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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,二级,三级,四级,五级,2020/9/1,#,Unit3 Food and Health,Unit3 Food and Health,学习目标:,01,:,掌握重点单词,bring,candy,bad,keep,body,和,food,等;,02,:,重要重点词组,bring sb sth,be good/bad for,,,keep healthy,a cup of,take sb to,等;,03,:,辨析,“,bring,”和“,take,”以及,be good+,介词,;,04,:,熟练表达,“,I usually have+,食物,+for+,三餐,”和“,Why do you like+,食物,?”等;,05,:,话题讨论,“,How to keep healthy,?,”,Vocabulary:,词汇,candy,糖果,/knd/,delicious food,美味的食物,/dls/,/fud/,salad,沙拉,/sld/,menu,菜单,/menju/,bad,坏的,/bd/,basket,篮子,/bskt/,小意思,选出下列单词划线部分发音不同的:,1,(),A c,a,ndy B b,a,sket C s,a,lad,2,(),A f,oo,d B b,oo,k C sch,oo,l,3,(),A m,e,nu B l,e,t C bask,e,t,4,(),A,c,ook B,c,andy C deli,c,ious,音标,练习,选出下列单词划线部分发音不同的:,1,(),A c,a,ndy,/,B b,a,sket,/,C s,a,lad,/,2,(),A f,oo,d,/u:/,B b,oo,k,/,C sch,oo,l,/u:/,3,(),A m,e,nu,/e/,B l,e,t,/e/,C bask,e,t,/,4,(),A,c,ook,/k/,B,c,andy,/k/,C deli,c,ious,/,还不如听老师的话,认真学习,Part A text,M,:Are you in the kitchen,Kate?,K,:Yes,Mom.,M,:Bring me a basket,please.,K,:All right.,M,:Youre eating candy again,Ben.,B,:Its sweet.I like it.,M,:But its bad for your teeth.Why not come with me?,Im going to pick some vegetables.,B,:I dont like vegetables.,M,:But they are good for you.They keep your body healthy.,大声读出来!,宝贝要记笔记啦!,01,:,Bring me a basket,please.,请带给我一个篮子。,语法内容:祈使句,动词原形放句首,please,放在后面时,前面要加逗号隔开,bring vs take,:,bring,表示“带来”,后面可以直接加双宾语,即,bring sb sth=bring sth to sb,take,表示“带走”,take sth to,表示把,带到某地,02,:,Why not come with me?,为什么不和我一起来呢?,结构:,why not+,动词原形,=why dont you+,动词原形?,为什么不做某事呢?,03,:,They keep your body healthy.,They,在课文中指,vegetables,keep+,名词,+,形容词:表示保持,怎么样,Look and say,Bing me a basket,please.,Im going to pick,some vegetables.,Bing me,a cup pf water,Sally,Im very thirsty.,Take an umbrella with you,.It,may rain,in the afternoon.,Its Sunday today.Can you,take us to the cinema,Dad?,红色字,有玄机,我要三思,再三思!,一、单项选择:,Vegetables can keep your body_.,A health B healthy C healthily,2._me an English book,please.,A Bring B Take C Bringing,3.Why not _ your room in a minute?,A clean B to clean C cleaning,4.Can you _some apples for me?,A take B pick C bring,一、单项选择:,Vegetables can keep your body_.,A health,B healthy,C healthily,2._me an English book,please.,A Bring,B Take C Bringing,3.Why not _ your room in a minute?,A clean,B to clean C cleaning,4.Can you _some apples for me?,A take,B pick,C bring,就是这么优秀!,二、用合适的介词填空,:,They are bad_ you.,He is good _ sports.,Take an umbrella _ you.,Can you take me _ the supermarket?,Are you _the kitchen?,这么简单是逗我吗?,二、用合适的介词填空,:,They are bad,for,you.,be good for,He is good,at,sports.,be good at,Take an umbrella,with,you,.take sth with sb,Can you take me,to,the supermarket?,take sb to+,地点,Are you,in,the kitchen?,in,表示在,里面,Oh!,nice,Part B text,G,:Now,Lets talk about our food.,Here are two menus.,Which one do you like,Yang Ming?,Y,:I like Menu A.,G,:Why do you like it?,Y,:Because ice cream is sweet.,Hamburgers are delicious.,G,:Is there any problem with Menu A?,Y,:Eh There arent any fruits or vegetables.,G,:Thats the problem.,We,need,vegetables and fruits to keep healthy.,你能大点声吗?拜托,笔记这么少,01,:,talk about sth,讨论某事,talk,是不及物动词(不能直接加宾语)加宾语时前面要加介词:,talk with sb,和某人聊天;,talk to sb,和某人谈话,02,:,Is there any problem with Menu A?,对于菜单,A,有什么问题吗?,03,There arent any fruits or vegetables.,There be,句型的否定句,,any,用在否定句中表示一些,or,用在否定句中表示和,04,We,need,vegetables and fruits to keep healthy,need sth to do sth,需要,去做某事,金句演练,A,:,What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?,B:We have_ and _.,单项选择:,1,、,We have some_ for lunch.,A noodle B noodles C rices,2,、,Is there _problem with it?,A many B some C any,3.Peter and Da Ming are _the game.,A talk about B talking with C talking about,4.Bring me two _.,A cups of teas B cup of tea C cups of tea,闪,现,加,油,一、单项选择:,1,、,We have some_ for lunch.,A noodle,B noodles,C rices,2,、,Is there _problem with it?,A many B some,C any,3.Peter and Da Ming are _the game.,A talk about B talking with,C talking about,4.Bring me two _.,A cups of teas B cup of tea,C cups of tea,食物名词知多少,dumplings,饺子,noodles,面条,rice,米饭,hamburger,汉堡,hot dog,热狗,pizza,披萨,juice,果汁,milk,牛奶,coffee,咖啡,练,习,部,分,拜托好好做,我的心伤不起,基础题目:词汇篇,一、选择不同类的一项:,1,、(),A fish B sweet C chicken,2,、(),A ice cream B milk C water,3,、(),A rice B noodle C dumpling,4,、(),A bring B take C delicious,5,、(),A hamburger B hot dog C noodle,好好做哦,我会瞄准你哒,一、选择不同类的一项:,1,、(),A fish,B sweet,C chicken,2,、(),A ice cream,B milk C water,3,、(),A rice,B noodle C dumpling,4,、(),A bring B take,C delicious,5,、(),A hamburger B hot dog,C noodle,假装鼓励下,二、英汉互译:,采摘,_,篮子,_ cinema_,糖果,_ bring_,美味的,_,为什么不,_,保持健康,_,讨论某事,_,两杯水,_,题目使我兴奋,二、英汉互译:,采摘,pick,篮子,basket,cinema,电影院,糖果,candy,bring,带来,美味的,delicious,为什么不,why not,保持健康,keep healthy,讨论某事,talk about sth,两杯水,two cups of water,我是喜欢学习哒,强化题目:语法篇,一、用所给单词的正确形式填空:,1,、,It keep your body_(health).,2,、,Can you take_(we)to the park?,3,、,I,m_(go)to pick some apples.,4,、,Why dont you_(go)to bed early?,不认真做题,要你好看哈,一、用所给单词的正确形式填空:,1,、,It,keep,your body,healthy,(health).,2,、,Can you,take,us,(we)to the park?,3,、,I,m,going,(go)to pick some apples.,4,、,Why dont you,go,(go)to


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