first day in a company

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Job interview,-self-introduction,Brief introduction,Opening :,前三分钟定终身,(,the first impression,),if you are the one,Only you,Objective,Introduce yourself,韦小宝篇,-,鹿鼎记,我姓吾,在宫里做太监,大家叫我“吾老公”。,山寨版:,神雕侠侣,杨过对郭靖说我姓倪,叫牢子。,现场模仿版:我姓胡,名说,字八道,推荐: 一颗星 实用指数: 一颗星,陈近南篇,-,鹿鼎记,我真名叫陈永华,永远的永,中华的华。,推荐: 三颗星 实用指数: 三颗星,山野篇,我姓陈,名鱼。由于长得太丑,有一次一抬头,把天上的燕子都吓得落下来了,所以我有个外号,叫落燕,我姓陈,名观羲,是个面包师,不知为什么,最近大家都误以为我是摄影师。,我的性别你们都知道啦,我的名字,你们都知道的啦,我的年龄你们都知道的啦,我的爱好,不用说啦,我的特长,吃饭,!,Self-introduction,Good morning,its really my great pleasure to,have this opportunity for this interview,. Im,gonna,tell,you guys,sth,about me. My name is_, Im a person,full of _.,When it comes to,personalities,generally speaking, Im a hard working person especially do,the,things,Im interested in. Ill try my best to finish it no,matter,howhard,it is. When I was a,sophomore, I found,_,very,interesting,and,then I worked really hard.,Furthermore,Im,a person with,great,passion, you know red,is,my favorite,color, it means,optimistic,. Im exactly like that.,Useful Words,educational background,教育程度,curriculum,课程,major,主修,educational highlights,课程重点部分,curriculum included,课程包括,social,practice,社会实践,part-time jobs,业余工作,summer jobs,暑期工作,vacation jobs,假期工作,recreational,activities,娱乐活动,social,activities,社会活动,degree,学位,Post Doctorate,博士后,Doctor (,Ph.D,),博士,Master,of Science,理学硕士,Master of Art,文学硕士,Bachelor,学士,Bachelor of Science,理学士,Bachelor of Art,文学士,Dual bachelor,双学士,graduate student,研究生,Abroad student,留学生,graduate student,毕业生,undergraduate student,在读本科生,F:baiyun12,口译,一些描写行为的英文单词,.doc,F:baiyun12,口译,描写人物性格的英语单词总结,.doc,modest,谦虚的,motivated,目的明确的,open-minded,虚心的,gentle,有礼貌的,hard-working,勤劳的,earnest,认真的,well-educated,受过良好教育的,efficient,有效率的,energetic,精力充沛的,aggressive,有进取心的,alert,机灵的,ambitious,有雄心壮志的,active,主动的,活跃的,careful,办事仔细的,candid,正直的,cooperative,有合作精神的,creative,富创造力的,dashing,有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的,dedicated,有奉献精神的,earnest,认真的,well-educated,受过良好教育的,efficient,有效率的,energetic,精力充沛的,enthusiastic,充满热情的,expressive,善于表达,faithful,守信的,忠诚的,forceful,(性格)坚强的,frank,直率的,真诚的,friendly,友好的,Edward Green is new. He starts work at,Bibury,Systems, which is a British Company and the core business of which is manufacturing toys.,He is going to see around the company offices and learn about the companys new product.,Background,Objectives,:,GIVING NAME AND JOB TITLE,GREETING PEOPLE,TALKING ABOUT YOUR COMPANY,New wordsand expressions,reception n.,接待处,receptionist,接待员,Head of Sales,销售部负责人,Research Assistant,研究助理,PC (personal computer),个人计算机,Marketing Executive,营销员,The Marketing Department,营销部,The Sales Department,销售部,photocopier,复印机,Sales and Marketing Director,销售与营销部经理,product,产品,in-tray,公文格、收文篮,(,办公室里用来存放待处理信函的地方,),R&D (Research and Development),研发部,fax machine,传真机,coffee machine,煮咖啡壶,product range,产品总类,Sample,样品,prototype,pruttaip,样品,(,特指没上市的样品,),the company structure,公司结构,Where do you fit into your company structure?,你在公司是做什么的?,CLIVE HARRIS: Good morning, Geraldine.,GERALDINE: Good morning, Mr. Harris. Your newspaper and your post.CLIVE HARRIS: Thank you very much.,JENNY ROSS: Good morning, Kate.KATE MCKENNA: Good morning, Jenny.,How are you?,JENNY ROSS:,Im fine, thank you.,DON BRADLEY: Good morning, Jenny.JENNY ROSS: Good MORNING, Don.,GERALDINE: Good morning.,Bibury,Systems. Can I help you? JENNY ROSS: Good morning, Geraldine.GERALDINE: Good morning, Jenny. Your newspapers and the,post,.JENNY ROSS: Thank youCLIVE HARRIS: Good morning, Jenny. Good weekend?JENNY ROSS: Excellent, thank you.CLIVE HARRIS: It is cold this morning.JENNY ROSS: Yes. Very cold.,JENNY ROSS: Im Jenny Ross. How do you do?,EDWARD GREEN: Hello. Pleased to meet you.,JENNY ROSS: Welcome to,Bibury,Systems.,EDWARD GREEN: Thank you.,JENNY ROSS: Im the Head of Administration in the Marketing Department. My boss is Don Bradley. Well. our boss is Don Bradley! Let me show you the department.,EDWARD GREEN: Good morning. My names Edward Green. Im here to see Don Bradley.,GERALDINE: Ah yes. One moment, please.,GERALDINE: Hello. Jenny, Edward Green is in reception. Please, sit down.,EDWARD GREEN: Thank you.,JENNY ROSS: Are you Edward Green?,EDWARD GREEN: Yes.,EDWARD GREEN: No, thanks.,JENNY ROSS: Kate, this is Edward Green. Hes our new Marketing Executive.,KATE MCKENNA: Ah, yes. Edward. Hello. Welcome to,Bibury,Systems Marketing Department. Excuse me.,KATE MCKENNA: Hello, Kate,Mckenna,.,JENNY ROSS: This is the Marketing Department. This is my desk.,Er,.thats Dons office. Hes not here at the moment. And this is your desk. Telephone. PC. In-tray. Let me take your coat.,EDWARD GREEN: Thanks.,JENNY ROSS: Over here is the stationery cupboard. Papers. Files. Pencils, etc. Help yourself to what you need. Here is the photocopier. And here is the fax machine. And this is the coffee machine. Would you like a cup of coffee?,Video Script You may say,My name is Edward Green. I am / my name is / (,接人名,),I am the Head of Administration. I am a (,接职位,),Kate reports to Don. I report to (,接上级职位或人名,),This is Edward Green. This is (,接人名,),He is our new marketing executive. He is .(,接职位,),Introduction,DEREK JONES: Please.,JENNY ROSS: Oh, youre busy. Sorry.,DEREK JONES: No. Please wait.,EDWARD GREEN: hello.,JENNY ROSS: And you have met Geraldine, our receptionist?,GERALDINE: Hi.,JENNY ROSS: So, this is the Research and Development Department. This is Bob and thats Peter. They are Research Assistants. And through here is Derek Jones office. He has a team of six people. Derek, this is Edward Green. Hes our new.,EDWARD GREEN: Im sorry. R & D?,JENNY ROSS: Thats Research and Development.,EDWARD GREEN: Ah, right.,GERALDINE: .Thank you for calling. Goodbye.,JENNY ROSS: The Managing Directors office is on the first floor. Clive Harris. We call him Clive. Ah, this is Clives secretary, Sally.,EDWARD GREEN: What is Kates job?,JENNY ROSS: She is Head of Sales. Shes good.,EDWARD GREEN:,Where does she fit into the company structure,?,JENNY ROSS: Heres the company structure. You see Don is Sales and Marketing Director and is on the Board. Kate reports to Don. You are here and you report to Don.,JENNY ROSS: This is the boardroom. And here we have a range of products. Our toys. Come on, lets go to the R & D workshop.,Talking about the job,Where does she fit into the company structure?,Where do you work at ?,I work in/ at (,接部门),What is her job?,She is (,接,Title).,What is her job responsibilities?,She is responsible for . (,接工作内容),She deals with Her job involves .,10. Who does Edward meet in the R&D workshop?,11. What does Edward see?,12. Edward has an idea for the design of Big Boss. What,is it?,DON BRADLEY: Yes, I think it is very funny.,DEREK JONES: What do you think?,EDWARD GREEN: What about glasses?,DEREK JONES: That is very good.,DEREK JONES: Good idea! Brilliant!,EDWARD GREEN: Hello, Big Boss.,DEREK JONES: No, no. Into the microphone.,EDWARD GREEN: Hello, Big Boss.,DEREK JONES: Try again.,EDWARD GREEN: Hello, Big Boss.,BIG BOSS: Hi. Edward. Welcome to,Bibury,Systems.,CLIVE HARRIS: What do you think, Don?,DON BRADLEY: I dont like this design.,CLIVE HARRIS: I agree. Its not good. I like this one. He looks angry.,CLIVE HARRIS: Oh yes. Is he good?,DON BRADLEY: I dons know. Hes young. Hes intelligent. He is well-qualified, but of course he has no experience.,DEREK JONES: So, thats the existing product range. This is a very new product. In fact, this is a prototype.,EDWARD GREEN: What is it?,DEREK JONES: Its a called Big Boss.,EDWARD GREEN: Big Boss? What does it do?,DEREK JONES:,Ahah,! Look: Say,Hello, Big Boss,.,DEREK JONES: There. Finished. Good. Do you like it?,EDWARD GREEN:,Errr,. What is it?,DEREK JONES: Its a toy. Its a new electronic toy.,EDWARD GREEN: Its very good. Edward Green. Pleased to meet you.,DEREK JONES: Derek Jones. Welcome to,Bibury,Systems.,EDWARD GREEN: Thank you.,DON BRADLEY: Edward Green starts today. Hes the new Marketing Executive.,Language summary,Introducing yourself,Im ,Im a/an ,I report to ,Introducing a colleague,This is ,She/He is ,Talking about you company,I work for ,Our company manufactures/offers ,We have offices in ,Language summary,Expressing intention,I will ring back.,I will ring tomorrow.,I will put you through.,I will try his mobile.,I will talk to you later.,I will ask her to call you back.,I will put our new product on the line now.,I will,He will + Verb,She will,Language summary,Polite requests,Id like to speak to Mr. Smith please.,Can I talk to Phil, please?,Can I speak to peter?,I would like you to have a word with Big Boss.,Id like to,+ Verb,Can I,Language summary,Polite offers,Would you like to ring him on his mobile phone?,Can I take a message?,Would you like to,+ Verb,Can I,


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