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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The Major Difficulties of Reading English Newspapers,the special writing style which often goes against the normal grammar will pose great obstacle for learners because it always strives to contain the richest information in as few words as possible,.,News English is rich in puns(,双关,),,,overtones(,弦外之音,),,,and various word games by means of,polysemy,(,一词多义,), synonym(,同义词,) and antinomy(,反义词,).,3. Western journalists like to quote the classics in their reports, so lack of necessary cultural background knowledge will lead to confusion.,Example,So far, the European Commission is wary of,(谨慎的),encouraging Gypsies to present themselves as a nation. That might, it is feared, open a,Pandoras box,already containing,Basques,Corsicans,and other awkward peoples. (The,Economist,),Basques,巴斯克人,居住在西班牙北部比利牛斯山区。曾多次举行大规模游行示威要求脱离西班牙政府,实行自治。,So far, the European Commission is wary of,(谨慎的),encouraging Gypsies to present themselves as a nation. That might, it is feared, open a,Pandoras box,already containing,Basques,Corsicans,and other awkward peoples. (The,Economist,),Corsicans,科西嘉人。科西嘉岛是地中海中的岛屿,,1769,年被强行并入法国领土;拿破仑一世的出生地。自从被侵占后,科西嘉人从未停止民族独立运动。,Pandoras box,潘多拉之魔盒,,典出希腊神话。比喻“,灾难之源”,或“由于不明智的干预而引起许多难以解决的复杂问题”。,Example,So far, the European Commission is wary of encouraging Gypsies to present themselves as a nation. That might, it is feared, open a,Pandoras box,already containing,Basques,Corsicans,and other awkward peoples.,(The,Economist,),Example,The,idea of March,looms as a crucial time. Pollster Richard,Wirthlin,and,Counsellor,Ed Meese have warned the president that just about now President Carter began to yield to outside clamor. He lost his power through retreat,(,退却),and vacillation,(,动摇犹豫),.(,Time,),“,idea of March”,指古罗马日历的三月十五日,比喻“,危险即将来临的日期”,。典出莎士比亚悲剧,Julius Caesar,(,裘力斯,恺撒,),。,Essential Techniques for Reading English News,example,run, race, juice, measure, Speaker, chemistry, establishment, take a walk, go fishing, high profile, dry, wet, He blinked, Im a family man,may mean respectively in daily English“,跑”、“竞赛”、“汁”、“措施”、“发言人”、“化学”、“建立”、“散步”、“去钓鱼”、“高姿态”、“干”、“湿”、“他眨了眨眼”、和“我是一个有家室的人”。,Essential Techniques for Reading English News,2. Accumulation of various world knowledge is highly important.,Example,Republicans narrowly retained control of the House in November. The new Senate will be split 50-50, and will include Mr. Lieberman.,But any ties will be broken by the new vice president, Mr. Cheney.,The International Herald Tribune,在十一月大选后组成的新一届国会中,共和党仍勉强控制着众议院。在参议院,两党平分秋色,各占,50,席,而且民主党议员中还包括落选的副总统候选人利伯曼。然而,,如果在表决中票数相等而出现相持不下的局面时,新任副总统切尼先生会打破这种僵局,Example,Republicans narrowly retained control of the House in November. The new Senate will be split 50-50, and will include Mr. Lieberman.,But any ties will be broken by the new vice president, Mr. Cheney.,The International Herald Tribune,美国宪法规定,,参议院主席(,President of the Senate),一职由副总统兼任,在表决出现相持不下的局面时,他才有投票权。,西方新闻教科书强调新闻写作应该:,accuracy,balance and fairness,Objectivity,brevity and clarity,human interest,News Tendency,1. 1999,科索沃战争期间,,The New York Times,渲染屠杀阿尔巴尼亚族,搞种族灭绝, 鼓动对南动武,Time,Why He blinked,(他为何顶不下去了),He set off the air war,只有华盛顿邮报质疑这场战争的合法性,2. 1998,年污蔑华裔科学家李文和(,Wen,ho lee,)窃密, “,敲打他头次数越多,他说的真话就越多”,3.,The New York Times,(,All the,News that is fit to print,),Reuters,( to safeguard the independence and integrity of news service),苏联解体, 一批知识分子移居美国,1997,年,,11,月, 时代周刊谈到中国由于经济的发展与影响不断提高,美国无力阻止,建议政府竭力把中国往有利于美国的方向拉,We can not prevent enhancement of Chinese influence arising from its economic growththough we should strive to channel it into directions that serve our national interest and peace of Asia,一语道破天机,Main parts of a news:,Headline,Lead,Body,Before lead, usually dateline & byline.,eg,: Moscow, Oct.10,【,法新社新德里某月某日电(北京时间,15,时,50,分发),】,eg,: 【,本报,9,月,2,电(发电地点:东京湾美国密苏里号战舰),】,Lesson Two,Chinas growth Poses Opportunity and Risk,China urges U.S. to work for peace in South China Sea,BEIJING, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) - China urged the United States on Tuesday to make greater efforts to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea ahead of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clintons two day-visit to Beijing.,We have taken note of the U.S. sides refusal to take a position on the South China Sea issue, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said at a regular news briefing.,We hope the U.S. side will keep its commitment and make efforts that help, rather than harm, regional peace and stability, Hong said.,Clinton said Monday in Jakarta that it is now time to create a code of conduct for the South China Sea.,It is time for diplomacy, she said. We have the East Asia Summit coming up. This should be the goal that diplomacy pursues: to try to attain agreement on a robust code of conduct, to begin to try to literally calm the waters and enable people to work together toward better outcomes.,Hong said the South China Sea issue is complicated and different countries have different understandings, concerns and interests regarding the issue.,For China, the issue is about the countrys sovereignty over the,Nansha,Islands and its interests in waters near the South China Sea, Hong said, adding that China, like all other countries in the world, has an obligation to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity.,China holds that all the parties concerned should effectively implement and abide by the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and enhance cooperation and mutual trust to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, rather than take any action that could complicate and escalate the situation, Hong said.,We hope that parties concerned will support the consensus between China and ASEAN members and make efforts that will boost mutual trust and stability in the region, he added.,In 2002, China and the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries signed the DOC, which states that sovereign states should resolve territorial and jurisdictional disputes by peaceful means and through friendly consultations and negotiations.,Succeed to Japan, Chinas growth has drawn growing attention in the world, especially the United States.,For one side, they welcome the great business opportunities China has brought,the immense market and cheap labor force, on the other hand, they blame the US unemployment to trade with China, the unbalanced trade surplus between China and US .,So the title of the text digested from the New York Times is ,both opportunity and risk.,Digested from Time in November 1997,We can not prevent enhancement of China influence arising from its economic growth, though we should strive to channel it into the directions that serve our national interests and peace of Asia.,


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