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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,上课代词课件共37页,上课代词课件共37页,Pronoun,(I),Personal,Possessive,Reciprocal,Reflexive,Demonstrative,Interrogative,Relative,Indefinite,Many,much,Each other,one another,PronounPersonalPossessive Reci,pronoun,Number(,数),Gender,(性),Person,(人称),Antecedent(,先行项),The speaker:the first person,The one spoken to:the second person,the man or thing spoken about:the third person,the referential meaning of the pronoun,pronounNumber(数)Gender(性)Perso,Pronoun concord in number,Professor Smith and I went to the States together._ stayed there for three weeks.,One must remember to remain very still when _ attends a concert.,We,he/one,1.,with every-,some-,any-,no one,no-compounds as antecedent,Anybody can attend the meeting if _ is interested.,Everybody talked at the top of _ voice.,If anyone calls,tell _ Ill be back later.,Anything on the table can be thrown away,cant _?,he,his,his,it,singular,Informal:plural,Pronoun concord in number Prof,2.Pronoun concord with coordinate construction as antecedent,My friend and roommate _(have)agreed to lend me _ car.,My friend and my roommate _,(,have)agreed to lend me _ car.,has,his,have,their,By the plural or singular meaning of the coordination,3.Pronoun concord with collective noun as antecedent,The team has won _ first game.,The team are now on the floor taking _ practice shots at the basket.,its,their,2.Pronoun concord with coordi,4.Pronoun concord with plural noun/pronoun+each as antecedent,They each had _ problems.,They had each _ own problem.,their,his,the position of each:,Before verb:the plural,After the verb:the singular,4.Pronoun concord with plural,Exercise,Somebody left(his,their,),raincoat on this rack;(he,they)will have to come and get it.,Because the United States uses more oil than(it,they)can produce,(it has to,they have to)import great quantities from other countries.,The committee wishes to reconsider(its,their)decision.,Something strange happened,didnt(it,they)?,Neither the President nor the members of the cabinet willl reveal(his,their)plans.,Exercise Somebody left(his,t,Pronoun concord in gender,gender,masculine,Feminine,Neuter,Common,lexical,Man,father,son,husband,woman,mother,daughter,wife,Book,desk,ship,car,Student,teacher,doctor,infant,patient,lawyer,speaker,Pronoun concord in gender gend,Please write down it corresponding words of masculine or feminine gender.,God,King,Host,Master,Lion,Hero,Cow,Cock,Witch,Prince,Nephew,Actor,Duke,Tutor,Gentleman,washerman,goddess,mistress,queen,hostess,hen,heroine,bull,wizard,niece,princess,actress,lioness,duchess,governess,lady,washerwoman,Please write down it correspon,When used in the singular for generic reference,these nouns are generally referred to as he.,E.g.An instructor should offer,his,students challenging projects.,Instructors should offer,their,students challenging projects,An instructors should offer,his or her,students challenging projects,When the speaker doesnt know or is not interested in the sex of the baby or infant,he may use neutral it.,There is a baby in the pram.Why,it,s crying.,(Somebody is knocking at the door).Who is,it,?,Summary of the it use,When used in the singular for,Correct errors,if any,in the following sentences.,The furniture is theirs but the house is ours.,Ive bought several paintings of him.,No one but himself really understands him.,I saw his waving a flag in the crowd.,The reward was divided among us three,George,Tom and I.,You probably know to who I am referring.,I cant tolerate such man as he.,Johns father approved of he staying in China for another year.,If one doesnt want to get lost in the mountains,you must have a guide.,They deferred him going home on vacation until next week.,Correct errors,if any,in the,Pronoun II,Case,Forms,(代词的格,),Subjective case,objective case,Genitive case,Nominal genitive pronoun,determinative genitive pronoun,Genitive noun,Pronoun IICase Subjective case,The twins are bored.They find nothing which interests them.Their vacation is fast becoming a disaster.,1.Choice between subjective and objective case,a.In informal style,when a personal pronoun functions as the subject of,a minor sentences,that stands,without a predicate,or with only a nonfinite verb as the predicator,the pronoun usually occurs in the,objective,rather than subjective case.,e.g.Anyone knows Toms address?-Me.,-You give him a call right now.Why me?,What!Me angry!Surely,its him with the red nose you mean,not me.,The twins are bored.They fi,Id like to go back in here.Me too.,I dont like horror movies.Me neither.,I dont have any money right now.Me either.,Im glad its Friday.Us too!,I dont feel like going out this evening.-.,A.,Me too,B.,Me also,C.,Me other,D.,Me neither.,Id like to go back in here.,b.In comparative clauses,in informal style,a personal pronoun may appear in the objective case ev


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