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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,English in Daily Life,高级日常英语,教师,:,李军,Unit OneThe Family,Purposes:,1.introduce yourself in informal context;,2.introduce others in informal contexts;,3.describe appearances.,4.describe and talk about family relationship.,5.describe personality,6.write about yourself,Greetings,Greetings:,Hi,Hello,Good morning/afternoon/evening/night,Nice/pleased/glad to meet you,How do you do?,How are you?,Greetings,1.Hows everything going?,2.Hows everything with you?,3.Hows your work going?,4.How are things with you?,5.How are you getting along these days?,Introduction,Self-introduction,Hi,everyone!Im/My name is Im a,I work in I have been a for years.,I like my job.And my family?There are people in my family.They are.I like,Thats my hobby.,Introduction(2),Introduce others:,Hi,Li Ting,this is Val,a very good friend of mine.And this is Richard,my husband.,Activity One,Listen to the tape and answer the questions:,Who is Richard?,Who is Li Ting?,Who is Val?,Who are Tom and Sam?,Who is Sara?,Activity Two,Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions:,Where are they talking?,Is the dialogue formal or informal?Why?,Activity Three,Words about garments:,Coat,外衣,Shoes,鞋,Trousers,裤子,Skirt,裙子,Shirt,衬衫,Trainers,旅游鞋,Sweatshirt,圆领衫,Jeans,牛仔裤,Sweater,毛线衫,Cardigan,羊毛衫,Pants,裤子,Blouse,女衬衫,Dress,女套装,Shorts,短裤,Sneakers,旅游鞋,Jacket,夹克,Sunhat,太阳帽,Teeshirt,体恤衫,Vest,马甲,/,背心,American and British English,AE:vest,BrE,:waistcoat,马甲,AE:pants,BrE,:trousers,裤子,AE:shorts,BrE,:Pants,短裤,AE:suspenders,BrE,:braces,背带,AE:sneakers,BrE,:trainers,旅游鞋,AE:apartment,BrE,:flat,公寓,AE:gas,BrE,:Petrol,汽油,Activity Four:Describe appearance,Patterns:,1.Who is the one over there?,The one wearing a striped shirt.,2.Who is the woman in the corner?,The one in a flowered blouse.,3.Who is the girl with long straight hair?,4.Who is the girl wearing a pony tail?,5.Who is the lady with long dark hair?,Words about clothes,Striped,条纹的;,spotted,圆点的;,checked,格子的;,flowered,花的;,plain,单色的;,With stars on it,带星星的;,with an abstract design,抽象图案的,With a geometric design,几何图案的,Hair styles,She has short curly hair,She has plaits.,She has medium length,wavy hair.,She has a bun.,She has long straight hair.,She has a pony tail.,She has a short hair and a fringe.,He has a crew cut.,Activity Six Family Relationships,Words we already know:,Mother father son daughter sister brother,Aunt uncle grandmother grandfather husband wife,Activity Six Family Relationships,Words we may not know:,ex-husband,前夫,cousin,表亲,step-mother,继母,father-in-law,公公,natural mother,生母,step-son,继子,sister-in-law,嫂子,niece,侄女,nephew,外甥,fiancee,未婚妻,fiance,未婚夫,Activity Seven,Reading:,words about character:,Lonely,孤独的,,kind,,,protective,保护的,Independent,独立的,,funny,滑稽的,好笑的,Aggressive,攻击的,好争吵的,,tomboy,假小子,,feminine,女性化的,,gentle,温柔的,Easy-going,好相处的,随和的,,lenient,溺爱的,,sociable,爱交际的,,serious,严肃的,Activity Seven,spoiled,被宠坏的,,amusing,有趣的,好笑的,selfish,自私的,,considerate,细心的,周到的,generous,慷慨的,大方的,,relaxed,放松的,irresponsible,不负责的,disorganized,没条理的,shy,害羞的,,confident,自信的,Activity Seven:Reading,Read the text on page38 and answer the questions.,Who are the two people in the text?,Whats their relationship,Who is older?,What is their general attitude to each other?,How many children are there in the,Watersons,family?,Who is the youngest son in the family?,Activity Seven:Reading,7.How many years are there between Sara and Daniel?,8.Who are Tom and Sam?,9.Who is Helen?,10.Is Daniel married?,11.Who is Richard?,12.Can you describe Saras personality?,13.What about Daniel?,


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