Defining our taxonomy, classification, forms, and processes,Case Study in KM: Replace this diagram,Decomposition,&,Definition,Integration,&,Verification,Develop System Specification,and System Verification Plan,Integrate System and Perform,Verification to System Specification and Verification Plan and Procedures,Validate System to User,Validation Plan,Elaborate System Specifications into CI,“Design-to” Specifications,and CI Verification Plans,Evolve “Design-to”,Specifications into “Build-to”,and “Code-to” Documentation and,Verification Procedures,Produce and Assemble to “Build-to” and “Code-to” Documentation,Inspect to “Build-to”,and “Code-to” Documentation,Assemble,CIs,and,Perform Verification,to “Design-to”,Specifications,Understand Customer,Requirements, Develop System Concept and Validation Plan,with this diagram (in hundreds of courses),Decomposition,&,Definition,Integration,&,Verification,Integrate Segments into the System then Verify and Validate,Element Requirements, Concept, Design, and Verification and Validation Plans,Subsystem Requirements, Concept, Design, and Verification and Validation Plans,Component Requirements, Concept, Design, Build, and Verification and Validation Plans,Integrate Components into Subsystems then Verify and Validate,Integrate Subsystems into Elements then Verify and Validate,System Requirements, Concept, Design, and Verification and Validation Plans,Segment Requirements, Concept, Design, and Verification and Validation Plans,Integrate Elements into Segments then Verify and Validate,Discussion,What has been,your,experience with authors being willing and,able,to characterize their own document content?,CSMs Dispersed Team Toolkit,Today (emerging):,IP Classification, Taxonomy, and XML Schema,CSM forms and templates that apply our XML tags,XML authoring for meta files and some deliverables,Master repository accessible and searchable on the web,Web-based collaboration through conferences and bulletin boards (captured in the same repository),Tomorrow:,XML,wysiwyg,authoring for source files and deliverables,Taking the,work,out of dispersed team,work,Course ModuleFile,(,PowerPnt,),XMLMetafile,Proposal ModuleFile(Word),XMLMetafile,XML Form,XML Form,Web searchable and viewable,Form prompts author to list the creation date, title, subject matter, synopsis, keywords, differences from baseline, learning objectives, key messages, client data, etc.,Next Generation,Sourcedocs+ Meta(XML),XML Forms and Authoring Application,Built from building blocks and key messages in proposals, presentations, courses, reports, bulletin board threads, etc.,Summary a win/win outcome,Marketplace realities led us to decentralize and disperse,Our dispersion forced us to think differently,Our appreciation for the link between process discipline and performance improvements led us to embrace the emerging KM methods and tools,Implications,Knowledge management techniques and tools improve CSM performance and customer satisfaction,Dispersed teams have a more rewarding and productive experience.,We will no longer rely on individual heroics,Result,: F,aster response to clients with much less duplication and rework,Enabling our clients to deliver on their promises,Center for Systems Management, Inc.,2325 Dulles Corner Blvd, Suite 670,Herndon, VA 20171,(800) 486-8090,


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