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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 3 Unit 2,We havent found life on other planets yet.,Vocabulary,planet,/,pl,n,t,/,n,solar system,/,s,u,l,/ /,s,i,st,m,/,n.,also,/,:,l,s,u,/,adv.,none,/,n,n,/,pron.,environment,/,I,nv,a,r,nm,nt,/,n.,air,/,e,/,n.,growgrew-grown,/,gr,u,/ /,g,r,u,:,/,/,gr,u,n,/,v.,part,/,p,a:,t,/,n.,galaxy,/,g,l,ks,i,/,n.,行星,太阳系,也,同样,没有一个,环境,空气,生长,种植,部分,星系,billion,/,b,i,lj,n,/,num.,beyond,/,b,i,j,nd,/,prep.,alone,/,l,u,n,/,adj.,entrance,/,entr,ns,/,n.,cost-,cost-cost,/,k,st,/,v.,prefer,/,pr,i,f,:,/,v.,prefer,red,-prefer,red,十亿,在,之外,(,上),孤单的,孤独的,入口,价钱为,花费,更喜爱,Activity 2,Read the passage and choose the best title.,Part 1-2,What do the scientists think about the Earth?,2. Is the Earth a planet?,3. How does it go?,They think that,there has been,life on Earth for,millions of years,.,Yes, it is.,It,goes around,the sun.,Part 1-2,4.How many planets go around the sun?,5.Why people and things cannot grow on other planets?,6.What is called the solar system?,Eight planets go around the sun.,Because,none of them,has,an environment with air,.,The sun and its planets.,The stars we see _ are the suns in other_.,There are more than _ stars in our _,called the Milky Way, and our Sun is only one of them.,Scientists have _ many other _ in the _.,They are _ away and their light has travelled for many years to _ us.,It is hard to understand _.,Part 3-4,at night,solar system,200 billion,galaxy,discover,ed,galax,ies,universe,a long way,reach,how large the universe is,Part 5-6 T or F,Scientists have sent lots of space shuttles to look at other planets.,Some spacecraft have gone beyond the solar system.,Someone has discovered life in space.,F,T,F,The best title,Anyone out there?,Life on Earth,Our solar system,The stars at night,1. planet, go,es,around,2. Eight,3. none of, cannot grow,4. are call,ed,5. not easy,6. havent discover,ed,Activity 3,Put the words and expressions in the box in order: small-large,solar system,planet,galaxy planet solar system star universe,star,galaxy,universe,Activity 4,Check (T) the true sentences.,1.The Earth is a star.,2.The Sun is a star.,3.There is,more than,one galaxy.,4.Our galaxy,is part of,the Milky Way.,T,T,5.,The light from stars,has taken,a long time,to reach us.,6.Scientists have found life,on,other planets.,7.Theyve received,many messages from space,.,8.Theyve visited,most of,the universe.,T,million,s,of,go around,seven other planet,s,none of them,be call,ed,more than 200 billion,one of them,many other,be away,It is adj. to do,sth,.,in space,be alone,r,e,c,e,iv,e,from,how often,in the last three years,数百万,绕着转,其它七个星球,它们没有一个,被称为,超过二千亿,它们其中一个,其它很多,离开,离,做某事怎么样,在太空中,独自,收到,多经常,在过去三年,Key points,1.million,百万:,million,三百万;,0 million,三千万,(,有数字无,s),hundred,s,of,数百,;thousand,s,of,数千,; million,s,of,数百万;,billion,s,of,数十亿,1.,数百万的科学家都想过环游宇宙。,Million,s,of,scientists have wanted to travel around the universe.,.,我校有两千多名学生。,There are _ students in our school.,two thousand,3.no one.,没有人,=nobody,只用于指没有人,其后,不跟,of,短语,作主语的时候,谓语动词,用,单数,.,no one,只能回答以,Who,开头的问句,.,比较,none(,用于三者或三者以上全部否定的不定代词,表示没有什么人,没有什么东西,.,作主语时,谓语可以单数,复数,反义词是,all,可以构成,none of.,可以回答以,How many/How much,开头的问句,),我们没有人对那个故事感兴趣,.,None of us,are/is,interested in,the story.,-,Who are you speaking to?,-No one.,-How many students are there in the room?,-None.,(,同步,)P34 -4.,5. one of/two of/some of/most of +,名词的复数形式,北京是中国,最大的城市之一,.,Beijing is one of the biggest,citi,es,in China.,大多数同学,都很认真听老师讲课,.,Most of the,student,s,listen to the teacher carefully.,7.How often (,询问频率,),多久一次,.,答语有三种,:,1),用频度副词回答,-How often do you play basketball.,- Often.,2),用具体的次数回答,- How often do you brush teeth?,- Twice a day.,3),用,every+,可数名词单数回答,- How often do you go to see your parents?,- Every month.,8. *prefer*,更喜欢,茶和咖啡你更喜欢哪一样,?,Which do you,prefer, tea or coffee?,用法一,:,表示更喜欢,=likebetter.,Which do you,like better, tea or coffee?,用法二,:prefer to do,sth,更喜欢做某事,宁愿做某事,.,外面正在下雨,我宁愿呆在家里,.,It is rainy outside. I prefer to stay at home.,(,同步,)P35 -3.,用法三,:,prefer,A,to,B/,prefer,do,ing,to,do,ing,表示,:,比起,来更喜欢,比起牛肉来,他更喜欢猪肉,.,He prefers pork to beef.,比起打篮球,她更喜欢打网球,.,She prefers play,ing,tennis to play,ing,basketball.,Activity 6,Look at the cartoon picture and answer the questions.,-What have the scientists just heard?,(message from spacecraft),-Theyve just heard a message from a,spacecraft,.,1. Where has it landed? (Mars),It,has just landed,on Mars.,2. What has it discovered?,(people),It,has just discovered,people,3. Why havent they sent us a message? (cant hear us),Because they cant hear us.,4. Why havent they visited us on Earth? (prefer life on Mars),Because they prefer life on Mars.,5. What have they made with the other spacecraft? (TVs, radios, cars),They,ve made,TVs, radios and cars.,Activity 7,Write a story in the picture.,Weve just heard our spacecraft has landed on Mars, and weve discovered,people on it. They havent sent us a message. Because they cant hear us. They havent they visited us on Earth. Because they prefer life on Mars. Theyve made TVs, radios and cars with the other spacecraft.,


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