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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 7,Whats the highest mountain in the world,?,英语 八年级 下册 配人教,(,新目标,),版,Section B,一、重点单词,1._,厘米,2._,重量是,;称,的重量,3._,出生;诞生,4._,成年的;成人的;成人;成年动物,5._,竹子,6._,濒危的,7._,研究;调查,8._,饲养员;保管人,cm(centimeter/centimetre),weigh,birth,adult,bamboo,endangered,research,keeper,课前预习,9._,激动;兴奋,10._,疾病;病,11._,遗留的;剩余的,_,图片;插图,_,野生的,14._,政府;内阁,_,鲸,_,油;食用油;石油,17._,保护;保卫,18._,巨大的;极多的,excitement,illness,remaining,artwork,wild,government,whale,oil,protection,huge,二、重点短语,1._,birth,出生时,2.,live,_,活到,3.run,_,跑过去(来),4.walk,_,走路时撞着,5.fall,_,绊倒,6.die,_,死于,7.spend time(in),_,sth.花时间做某事,8.cut,_,砍倒,9.or,_,大约,10.fewer and,_,越来越少,at,up,over,into,over,from/of,doing,down,so,fewer,【1】This elephant,weighs,many,times,more than this panda.这头大象的重量是这只熊猫的很多倍,。,【知识点】,weigh和times的用法。,【讲解,1,】,weigh,v,.意为“称的重量”,其名词为 weight,意为“重量”。如:,How much does she weigh?Whats her weight?她有多重?,名师点津,【讲解,2,】,time在此句中用作可数名词,意为“倍”;time作可数名词时,还可表示“次数”。通常time意为“时间”时,是不可数名词。如:,Our new school is four times as big as the old one.我们的新学校是旧学校的四倍大。,【熟记】,How much does/do weigh?Whats sb.s weight?有多重?,three times as big as 三倍大,once/twice/three times 一次/两次/三次,【学以致用】,()1.,_,does she weigh?,Her _ is 50 kg.,A.How heavy;weigh B.How many;weight,C.How much;weight D.How much;weigh,()2.We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen,_,we speak.,A.as twice much asB.twice as much as,C.as much as twiceD.as much twice as,B,C,【2】A panda can live,up to,20 to 30 years.一只熊猫能活20至30年。,【,知识点,】,up to的用法。,【,讲解,】,up to意为“到达(某数量、程度等);至多有;不多于”,后面常接数量词。如:,【,熟记,】,I can take up to four people in my car.我的车能载4个人。,live up to 活到(之久),up to now 至今为止,be up to sb.由某人决定,【学以致用】,()Shall we go out or stay in?,Its,_,you.,A.down to,B.up to,C.decide on,D.listen to,B,【,3,】Lin Wei and,the other,panda keepers are preparing the milk for the baby pandas breakfast.林薇和其他熊猫饲养员们正在给熊猫幼崽准备牛奶作为早餐。,【,知识点,】,t,he other的用法。,【,讲解,】,the other意为“其他的”,通常特指两个事物或两个人中的“另一个”。“the other复数名词”用以特指“其他的人或物”,相当于the others。如:,My family has two dogs.One is white,the other is black.我家有两只狗,一只是白色的,一只是黑色的。,Two boys will go to the zoo,and the others(the other boys)will stay at home.两个男孩将去动物园,其余的将会待在家里。,【学以致用】,(,),1.Do you know Lily and Lucy?,Yes,but the twins look so similar that I always,mistake the one for,_,.(2015天津),A.the other,B.the others,C.another,D.other,()2.I bought ten books in Hong Kong.One is about,travel,,,_,are about teaching.,A.another B.the other,C.others D.the others,D,A,【,4,】but then humans started to,cut down,the forests.但是后来人类开始砍伐森林。,【,知识点,】,cut down的用法。,【,讲解,】,cut down是动副词组,意为“砍伐;砍倒;减少;降低;缩短”。如:,The little boy cut down the young tree.小男孩把这棵小树砍倒了。,【,熟记,】,与cut相关的常见短语:,cut sb.sth.为某人切某物,cut sth.into sth.把某物切成某物,cut in插话;插队;超车,cut off切断;隔断;中断;使死亡,cut out删除;停止;裁剪,cut up切碎;抨击,cut across抄近路通过;径直穿过,【学以致用】,(,),1.Our country is taking action to,_,air pollution.(2016青岛),A.cut down,B.cut up,C.cut out,D.cut off,(,),2.Kangkang,could you tell me how to cook noodles?,OK.First,you should,_,ham,cabbage and onions finely.(2015漳州),A.cut up B.cut down,C.cut off,A,A,文脉梳理,【1】,看下表,然后迅速通读教材,P542b,的短文,完成以下表格:,Research Base,keeper,with excitement,her own babies,12,10 kilos of,2,000,200,the importance,more bamboo trees,【2】,本课时主要短语串联运用,(,用方框中短语的适当形式填空,),Dingding weighed about 1 kilo 1.,_,,he was the loveliest dog Ive ever seen.He was black and white,with big and innocent(无邪的)black eyes,a stout(结实的)and furry(多毛的)body,and a long tail.,at birth,up to,protectfrom,with excitement,as far as I know,or so,even though,walk into,die from,fall over,at birth,He ate well,we often fed him with rice and bones.So at the age of one,he grew up into 12 kilos 2.,_.,He was my best fellow(伙伴).Every afternoon when I returned home from school,he would ran over,3.,_,in such a hurry that sometimes he 4.,_,me and 5.,_,!,Dingding grew stronger and stronger as time went by,as an adult dog,he became our brave and responsible(负责的)housekeeper.Whenever there were strangers passing by,he would bark(犬吠)aloud.He really did a good job in 6.,_,us,_,any danger.7.,_,,we never lost any property(财产)since.What a great helper he was!,or so,with excitement,walked into,fell over,protecting,from,As far as I know/knew,Usually,an ordinary dog can live 8.,_,10,to 20 years,but sadly for our poor Dingding,he,9.,_,a car accident while playing along the road one day,he was only 8 years old then.,I miss Dingding all the years,and the thing is,I can still remember him well 10.,_,hes been away from us for 20 years,vividly.,up to,died from,even though,习作乐园,水资源匮乏是世界上最大的难题之一。虽然全球70%被水覆盖,但只有1%是可以饮用的淡水。世界上的很多国家和地区都缺水。生活中有很多人不注意,污染了水源,使可利用的水资源变得更少。因此,如果我们不节约用水,那么最后一滴水也许会是我们人类的眼泪。以“Its Our Duty to Save Water”为题,写一篇文章说明节约用水的重要性。,要求:,1.作文应包含所有给出的要点,不要逐字翻译;,2.分三段写,行文清晰,有条理;,3.不少于80词(标题与开头已给出,不计入总词数)。,Its Our Duty to Save Water,The lack of water is one of the biggest problems in the world.Though water covers 70%of the earths surface,fresh water covers only 1%of the earths surface.,As we all know,,_,_,_,_,【,1,】,思路点拨,该篇习作以谈论节约用水的重要性为主线,先从对现状的分析再过渡到总结陈词。在写作过程中要明确以下几点:,1.首先要阐明节约用水的重要性;,2.再列举人们破坏、浪费水


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