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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,(译林版)6B-Unit-5-A-party(P3)教学课件,(译林版)6B-Unit-5-A-party(P3)教学课,party,Review and talk,partyReview and talk,邀 请,Class party,3 to 5 in the afternoon,my house,Eric:snacks and drinks,Andy:balloons,Lily:think of some party games,From:Lucy,Whens the party going to,begin,?,Where are you going to have the party?,Whats Lily going to do for the party?,Whats Andy,going,to bring to the party?,Whos going to,buy,snacks and drinks for the party?,Mike,Mike:,some gifts,邀 请Class party3 to 5 in t,G,i,ft,s,礼物,Think and say,take a gift,带份礼物,Do you know,A Chinese party,We usually take some,gift,s to the party.,We should go to the party early or on time.,Gifts 礼物Think and saytake a gi,When you go to a Western party,you should take a g_.Do not arrive too e_.You can be a f_ minutes l_.,A Western party,Listen and say,ift,arly,ew,ate,到达,分钟,When you go to a Western party,When you go to a Western party,you should take a gift.Do not arrive too early.You can be a few minutes late.,Listen and learn,When you go to a Western party,Chinese party,Western party,same,different,gift,early/on time,a few minutes late,Compare and remember,Chinese partyWestern partysame,邀 请,Class party,Bobbys class is going,to,have a party,soon.,邀 请Class partyBobbys class is,A party,Who,Billy,Willy,Sam&Bobby,Activities,What are they going to do at the party?,Listen and say,play the,tell a story,piano,put on a play,put on,A.,上演,B.,穿上,play,A.,玩,v.,B.,戏剧,n.,上演一部戏剧,A partyWhoBilly Willy Sam&B,Read and answer,1.,What play are they going to put on?,2.Who is going to be the king?,3.Does Bobby know the story at first?Why?,They are going to put on,The kings new clothes,.,Bobby is going to be the king.,No,he doesnt.,Read and answer1.What play are,Now Bobby is the king.He is wearing his“new clothes”.,Ha!Ha!Ha!,Now Bobby is the king.He i,Tip:,仔细模仿,,认真跟读。,Bobbys class is going to have a party soon.,What are you going to do at the party,Billy?,Im going to play the piano.,Listen and repeat,Tip:仔细模仿,认真跟读。Bobbys class,Listen and repeat,Tip:,仔细模仿,,认真跟读。,What are you going to do at the party,Willy?,Im going to tell a story.,Listen and repeatTip:仔细模仿,认,Listen and repeat,Tip:,仔细模仿,,认真跟读。,What are we going to do at the party,Sam?,Lets put on a play.What about,The kings new clothes,?,Sure!Im going to be the king.,Listen and repeatTip:仔细模仿,认,Listen and repeat,Tip:,仔细模仿,,认真跟读。,Now Bobby is the king.He is wearing his“new clothes”.,Ha!Ha!Ha!,Listen and repeatTip:仔细模仿,认,四人一组,分角色朗读故事。,Read,in,roles,Bobby,Narrator,解说员,语气,语音语调,!,Billy,Sam,Willy,四人一组,分角色朗读故事。Read in roles Bob,Bobbys class is going to have a _.Billy is going to play the _ at the party.Willy is going to _ a _.Bobby and Sam are going to_ _ a play,The kings new clothes,.Bobby wants to be the _.At the end,all the classmates _ at him.,party,piano,tell,story,put,on,king,laugh,Write and say,Bobbys class is going to have,Is Bobby going to leave,离开,the party,?,(,展开大胆的想象,续编故事。,),Think and imagine,Is Bobby going to leave离开 the,Enjoy the party,To Be Polite,Enjoy the partyTo Be Polite,1.,Listen,to the tape and try to recite the cartoon fluently(,流利地,).,2.,Talk,about your plans for Childrens Day with your friends.,Homework,3.,Do,the exercises.,课课练,Period 3,1.Listen to the tape and try,感谢聆听,感谢聆听,


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