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2020-3-20,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020-3-20,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020-3-20,#,英语牛津译林版四年级下册,Unit 3 My day,第三课时,Game time,Tip:Read out the time as soon as you see the clock;When you see the picture,just act it out!You can!,7:40,6:15,5:30,Game time,I,get up,at,eight,I get up at eight.,Drills.,I,have lunch,at,twelve,I have lunch at twelve.,Drills.,I,do,at,my homework,Drills.,seven,I do my homework at seven.,In the morning,get up 7:00,go to school 7:40,have four lessons,have lunch 12:00,In the afternoon,have two lessons,play football 4:00,go home 4:30,do my homework 5:30,In the evening,have dinner 6:15,watch TV 7:00,go to bed 9:00,A:,When do you?,B:,I,at,Pair work,Cartoon time,Where is Bobby?,A.In the desert(,在沙漠里,),B.At home,Read and answer.,1.Why is Bobby sad?,He thinks(,认为,)he is eating a cake.,2.Why is Bobby so happy now?,He is hungry.,3.Can Bobby eat the cake?,No,he cant.,Why?,为什么,Just,(仅仅),a dream,(梦)!,Listen and answer,Im hungry,Sam.,Cartoon time,开心,/,疲惫,happy/tired,Listen and imitate.,Cartoon time,When do you have dinner every day?,At six.,Listen and imitate.,What time is it now?,Cartoon time,Listen and imitate.,焦急,/,兴奋,worried/excited,Its seven oclock.,Cartoon time,Listen and imitate.,苦恼,/,惊喜,worried/surprised,What can you see over there,Bobby?,I can see a cake.,Cartoon time,Listen and imitate.,What a big cake!,Cartoon time,Listen and imitate.,伤心,/,陶醉,sad/intoxicated,I like cakes.This cake is nice.,Get up!Get up!,Cartoon time,Where is Bobby?,A.In the desert(,在沙漠里,),B.At home,Read and answer.,Lets act,Act the story in groups.,(,小组表演,),三人一组,其中一人饰演小闹钟,合作表演课文。,Showtime.,1.,三人一组进行表演练习。,2.,注意自己的语音语调,表情和动作。,3.,一小组表演时,其他小组观看并评分。,朗读,基本流利,,表情动作,基本到位,。,朗读,较为流利,,表情动作,比较到位,。,基本能够,脱稿,,表情动作,十分到位,。,Lets say,I at,My day,get up,have breakfast,go to school,have lunch,go home,go to bed,have dinner,根据给出的短语,说一说你的一天。,Sound time,e,,,ee,Who are w,e,?Tom,Jack and m,e,.,W,e,m,ee,t Miss Li at thr,ee,.,m,e,sh,e,gr,ee,n,sl,ee,p,gr,ee,n,Practice,选出划线部分发音不同的选项。,()1.A.gr,ee,n B.t,ea,C.cak,e,()2.A.m,e,B.m,ee,t C.sn,a,ck,()3.A.sl,ee,p B.nam,e,C.w,e,C,C,B,Checkout time,6,:,00 get up,6:30 have breakfast,12:00 have lunch,5:00 go home,6:30 have dinner,10:00 go to bed,Miss Lis day,My day,I,at six oclock.,I have breakfast at,.,I have lunch at,.,At five oclock,I,.,I,at six thirty.,I,.,get up,6,:,30,12,:,00,go home,have dinner,go to bed at 10:00,Ticking time,能有感情地复述课文。,能正确地读出课文。,能有感情地朗读课文。,Practice,英汉互译。,吃午餐,in the evening,get up,吃晚餐,play football,have lunch,在傍晚,起床,have dinner,踢足球,Practice,选择。,What time,it now?,A.is B.are,2.I can,football well.,A.play the B.play,Summary,想询问对方在何时做某事时,可以问:,When do you?,回答要用,I,at,.,2.,你想知道远处可以看见什么,可以问:,What can you see over there?,Homework,听录音熟读,cartoon time,课文,表演给父母朋友看。,2.,用英语介绍自己一天的生活,说给父母朋友听。,


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