Unit1 Can you play the guitar?单词短语(27张ppt)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,新人教版英语同步讲解,初一下册,初一上册应具备的基础知识,词类:动词,名词,代词,形容词,副词,介词,冠词,数词,句式:肯定句、否定句、疑问句、祈使句,时态:一般现在时,句子成分:主语,谓语,宾语,定语,补语,谓语,句子中表示“动作”的词,主语,动作的“发出者”,宾语,动作的“承受者”,补语,起“补充说明”的作用,表语,表示主语“身份、性质、特征、状态”的词,状语,表示动作发生的“时间、地点、原因、条件、方式等方面的词在句中作状语”,Unit 1,Can you play the guitar?,一、单词短语,1. want,用法,(1),汉意:,想要,(2),词性:,及物动词,(3),句型:,句型,1,:,主语,+ want +,宾语。,句型,2,:,主语,+ want + to + V.,原,+,其他。,句型,3,:,主语,+ want + sb. + to + V.,原,+,其他。,(4),例句:,He wants three apples.,They want to play games.,Tom wanted Jim to do homework yesterday.,习 题,(1)Lucy wants _ breakfast at home.,A. have B. having C. had D. to have,(2)Tom wanted _ a doctor when he was a child.,A. to are B. to is C. to be D. to am,(3)Jim wants _ join the tennis club. (,多选,),A. he to B. him C. him to D. to,2. join,用法,(1),汉意:,加入,(2),词性:,及物动词,(3),英语中的“加入”:,join,后跟表示:“组织”、“团体”、“党派”、“军队”等这样的,群体词汇,;,join in,后跟表示:“竞赛”、“娱乐”、“游戏”等这样的,活动词汇,。,take part in,后跟表示,活动的词汇,,可与,join in,互换;不同点在于,使用,take part in,时,表示参与者,以积极的态度加入活动中,并能起到一定的作用,。,(4),例句:,Jim wants to,join us,.,He wants to,join the army,.,Lucy,joined in the ball game,just now.,Yao Ming will,take part in the ball game,.,(5),易混句型:,如果说,与某人一起做某事,、,和,在一起,则用,joinsb.in,sth,./doing,sth,Wouldyoujoinmeinawalk?,和我一起去散步好吗?,Illjoinyouinplaying cards.,我会和你们一起打牌的。,习 题,(1) We will have a football match next Sunday, will you want _ us?,A. join B. to join in C. join in D. to join,(2) Lets go to _ the ball game.,A. join B. to join in C. join in D. to join,3.,英语中的“说”,(1),单词:,speak,:说 、发言,say,:说出,tell,:告诉,讲,talk,:谈话,交谈,(2),结构:,speak +,语言: 说某种语言,I can speak English.,我会说英语,say +,一句话:说“,”,He says “Nice to meet you.”,他说“见到你很高兴。”,say it in +,语言:用某种语言说某物,How to say it in English?,它用英语怎么说?,tell sb.,sth,.,:告诉某人某事,Lucy tells him a story.,露西告诉他一个故事。,talk with sb. = talk to sb. :,与某人交谈,He talked to/with his son.,他和他 的儿子交谈。,talk about sb./,sth,. :,谈论某事,He is talking about the accident.,他正在谈论这个事故。,习 题,(1) -Jim, can you _ this word in Chinese?,- Yes, I can _ a little Chinese.,A. speak , say B. say , speak,C. tell , speak D. talk , say,(2) He is going to _ at the meeting.,A. talk B. say C. tell D. speak,4.,英语中的“也,”,(1) too,用在肯定句、疑问句句尾,,too,前有逗号,(2) either,用在否定句句尾,,either,前有逗号,(3) also,用于肯定句,位置是行前,be,后,例句:,He is a teacher, too.,Is he a teacher, too?,He isnt a teacher, either.,He is also a teacher.,He also likes playing football.,(4) too,另一个含义,“,太”,后接形容词副词,too big,太大了,too slowly,太慢了,习 题:用“,too” “either” “also”,填空,Tom: I like my English teacher.,Do you like him, _?,Jim: I like him, _.,Lucy: I _ like him. He is _ kind.,Lily: But I dont like him.,Mary: I dont like him, _.,5.,英语中的“多义词,play”,(1) “,动词类”:踢、打、玩、拉、下,play,football,play,basketball,play,games,play,chess,play,the violin,play,the piano,注意:,play +,棋类名词,/,球类名词,/,游戏类,play + the +,乐器类名词,(2)“,名词类,”,: 游戏、戏剧,Play is as necessary as work.,游戏同工作一样必要。,Do you enjoy the play?,你欣赏这出戏吗?,填 空:,the /,不填,I can play _ football and she can play _ chess, but we cant play _ guitar.,Lucy plays _ drums well, she also plays _ piano.,6.,英语中的“,so”,(1),因此,所以:连词,连接,2,个句子,构成因果关系,但不能,because,一起用。,(2),这样,如此:副词,可以修饰形容词、副词;口语中常和“,think”, ”hope”,等连用,例句:,It is late, so lets go home.,Lets go home because its late.,Its so cold.,天太冷了。,I think so.,我认为如此。,I hope so.,我希望如此,7.,英语中的,”,or”,(1),或者、还是:常用疑问句、否定句,前后可以连接“词”、“短语”、“句子”,(2),否则:表示转折关系,例句:,Which one is nicer, the big one or the small one?,He doesnt have a pen or a pencil.,We must leave now, or we will miss the bus.,注意:,and,和,or,He ate two apples and a orange.,He didnt ate two apples or a orange.,含有,and,的句子变成疑问或否定句时,,and,要改写成,or,8. with,和,and,(1)with,表示“伴随”、“与,一起”,(2)and,表示“和,一起”,例句:,Tom,and,Jim,go,to school everyday.,Tom,with,Jim,goes,to school everyday.,汤姆和吉姆每天上学。,汤姆跟着吉姆每天上学。,Tom,goes,to school,with Jim,everyday.,把,and,看成“加法”,,with,看成“减法”,句子中谓语动词填“原形”还是“单三”,要看人称到底是多少。,I have three dogs and I play _ after school.,A. them B. with them C. they D. with they,Your brother with me _ tennis together.,A. play B.,plaies,C. plays D.,playes,Your brothers with me _ tennis together.,A. play B.,plaies,C. plays D.,playes,9.,英语在的“,need”,词性,(1),:及物动词,有各种变化,用法结构:,主语,+ need +,名词,/,代词,/,动词不定式,例句:,I need some water.,Tom needs them.,We needed to water the flowers.,词性,(2),:情态动词,,用法结构:,主语,+ need +,动词原形,+,其他。,例句:,We need water the flowers.,10. make,短语,(1),汉意:,“,制作”,(2),短语:,make friends with,与,交朋友,make faces,做鬼脸,make noises,制造噪音,make money,赚钱,make progress,取得进步,make tea,沏茶,make coffee,煮咖啡,sth,. + be,动词,+ made + in +,地点,sth,. + be,动词,+ made + of +,原料,sth,. + be,动词,+ made + from +,原料,sth,. + be,动词,+ made + in +,地点,sth,. + be,动词,+ made + of +,原料,sth,. + be,动词,+ made + from +,原料,例句:,The car is made in China.,这辆车是中国制造。,The table is made of wood.,这桌子用树木做的。,The book is made of wood.,这本书是用树木做的。,11.,英语中的“,call”,(1),动词:打电话;叫喊,呼叫,(2),名词:电话,通话,例句:,Please call Tom at 86573467.,请打电话,86573467,给汤姆。,Listen, someone is calling.,听,有人在叫喊。,Dont forget to call me.,别忘了打电话给我。,Please give Tom a call.,请给汤姆打个电话。,(3),短语:,动词:,call sb. at,电话号码 ;,call sb.,名词:,give sb. a call,12. busy,(1),形容词:忙碌的、繁忙的,反义词:,free,空闲的,(2),常用短语:,主语,+ be,动词,+ busy +,with,sth,.,主语忙于某事,主语,+ be,动词,+ busy +,V.ing,sth,.,主语忙于,做,某事,例句,His father is very busy.,Tom is busy with homework.,Tom is busy doing homework.,谢,谢,收,本,讲,结,


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