人教版高中英语 Book 5 Unit 4 Making the news reading 教学课件 (共103张PPT)

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人教版高中英语 Book 5 Unit 4 Making the news reading 教学课件 (共103张PPT)_第1页
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人教版高中英语 Book 5 Unit 4 Making the news reading 教学课件 (共103张PPT)_第2页
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人教版高中英语 Book 5 Unit 4 Making the news reading 教学课件 (共103张PPT)_第3页
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Unit 4 Making the newsReading 必 修 五 1. To summarize and remember the main idea of the passage.2. To know the skills necessary to become a good reporter and how to conduct a good interview.3. To learn some useful words and expressions in the passage.Objectives Words: delighted, assist, eager, concentrate, acquire, assess, inform, meanwhile, accuse, demandExpressions:concentrate on, depend on, accuse of, so as to (do sth)Patterns:not only but , only if 穆 青 穆 青 : 中 国 著 名 记 者 , 他 在 多 年 的 新 闻 生 涯 中 创作 了 县 委 书 记 的 榜 样 焦 裕 禄 等 著 名 新 闻 作 品 ,教 育 和 影 响 了 几 代 人 。Do you know who these good journalists are? 埃 德 加 斯 诺 埃 德 加 斯 诺 于 1928年 来 华 , 曾 任 欧美 几 家 报 社 驻 华 记 者 、 通 讯 员 。 1936年 6月 斯 诺 访 问 陕 甘 宁 边 区 , 写 了 大量 通 讯 报 道 , 成 为 第 一 个 采 访 红 区 的西 方 记 者 。 抗 日 战 争 爆 发 后 , 又 任 每 日 先 驱 报 和 美 国 星 期 六 晚 邮报 驻 华 战 地 记 者 。 新 中 国 成 立 后 ,曾 三 次 来 华 访 问 , 1972年 2月 15日 因病 在 瑞 士 日 内 瓦 逝 世 。 遵 照 其 遗 愿 ,其 一 部 分 骨 灰 葬 在 中 国 , 地 点 在 北 京大 学 未 名 湖 畔 。 白 岩 松 白 岩 松 : 央 视 著 名 记 者 、主 持 人 , 他 主 持 了 香 港回 归 、 三 峡 大 江 截 流 、国 庆 五 十 周 年 庆 典 、 澳 门回 归 等 大 型 现 场 直 播 节 目 。他 成 为 新 一 代 电 视 人 的 代表 之 一 , 曾 获 “ 金 话 筒 ” 奖 。 意 大 利 著 名 女 记 者 法 拉 奇 法 拉 奇 曾 采 访 过 中 国 国 家 领 导 人 邓 小 平 ,是 20世 纪 最 著 名 的 新 闻 工 作 者 、 战 地 记 者 ,享 有 极 高 的 国 际 声 誉 。 If you want to be a journalist, do you think what qualities a good news reporter needs to have?Qualities Very important important notHigher level of educationWork experience Qualities Very important Important notGood communication skillsCurious, active personalityHard-workingEnthusiasm for the jobPrepared to work long hoursAbility to work in a team Requirement of a journalist1. Fluency in English both on spoken and written.2. Outgoing personality and excellent interpersonal (人 与 人 之 间 的 ) communication skills.3. Initiative (主 动 的 ), passionate (充 满 激 情 的 ), team-working and work with high degree of independence.4. Able to work under pressure.5. Good knowledge in computer software application (应 用 ) especially in MS office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint). What equipment do you think a journalist should have nowadays?A mobile phone, small recorder, digital camera, satellite telephone, laptopcomputer, etc. Everyone has unforgettable moments in his/her life. Think about your first day at school, being far away from home, your first day abroad Now discuss in your group what the first day would be like, and how you would feel if you were to work for a famous newspaper or company. Interview patient imaginative well-organized polite technically good concise thorough creative curious careful gifted professionalUse the words given below to make an interview with your partner about which occupation you will choose in the future. A: Which occupation will you choose in the future?B: I want to be a _.A: Why?B: A _ needs to be _. I think I would make a good _ because _ _. Read the explanation and speak out the word it explains. adj. 快 乐 的 ; 欣 喜 的 delightedadj. 值 得 赞 扬 的 ; 令 人 钦 佩 的 admirableadj. 不 同 寻 常 的 ; 独 特 的 unusualvery pleased deserving respect or approval different from others of the same type in a way that is surprising, interesting or attractive vt. 帮 助 ; 协 助 ; 援 助 assistto help to give or offer sth. for a decision to be made by others n. 助 手 ; 助 理 ; 售 货 员 assistant vt. 递 交 ; 呈 递 (文 件 等 ) submitsomeone who helps someone else to do a job; someone who works in a shop, selling goods to customers and giving advice about the goods sold in the shop any type of work which needs special training or a particular skill, often one which is respected because it involves a high level of education n. 职 业 ; 专 业 profession related to work that needs special training or education adj. 专 业 的 ; 职 业 的n. 专 业 人 员 professional n. 同 事 colleague a person who has the type of job that needs a high level of education and training one of a group of people who work together adj. 渴 望 的 ; 热 切 的 eagerwanting very much to do or have sth., esp. sth. interesting or enjoyable vi. 聚 集 concentraten. 业 余 爱 好 者 amateurvt. 更 新 ; 使 现 代 化 updateto bring or come together in a large number or amount in one particular area a person who takes part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job to make sth. more modern or suitable for use now by adding new information or changing its design vt. 获 得 ; 取 得 ; 学 到 acquirevt. 评 估 ; 评 定 assessvt. 告 知 ; 通 知 informn. 最 后 期 限 deadlineto get sth. to judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of sth. to tell someone about particular facts a time or day by which sth. must be done n. 情 况 ; 病 例 ; 案 例 casevt. 指 责 ; 谴 责 ; 控 告 accusea particular situation or example of sth.; the fact of sb. having a disease or an injury; a question to be decided in a court of law to say that someone has done sth. morally wrong, illegal or unkind in the period of time between two times or two events; while sth. else is happening adv. 其 间 ; 同 时 meanwhile a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two different things you could do adj. 犯 罪 的 ; 有 罪 的 ; 内 疚 的 guiltyn. (进 退 两 难 的 )困 境 ; 窘 境 dilemmafeeling guilt doubting that sth. is true or useful adj. 怀 疑 的 sceptical / skepticaladv. 故 意 地 deliberatelyintentionally vt. 出 版 ; 发 行 ; 发 表 ; 公 布 publish to make information available to people, esp. in a book, magazine or newspaper, or to produce and sell a book, magazine or newspaper a need for sth. to be sold or supplied; a strong request to ask for sth. forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused n. 需 求 ; 要 求vt. 强 烈 要 求 demand concentrate on depend on accuse of so as to (do sth) 因 指 责 或 控 告 为 了 (做 )只 要集 中 ; 全 神 贯 注 于依 靠 ; 依 赖Match Now discuss in pairs how you would feel if you were offered a job on a such famous newspaper? My First Work Assignment “Unforgettable,” says new journalist What does the reading passage mainly talk about? The skills necessary to become a good reporterB. The skills necessary to become a good photographerC. How to conduct a good interviewD. Being carefully in the new environmentE. A and C SkimmingE Fast reading2. What mistakes must Zhou Yang avoid?He must avoid being rude and talking too much himself.1. Who were talking?Zhou Yang was talking with his boss, Hu Xin.3. How did Zhou Yang feel on his first day at work? He felt excited, curious and eager to go out on a story. How do you divide the text into three sections according to the duties of a journalist?Section 1:Section 2:Section 3: what you should do when covering a storya case where journalists were accused to work with colleagues Careful reading When can a new reporter cover a story by himself?A. Never can a new reporter cover a story by himself.B. Only after he has seen what an experienced reporter does.C. Not until he is old enough.D. Only when he takes a camera with him.Section 1 :Zhou took a course of photography at mid-school.t universityTrue or False B F What a new journalist should do on the first day? The first time he will be sent with an _. _ him to take a _ with him. He will have a professional _ with him to take photographs.experienced journalistcamera photographerThereisnoneedfor While interviewing, the journalist would just ask the questions prepared before hand (事 先 ).True or FalseBesides, ask the questions depending on what the person says.Section 2: F What a journalist needs to remember when going out to cover a story?1. He needs to be _.2. A good journalist must have a “_” for a story.3. He has to listen for the _.4. If necessary, he can prepare a _ to make sure that he gets all the facts straight.curious nosedetailed factsrecorder Choose the correct explanation. What do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story?A. tell a story B. write storyC. send a story D. report a story 报 道 新 闻 D 2. A good journalist must have a good “nose” for a story.A. know what has happened. be able to “smell” the truth when somebody is telling part of it.C. be able to discover the whole truth by doing research.D. B and C 有 一 个 对 新 闻 敏 感 的 “ 嗅 觉 ”D 3. This is a trick of the trade. something that cheats somebody B. something that helps you do the job in a professional way. C. something used to hide secrets.4. We sometimes use small recorders to make sure that we get all your facts straight.A. to make sure that the story is accurateB. to get the facts directlyC. to get the things specially 行 业 诀 窍直 接 获 得 全 部 真 实 材 料 B A 1. The footballer admitted he took the money.2. Zhou Yang is very eager to cover a story.True or FalseThe footballer was thought to be guilty becauseA. He usually told lies.B. He stopped the reporter publishing an article.C. He took money for deliberately not scoring in order to let the other team win. D. He bribed another football team.Section 3: C T F Zhou Yangs notesQuestions about Zhou Yangs answersThe skills needed 1. be able to _ _.2. be _ 3. do _4. ask _The importance of listening get the _ tell if someone is telling the truthaccurate researchquestionsdetailed facts Questions about Zhou Yangs answersStages in researching a story 1. _ 2. note _ 3. _ facts4. do _How to check facts use _ and ask _How to deal with accusations of printing lies use _ for the _ask questionsreactionscheckresearchresearchwitnessesa tape recorderinterview What is the main difference between a reporter and being a photographer?concise patient imaginative well-organized technically good polite honest truthful thorough creative curious admirable careful gifted professional Adjectives to describe a reporter Adjectives to describe a photographerpatient, well-organized, thorough, curious, careful, concise, professional, polite creative, imaginative, technically good, gifted, professional, patient, well-organized A reporter needs to be _ _ but a photograph needs to be _ _. _. I think I would make a good _ _. thorough, curious, careful and concise creative, imaginative, technically good and giftedThey both need to be professional, well-organized and patient photographerbecause I am creative and I enjoy being technically good at things. Summary To the reporters, its _ for them to take a camera because they have _ with them. The reporters should be _ and they must have a _ for a story. They know how to _ the information they need. While interviewing, they wont _,_, _. unnecessary professional photographers curious nose acquire be rudethey wont talk too much themselves and they listen to the interviewee carefully They will listen to the _ facts and ask new questions. There is a trick of the _,that is, with the permission of the interviewer, they would use _ which could keep the evidence to help _ their story.detailedrecorders support trade What does Zhou Yang have with him when he goes out?2. What equipment do you think a news reporter should have nowadays?a notebook, pen and a cameramobile phone, small recorder, laptop computer, satellite telephone, etc.Post-reading- Questions 副 的e.g. assistant manager/director/cook/professor/journalist etc.assistant n. (C) : 助 理e.g. a sales / shop assistantHughes, who was Motts assistant, will now become head coach.Lydia is the assistant to the Director of Finance.assist v. 帮 助 , 协 助 4. cover vt. 盖 , 铺 , 覆 盖他 用 一 块 布 盖 上 了 这 张 桌 子 。He covered the table with a piece of cloth.一 辆 路 过 的 车 溅 了 他 一 身 泥 。He was covered with mud by a passing car.(2) 占 有 (时 间 , 面 积 )这 座 城 市 占 地 10平 方 英 里 。The city covers ten square miles. 有 记 载 的 历 史 有 5000年 了 。Recorded history covers a period of five thousand years.(3) 走 完 , 走 过他 们 一 天 走 了 20英 里 。They covered 20 miles a day.(4) 看 完 (多 少 页 书 )现 在 我 已 经 读 完 200页 了 。I have covered 200 pages now.(5)支 付 (开 支 ) 这 家 公 司 几 乎 不 能 支 付 它 的 花 费 。The firm barely covers its costs. 十 美 元 将 会 支 付 我 们 这 次 旅 行 所 用 汽 油 的 花 费 。Ten dollars will cover our petrol for the journey.(6) 包 括 , 涉 及 , 适 用 于他 的 研 究 涉 及 范 围 很 广 。His research covered a wide field.(7) 报 道 , 采 访记 者 们 被 派 去 采 访 这 个 事 件 。Reporters were sent to cover the event. 5. submit v. 提 交 , 呈 递submit (that) 主 张He submits only that it is not Washington that should do the helping.submit an application/claim/proposal All applications must be submitted by Monday.v. 屈 服 , 顺 从They submitted an essay to the pressure. 6. No need for a camera. 此 句 是 省 略 句 , 原 句 为 : There is no need for a camera. 拓 展 : There is no need (for sb.) to do sth. 没 有 必 要 做 某 事 情 There is no need to worry about money. There is no need to be in such a hurry. 7. professional adj. 职 业 的 , 专 业 的 , 从 事 职 业 的I cant imagine he is a professional footballer. I want to be a professional journalist. professional team/standards/adviceprofession n. 职 业She is a lawyer by profession. 8. eager adj. 渴 望 的 , 热 切 的 , 殷 切 期 盼 的 be eager for/about sth 渴 望 be eager (for sb.) to do 渴 望 (某 人 )做 be eager thatHe was eager for success.The child was eager to see his mother.Tom was eager for you to come to the party.The president is eager that the project should be started early. eager 与 anxious be eager for sth. 渴 望 , 期 望 be anxious for/about sth. 担 心 , 忧 虑 be eager to do sth./ be anxious to do sth.后 面 跟 不 定 式 时 , 意 思 一 样 , 表 示 渴 望 做 , 急 切 地 想 我 们 都 为 他 的 安 全 担 忧 。We were anxious for his safety. 这 些 疯 狂 的 歌 迷 急 切 地 想 见 Jay。These crazy fans are eager/anxious to see Jay. 我 们 渴 望 周 末 休 息 一 下 。We are eager for a rest on weekends. 9. concentrate vt. 聚 集vi. 集 中 , 全 神 贯 注 于 (多 和 on/upon连 用 )concentrate (ones attention, mind, efforts, thoughts) on (doing) sth.全 神 贯 注 , 精 神 集 中 , 致 力 于 有 这 么 多 噪 音 我 不 能 全 神 贯 注 于 我 的 学 习 。I cant concentrate on my study with all the noise going on.他 集 中 精 力 在 他 的 科 学 研 究 上 。He concentrates his mind on his scientific research. 我 们 必 须 竭 尽 全 力 来 改 善 教 育 。We must concentrate our efforts on improving education. 这 群 人 聚 集 在 城 市 的 中 心 。The crowds concentrated in the center of the city.军 队 在 车 站 附 近 聚 集 。The troops concentrated near the station. concentration n. 专 心 ; 聚 集 10. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills. Not onlybut also 引 导 的 并 列 句 , 如not only 位 于 句 首 , not only 所 在 句 倒 装 。Not only will I go, but also I will take my parents there. 2) amateur adj. 业 余 的 (反 ) professional 专 业 的an amateur orchestra (管 弦 乐 队 )amateur dramatics n. 业 余 从 事 者Compared to those guys, Im an amateur.The orchestra is made up entirely of amateurs. 3) course n. 课 程 ; 过 程 ; 一 道 菜An event that changed the course of history. 改 变 历 史 进 程 的 事 件a four-course dinner 有 四 道 菜 的 正 餐4) update v. 现 代 化 , 更 新Its about time we updated our software.我 们 的 软 件 应 该 更 新 了 。 5) skill n. 技 能 , 技 巧skilled adj. 有 能 力 的 ; 有 经 验 的 ; 训 练 过 的(反 ) unskilledThe company is fortunate to have such highly skilled workers.Many Silicon Valley companies are growing so fast, they are eager to build a skilled high-tech workforce. skillful adj. having or showing skill 有 技 巧 的 ; 熟 练 的They were highly professional and very skillful.We give him instruction in safe and skillful driving.Biological evolution has made the human species more sensitive to its environment and more skillful in dealing with it. 11. acquire vt. (1) (通 过 努 力 ) 得 到 , 获 得 或 养 成(习 惯 , 行 为 , 嗜 好 )通 过 细 心 地 研 究 , 他 学 到 许 多 电 脑 知 识 。He acquired a great knowledge of computers by careful study.他 在 十 六 岁 时 养 成 了 抽 烟 的 坏 习 惯 。He acquired a bad habit of smoking at the age of 16.用 他 挣 的 钱 , 他 买 到 了 许 多 他 喜 欢 的 书 。With the money he earned he had acquired lots of books he liked. acquisition n. 获 得 , 习 得 , 获 得 物The acquisition of a second language is different from learning it. 语 言 的 习 得 不 等 同 于 语 言 的 学 习 。He is a valuable acquisition to the firm.他 是 公 司 不 可 多 得 的 ( 宝 贵 的 ) 人 才 。 比 较 : inquire 询 问 inquire sth of sb 向 某 人 打 听 某 事1) Coffee is an _ taste and is not liked at first. A. acquiring B. acquired C. acquire D. being acquired2) She _ me most politely whether I wished to continue. A. inquired of B. acquired of C. inquired D. acquiredB C 12. have a nose for sth. 对 很 敏 感 ; 很 善 于发 现与 nose 有 关 的 短 语 :as plain as the nose in our face 一 清 二 楚win by a nose 侥 幸 取 胜lead sb. by the nose 完 全 控 制 某 人follow ones nose 笔 直 走 ; 凭 直 觉 行 事nose to nose 面 对 面 地turn up ones nose at 对 嗤 之 以 鼻 ; 瞧 不 起under ones nose 当 着 某 人 的 面with ones nose in the air 非 常 傲 慢 , 自 高 自 大 13. assess v 对 进 行 估 价 , 评 价 同 义 词 : judgeThe technique is being tried in classrooms to assess what effects it may have.Psychologists (心 理 学 家 们 ) will assess the childs behavior.The booklet aims to help parents assess recent educational changes. 14. inform v 通 知 , 告 知 , 报 告inform somebody about/of somethingPlease inform us of any change of address as soon as possible.inform somebody (that)We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected. 15. deadline n. 截 止 期 限 , 最 后 期 限deadline forThe deadline for applications is May 27th.deadline ofIt has to be in before the deadline of July 1st.meet/miss a deadline (= have or not have something finished on time) working under pressure to meet a deadline 16. meanwhile: 期 间 , 同 时The teacher was having his class. Meanwhile, that boy fell asleep.After graduation, he got a job. Meanwhile, his good friends went to college.in the meanwhile/meantime 与 此 同 时 , 在 此 期 间 The next programme starts in the minutes; _, here is some music. Which is wrong? in the meantime B. in the meanwhileC. while D. meanwhileC 17. case n. (1) an example 例 子 , 事 例 Its a typical case of bad planning.(2) 场 合 , 情 形 Tom is stupid, but its different in the case of Mary. She is just lazy. I heard that this was not the case.(3) 案 件 , 案 例 The case will be heard in court next week.(4) a large box 盒 子 , 箱 子 suitcase, bookcase in that case 如 果 那 样You say your father might object? In that case, I will not press the matter. in any case 不 管 怎 样 In any case, you must finish your homework. in no case 在 任 何 情 况 下 都 不 , 放 在 句 首 要 倒 装In no case are you to leave your post. in case 以 防 ; 如 果 , 万 一Take your umbrella in case it rains. I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some in case. in case of 万 一 , 如 果 In case of fire, ring 119. 注 意 :case, situation, position, condition, stage, point等 作 先 行 词 时 , 其 后 的 定 语 从 句 用where引 导 , 相 当 于 in which。1) He will come, _ (那 样 的 话 ) Ill ask him to help.2) She suffered from illness and _ (在 那 种 情 况 下 ) her husband had to stay home.in which casein that case 3) Have you ever had a case _ your teacher had done you wrong?4) _ (万 一 ) he calls me, tell him that I will ring him back.5) _ (就 像 小 鸟 一 样 ), young people will leave home when growing up.18. accuse vt. 控 告 , 指 控 , 通 常 和 of 连 用The police accused him of murder.He was accused of robbing the bank.whereIn caseAs is often the case with birds accuse, charge, blame 词 义 辨 析 accuse (指 控 ) sb. of (doing) sth. charge (指 控 ) sb. with (doing) sth. accuse (指 责 ) sb. of (doing) sth. blame (责 备 ) sb. for (doing) sth. 他 被 指 控 偷 了 一 辆 汽 车 。He was accused of stealing a car.He was charged with stealing a car. 19. so as to do sth. (1)表 示 目 的 , “ 以 便 ” 其 否 定 形 式 为 so as not to 作 目 的 状 语 时 可 以 用 in order to 代 替 。The test papers are kept secret so as to prevent cheating.(2)表 示 结 果 , “结 果 是 ”He shot at the bird so as to shoot it. so adj. /adv. + as to 如 此 以 致 于 , 作结 果 状 语He was so angry as to be unable to speak.Would you be so kind as to lend me your bike?such as to 如 此 以 致 于 , 作 结 果状 语We are not such fools as to believe him. 20. sceptical adj. 怀 疑 的 sceptically adv. sceptical about/ofIm extremely sceptical about what I read in the press.Environmental groups are sceptical of the governments claims. 21. be supposed to do 应 该 , 理 应 , 含 有 本 应如 何 , 但 事 实 并 非 如 此 之 意 。She was supposed to be reading at home at that time, but her mother found her in the park.He was supposed to have finished his homework, but he played all the morning.be not supposed to do 表 示 不 允 许You are not supposed to talk in class. 22. dilemma n. 困 境 , 窘 境a moral dilemma 道 德 (方 面 的 ) 两 难 (问 题 )in a dilemma 处 于 两 难 中Im in a dilemma about this job offer.This placed Robert Kennedy in a dilemma.Many women are faced with the dilemma of choosing between work and family commitments. (义 务 ) 23. demand n. 要 求 ; 需 求 vt. 强 烈 要 求demand sth. of sb.Some children demand too much of their parents.(同 义 词 ) require; needThis sorts of work demands great patience. demand that (从 句 中 should可 省 略 )He demands that he be told/demands to be told everything.They demanded that the military government free a


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