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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,1,情态动词,Modal Verbs,2,情态动词有哪些,?,ca,n/may/must/will/shall/should/ought to,need/dare,had better/would rather,used to/have to/be able to,3,情态动词的含义,序号,原形,过去式,主要含义,1,can,could,2,may,might,3,must,must,had to,4,need,needed,5,dare,dared,6,will,would,7,shall,should,1.,能力,2.,请求/准许,3.,可能性,1.,请求/准许,2.,可能性*,3.,祝愿,1.,义务,(,必须,);2.,猜测,(,肯定,),需要,敢,愿意,1.,征求意见,2“,应该”,(should),4,序号,原形,过去式,主要用法,8,be able to,was/were able to,9,have to,had to,10,ought to,ought to,11,used to,12,had better,13,would rather,“,能够”(能力),“,不得不,/,必须”,“,应该”,“,过去(常常)”,“,最好”,“,宁愿”,情态动词的含义,5,情态动词的结构,*后接动词原形,与动词原形一起构成,复合谓语,*,情态动词,无人称和数的变化,We,can,speak,English.,You,mustnt,smoke,here.,He,dare not speak,to you.,You,neednt go,now.,Will,you,help,me?,He,might,come,but Im not sure.,It,must,have,rained,last night.,It,should,have,been,done,yesterday.,“,能够,”(,能力,),“,不准,”(,禁止,),“,不敢,”,“,不必,”,“,愿意,”(,请求,),“,可能,”(,推测,),“,肯定,”(,推测,),“,应该,”(,责备,),6,情态动词,在使用中应特别注意的问题,过去式并不一定表示过去:,can/could;may/might,Could,you come earlier tomorrow?(,请求,),She,might,be right.(,推测,),May I/we.,问句的回答:,-,Might/May I,watch TV now?,-Yes,you,can/may,.(,或:,Yes,please do.),-,May/Might I,take this book out of the room?,-No,you,cant/mustnt,.(,或:,No,youd better not.),3.Must I/we/he,问句的否定回答:,No,.neednt/dont have to,*,mustnt,的含义:表,“禁止”“不允许”,7,4.,情态动词表,推测,时应注意的几个问题,:,1),完全,否定,推测用,cant be,(“不可能”),:,肯定,推测用,must be,(“肯定,一定”),He,cant be,Peter.Peter has gone abroad.,2),疑问句,中的推测用,canbe,:,Can,it,be,Tom who did it?,3),must be doing,:,对,正在发生,的动作,的,肯定,推测:,It is eight oclock.He,must be watching,TV now.,4),must have done,:,对,已发生,的动作,的,肯定,推测:,It is wet outside.It,must have rained,last night.,8,1.-,Who is crying?,-It _ be Tom.Hes just lost the game.,2.-Who is crying?_ it be Tom?,-No,it _ be him.I just heard him singing in the street.,3.He is black and blue all over.His father _(beat)him.,4.The train started an hour ago.Now it _(travel)on the great plain.,must,Can,cant,must have beaten,must be travelling,9,5.,情态动词,must,表推测时,的反意问句的构成:,要根据陈述部分,(,must),后的内容来确定,:,He must be tired now,_?,You must have seen the film,_?,It must have rained heavily,last night,_?,They must be waiting for us now,_?,isnt he?,havent you,didnt it,arent they,10,6.,情态动词+,have done,时有表示责备的含义:,should/ought to,have done,(,本该做,而实际上没做),shouldn,t/oughtnt have done,(,本不该做,而实际做了),could have done,(,本可以做成,而实际上没),neednt have done(,本不必做,而实际上却做了),1)Why are you doing your homework now?,You,should have done,it before class.,2)You,shouldnt have told,him about it.It may hurt him.,3)You are late.You,ought to have come,earlier.,4)You,could have passed,the exam if you had been careful enough.,5)You,neednt have told,her the news,for I had told her earlier.,11,7.shall,will,would,用法:,Shall,I turn on the light,madam?(,征求意见,),What,shall,we do now?(,征求意见,),I,wont,see him any more.(,意愿,),Would/Will,you type this right now,please?,*,Shall,she type this right now?(,征求意见,),8.would,“总是”,/used to“,过去常常”,On Sundays he,would,go to call on the old man when he was young.,I,used to,get up late,but now I have got used to getting up very early.,*used to,的否定形式,:usednt to/didnt use to,12,9.,dare,和,need,既可以作,情态动词,用,又可以作,实义动词,用,1)I,dare say,How dare,you say that to me?,-,Dare he go,alone?-No,he,dare not,.,-,Does,he,dare to go,alone?-No,he,doesnt,.,-,Need,he,do,it now?No he neednt.(Yes,he must),-,Does,he,need to go,there at once?Yes,he,does,*,作情态动词用时没有人称的变化,She _(dare/dares)not go there alone.,=She _(dare not/doesnt dare)to go there alone.,13,情态动词,翻译练习,1.(,There is a knock on the door),-Who _ it _?,(,会是谁呢?),-,It _ _ the postman.,(,肯定是邮递员),-,It _ _ the postman.,(,不可能是邮递员),-,It _ _ the guard.,(,也许是保安),14,can,be,must be,cant be,may be,2.,It _ _ _ last night,for the ground is wet.,(,昨晚肯定下雨了),3.-,Where is Mary?,-She _ _ _ to the library.(,肯定去图书馆了),-,She _ _ _ to the library.I saw him in the teachers office.,(,不可能去图书馆),15,must have rained,must have gone,cant have gone,4.-,Do you know where Tom is?,-He _ _ _ to the dining room,I am not sure.(,也许去了餐厅),5.,You _ _ _ _ your homework yesterday.,(,本来应该上交),6.,My father _ _ _,my sister last night.She is a good girl.(,本来不应该责备),16,may have gone,should have handed in,shouldnt have scolded,7.,Lily came to school last Sunday.She _ _ _ to school.,(,本来没必要上学),8.,You _ _ _ your home-work better last time.,(,本来可以做得更好),9._,I open the window,Mr Wang?(,可以),10.,I _ beat you if you tell me a lie.(,我会打你的),17,neednt have gone,could have done,May,shall,11._,I go there tomorrow?(,可以),Yes,you _.(No,you _.),12._ I finish my work today,?(,必须),No,you _.Yes,you _.,13._ you come home alone at night?(,敢),Yes,I _.,14.I _ _tell him the bad news.(,不敢),15.,I _ _ _ tell him the bad news.(,不敢),18,May,may,mustnt,Must,neednt,must,Dare,dare,dare not,dont dare to,16.,You _ _ come to school this afternoon.(,不必),17.,You _ _ _ come to school this afternoon.(,不必),18.,He _ go home,(,可以),but you _ _.(,不可以),19.,It is getting dark,I _ _ go home.(,必须),20.The house was on fire,but we _ _ _ get out of the fire.(,能够),19,neednt,dont need to,may,may not,have to,were a


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