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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,精品教学课件,授课教师:,八年级上册,课文,人民教育出版社,让孩子的英语学习之路充满阳光。我们一起去发现城堡、发现演绎的乐趣。,上课要求:准备好课本和学习工具,坐姿端正,精神饱满,认真思考,勇于质疑,积极举手回答问题,不讲小话、不插话、完成任务,学校:,Unit 5,Do you want to,watch a game show?,Section B 1a1d,10,9,3,4,5,6,8,7,2,1,Say what kinds of TV shows or movies you can see in order.,Who has the best memory?,(,谁的记忆力最好?,),Game:,What kind of TV shows and movies did you see?,10,9,3,4,5,6,8,7,2,1,soap opera,scary movie,comedy,talk show,game show,sports show,talent show,news,an,a,ction movie,/,k,n,/,a,c,a,rt,oo,n,/,k,a:,(r),t,u:,n,/,10,-What do you think of action movie,s,?,-Yes,because theyre enjoyable/.,/No,because they meaningless/.,m,ea,n,i,ngl,e,ss,/,m,i:,n,i,l,s,/,-Do you want to watch cartoon,s,?,-Theyre exciting/.,_ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _,A:What do you think of,talk shows,?,B:I think theyre,educational,.,Pair work:,1a,listening Club,Mary,John,1.What are John and Mary talking about?,Theyre talking about movies and TV shows.,Listen and answer these questions,.,2.What do John and Mary want to watch at last?,They want to watch a talk show.,Lets listen.,educational serious wonderful relaxing,meaningless enjoyable exciting boring,1c,Listen again.Write down the words John and Mary use to describe the TV shows or movies.,Action movies,Scary movies,Game shows,Sitcoms,Talk shows,John,exciting,Mary,exciting,boring,boring,enjoyable,meaningless,meaningless,relaxing,relaxing,wonderful,Listening strategy:,Youd better pay attention to the key information while listening.,Pause,Eg:A:Does John/Mary like?,B:Yes/No.Because theyre.,A:What does John/Mary think of?,B:He/She thinks theyre.,A:Do they want to watch?,B:Yes.Because they think theyre.,Pair work:,Ask and answer questions about John and Mary,.,Action movies,Scary movies,Game shows,Sitcoms,Talk shows,John,exciting,exciting,Mary,A bite of China,The voice of China,CCTV news,Happy camp,Where are we going,dad?,A reporter from Teen Talk,(,青少年论坛,),wants to know which,following TV show is the most popular among the students.,He holds(,举办,)a talk show.Do you want to join it?,Talk show:,A bite of China,The voice of China,CCTV news,Happy camp,Where are we going,dad?,Talk show,Talk show,A bite of China,The voice of China,CCTV news,Happy camp,Where are we,going,dad?,Talk show:,Host(,主持人,),:,Hello,,,everyone.Welcome to our talk show.Im a,host(,男,)/hostess(,女,)from Teen Talk.I want to know,what TV shows students like best.,May I ask you some questions?,Guest1(,嘉宾,),:,Guest2(,嘉宾,),:,Guest3(,嘉宾,),:,Host,:,From this talk show I know the most popular TV show is,Thank you for joining us and thanks for watching our talk,show.See you next time.,A bite of China,The voice of China,CCTV news,Happy camp,Where are we,going,dad?,Choose the programs which are good for you.,Dont watch TV too much!,Its bad for eyes.,Summary:,Kinds of TV shows and movies:,action movie,cartoon,talk show,soap opera,sports show,game show,news,talent show,comedy,scary movies,Adjectives:,exciting meaningless,educational serious,wonderful boring,enjoyable terrible,relaxing,interesting,How to ask your ideas about TV shows or movies:,Do you like?,What do you think of?,Do you want to watch?,Homework:,Write down your talk show in your group.,(,写下小组主要访谈内容,),Host:Hello,,,everyone.Welcome to our talk show.Im a,hostess from Teen Talk.I want to know what TV,shows students like best.,Tom:.,Mary:.,Bob:.,Homework:,Write down the complete conversation of your group survey.,(,写出调查的完整对话,),Thank You!,感 谢 聆 听,再见,


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