小学英语重点句型⑤ - 河北教育出版社

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Im younger than my mother and father.,我比我父母年纪小。,Bob is older than Jenny.,鲍勃比詹妮大,。,Lynn is shorter than Jenny.,琳比詹妮矮。,Im tall than my sister.,我比我妹妹高。,What do they look like?,他们(长得)什么样儿?,What does she look like?,她(长得)什么样儿?,She has long,straight,red hair.,她有长的直的红的头发。,What does he look like?,他(长得)什么样儿?,He has short,brown hair.,他有短的棕色的头发。,My grandmother wears glasses.,我祖母戴着眼镜。,How do you go to work?,你怎么去上班?,I walk to work.,我步行去上班。,What do they do?,他们是做什么工作的?,课件制作:高秀英,They are teachers.,他们是教师。,He(She)is a doctor.,他(她)是一位医生。,What do they like to do?,他们喜欢干什么?,My aunt likes to read the newspaper.,我姑姑喜欢读报纸。,My uncle likes to go for a walk.,我叔叔喜欢散步。,I like to watch TV.,我喜欢看电视,。,What does your family like to do?,你们家喜欢干什么?,We like to have fun together.,我们喜欢一起开心地玩。,I go to,the park,to,fly a kite,.,我去,公园放风筝,。,China is where we live.,中国就是我们生活的地方,。,North points up on a map.,地图的上边为北。,South points down.,(地图的)下边为南。,East points right.,(地图的)右手为东。,West points left.,(地图的)左手为西。,We speak Chinese/English/French.,我们讲汉语,/,英语,/,法语。,I know it in Chinese.,我知道它用汉语怎么说,。,I know about Canada.,我知道一些有关加拿大的情况,。,Do you know what country this is?,你知道这是哪个国家吗?,Yes,I know./No,I dont.,是的,我知道。,/,不,我不知道。,Do you see a little flag inside Australias flag?,你看到澳大利亚国旗里面有个小旗子吗?,Beijing is the capital city of China.,北京是中国的首都,。,The capital city of China is Beijing.,中国的首都是北京。,Beijing is so great!,伟大的北京!(北京太伟大了!),May I go to Beijing?,我可以去北京吗?,Yes,you may.,是的,可以。,May I live in Beijing?,我可以住在北京吗?,No,you man not.,不,不可以。,May I go shopping?,我可以去购物吗?,May I eat in restaurants?,我可以去餐馆吃饭吗?,May I go to a hotel?,我可以去旅馆吗?,May I invite Danny and Jenny?,我可以邀请丹尼和詹妮吗?,How far is Beijing?,北京有多远?,Its two hundred seventy-eight,kilometres,.,二百七十八千米,。,How can we go to,Beijng,?,我们怎样去北京?,By bus./Take a bus.,乘公共汽车,。,Trips are fun!,旅行很有趣!,Tiananmen,Square is very famous.,天安门广场非常著名。,Canada is far from China.,加拿大离中国很远。,Thats wonderful!,太棒了!,When do you leave for Beijing?,你什么时候离开去北京?,When do you arrive in Beijing?,你什么时候到达北京?,How far is it from China to Canada?,中国离加拿大多远,?,A train is faster than a bus but slower than an airplane.,火车比公共汽车快但比飞机慢,。,They stay with my family for two days in Shijiazhuang.,他们在石家庄有两天的时间与我家呆在一起。,We leave Shijiazhuang and arrive in Beijing.,我们离开石家庄到达北京。,When do Danny and Jenny arrive?,丹尼和詹妮什么时候到?,Tomorrow we leave for Beijing!,我们明天去北京。,Whats the weather forecast?,天气预报怎么样,?,What do we need for the trip?,我们去旅行需要什么?,What clothes do I need?,我需要什么衣服?,I need a dress and a pair of shoes.,我需要一条连衣裙和一双鞋,。,I dont need a cap.,我不需要帽子,。,Can you point to the clothes he needs?,你能指出他所需要的衣服吗,?,He needs a pair of shoes.,他需要一双鞋。,I like this sweater.,我喜欢这件毛衣,。,I dont like that sweater.,我不喜欢那件毛衣。,I like these shoes.,我喜欢这双鞋。,I dont like those shoes.,我不喜欢那双鞋。,What are you doing,Li Ming?,你在干什么,李明?,Im packing my suitcase.,我正在整理我的提箱。,Dont forget your teddy bear.,不要忘记带你的玩具熊。,All done!,一切准备就绪!,Danny is getting ready for bed.,丹尼正准备上床睡觉。,Whats the matter?,怎么啦?,My key is lost!,我的钥匙不见啦!,Can you find my,key,Jenny?,你能帮我找到,钥匙,吗,詹妮?,Yes,here it is!/No,I cant.,行,在这儿!,How much for a ticket from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?,石家庄到北京的车票多少钱一张,?,Have a good trip!,祝旅途愉快!,I love going on trips!/I love to go on trips!,我喜欢旅行!,Please dont run/jump/sing/!,请不要跑,/,跳,/,唱,!,Please dont sit down!,请不要坐着!,


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