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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Review,1.Is Mr Woods car ready yet?,2.Whats the number of his car?,3.When did he bring it here?,4.Have the mechanics finished yet?,5.Can the mechanics repair the car?,6.Whats the attendants idea?,Review1.Is Mr Woods car ready,Review,他总是给我带来很多鲜花。,难道你出车祸了?,他把车撞到墙上了。,你就不能借我点钱吗?,他们还在工作呢?,He always,bring,s me a lot of flowers.,How many mechanics are there,in your garage?,He drives the car into the wall,Cant you lend me some money?,Review他总是给我带来很多鲜花。He always br,Review,attendant n.,接待员,bring,v.,带来,送来,garage n.,车库,汽车修理厂,crash,n.,碰撞,lamp-post,灯杆,repair v.,修理,try,v.,努力,设法,Reviewattendant n.,Lesson 89,For sale,1.How long have you lived here?,2.Is your house new or old?,3.Today a man called Nigel wants to buy a house.Today we will see the conversation between him and housekeeper.,2.Listen to the tape and answer-,Why couldnt Nigel decide?,Lesson 89For sale,Lesson89For sale,Iris,Lesson89For saleIris,本课内容,单词学习,课文讲解,练习,日常用语,口语练习,作业,本课内容单词学习,单词学习,believe v.,相信,认为,may,可以,how long,多长,since prep.,自从,why adv.,为什么,sell v.,卖,出售,单词学习believe,because conj.,因为,retire v.,退休,cost v.,花费,pound n.,英镑,worth prep.,值,钱,penny n.,便士,because con,believe v.,相信,认为,believe sb,相信某人的话,believe in sb.,信任某人,我不相信你说的话。,I dont believe you.,我们互相信任。,We believe in each other.,你应该信上帝,You should believe in God.,believe that,我认为他是诚实的,I believe that he is honest.,believe it or not(,口语,),believe v.相信,认为,sell v.,卖,出售,我把我的车卖给了他。,I sold my car to him.,我把我的车以,5000,元卖给了他。,I sold my car to him for 5000 yuan.,sale n.,卖,促销,for sale,待售,on sale,打折,salesman,推销员,sales manager,销售经理,sell v.卖,出售,retire,v.,退休;离职,不久他将退休,结束其航海生涯。,Hes going to retire soon from the sea.,v.,退出;退隐,他周末通常退隐到他那个乡间别墅生活,He often retires to his country house at weekends.,女士们离席退出,先生们则继续喝酒聊天。,The ladies retired,and the gentlemen went on drinking and chatting.,retire,cost v.,花费(物体做主语),这件外套,30,美元,The coat costs$30.,这个房子多少钱?,How much does this house cost?,Pay for,我花了,30,美元买这件外套。,I paid$30 on this coat.,Spend on,他花很多钱用于买书,He spends a lot of money on books.,cost v.花费(物体做主语),worth,prep.,相当于,价值,值,钱,这条项链值多少钱?,How much is the necklace worth?,every penny of it,确实值得,钱,这件外套确实值这些钱。,This coat is worth every penny of it.,prep.,具有,价值;值得,be worth doing,值得,这本书值得一读,The book is worth reading.,prove ones worth,证明某人的价值,worth,penny,Take care of the pence,and the pounds will take care of themselves.,留意小钱,大钱自来,;,小事留意,大事自成,A penny for your thoughts.,你呆呆地在想些什么呢,?,In for a penny,in for a pound.,既为一文钱,就为一贯钱,;,一旦开始做,就做到底,;,一不做,二不休,pence from heaven,天上掉下来的钱,意外的好运,penny,re,tire,V.,退休,the past form:,retired,retired a.,退休的,My grandpa _ for 25 years.He has been a _worker,has been retired,retired,the past participle,form:,retired,How to remember the word?,My father is too tired and he wants to retire.,句型转换:,They retired in 1996.,They _ _ since _/for _ _.,have,retired,1996,16,years,retire V.退休 the past form:,for sale n.,待售,1.The coat,is,for sale.,2.The handbag,is,for sale.,3.The shoes,are,for sale.,4.The trousers,are,for sale.,Conclusion:,(1)the singular form(the coat,the handbag)+,is,+for sale,(2)the plural form(trousers,shoes)+,are,+for sale,for sale n.待售1.The coat is f,cost v.,花费,the past form:,cost,the past participle,form:,cost,¥,400,¥,350,68,500,How much is this house?,How much does this house cost?,The house is for sale.It costs _.,The shoes are for sale.They cost _.,The handbag is for sale.It costs _.,Does the house cost _?,Do the shoes cost _?,Does the handbag cost _?,cost v.花费the past form:,68,500,Its,worth,every,penny,of it.,prep.,值,钱,Its worth,68,500,.,ItTheySth,be worth,+price.,68,500Its worth every penny,1pound,=,pennies pence,penny,1,¥,9.8491,pound,100,1pound=pennies pencepe,Exercise:,1.that,be,worth,pair of shoes,322,That pair of shoes is worth,322.,2.these,be,worth,shoes,322,These shoes are worth,322.,Exercise:1.that,be,worth,pair,下午好,我想这房子是要出售的吧!,是的,我可以看看嘛?,可以,当然可以。请进,您在这里住了多长时间了?,我在这里已经住了,20,年了。,20,年!这个时间可不短,是啊。从,1976,年起我就住在这里,那么,您为什么要卖掉它呢?,因为我刚退休,我想在乡下买个小房子,这座房子多少钱?,68,,,500,英镑,下午好,我想这房子是要出售的吧!是的我可以看看嘛?可,那可真是一大笔钱呢?,它确确实实值这么多钱。,L,啊,我喜欢这房子,但我还不能决定。我,妻子必须先来看一看。,女人总是最后说了算的,那可真是一大笔钱呢?,NIGEL,:,Good afternoon.,I,believe,that,this is house is,for sale,.,IAN:,Thats right.,be for sale,有待出售,This house is for sale.,be on sale,打折,The dresses are on sale.,动词:,sell,(,sold,sold,),联想:,salesman,sales manager,believe+that,从句,I believe that this news is wrong.,2.believe+sb.,Dont believe him,Jimmy will help us.,联想:,believe in=trust,信任,NIGEL:Good afternoon.be,NIGEL,:,May I,have a look at it,please,?,IAN,:,Yes,of course.,Come in.,May I?,比较正式的提出请求。,May I come in?,(,first time,),较熟悉后就可说:,Can I come in,?,24,NIGEL:May I have a look a,NIGEL,:,How long have you lived here,?,IAN,:,Ive live here,for,twenty years,.,NIGEL,:,Twenty year,!,Thats a long time.,用完成时来表示持续的动作或状态,常和,for,since,连用。,How long have you studied in New Idea School?,Ive studied there for four years.,可延续性动词有:,live,be,study,teach,wait,25,NIGEL:How long have you liv,IAN,:,Yes,


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