高中英语外研版必修一第一模块1P1Introduction,reading and vocabulary

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Module 1,My First Day at Senior High,Period 1,Introduction,Reading&Vocabulary,Learning aims:,1.Have an,excellent understanding,of the passage as well as,a good command of the key knowledge,;improve your ability of reading comprehension.,2.Grasp the reading method of,comparative analysis and,reductive summing-up,by your self-study and cooperation.,3.,Love your new study surroundings and,be devoted to your study,with your,great passion.,Comments on your prevision,Excellent students,:,A+,张鹏 曾莹 李佳琳 秦海,彭倩 张彬,Excellent groups:,1 4,Problems exposed in the preview:,文章细节的深层次理解以及,推理判断能力是我们的短板。,Answers about your prevision,一、1.F F T 2.C D C B,3.the method of teaching/teaching method more students in the class/a larger number of students,reading comprehension speaking,spelling;handwriting,二、1.3令人为难的 4自己感到为难的6终于16handwriting(23)politics 2.(5)给某人指示(7).举止既严肃又礼貌 9与。一样的大小10对。有积极的态度,2.(3)nothing like 一点儿也不像,3.(2)that指代 the method of teaching,Self-directed study,1.Use your head and finish the exercises“质疑探究as quickly as possible.,2.Find out your problems and make marks where the problems are using your red pens.,3.Pay much attention to your handwriting.,Group discussion and cooperation,内容:,1.,预习过程中有疑问的地方,2.,探究点一与探究点二,要求:,1.,人人参与,热烈讨论,,大声表达自己的思想。,2.,组长控制好讨论节奏,确保讨论效果。,3.,没解决的问题组长记录好,准备质疑。,展示题目,(书面),展示小组,点评小组,探究点一,1,Group,2,前黑板,3,探究点二,1,Group,3,后黑板,4,探究点二,2,Group,4,后黑板,5,探究点二,3,Group,5,后黑板,1,探究点二,4,Group,1,后黑板,2,展示点评要求:,1.展示同学快速到位,书写标准,答案力求简洁、标准。,2.非展示同学进一步修改、完善自己的答案。,3.非展示同学也可以大声朗读课文。,4.点评同学声音洪亮,注意补充、拓展。,5.其余同学务必认真倾听,积极动脑,及时提出自己的疑问;并拿 好红笔随时修改自己的答案。,Efficient presentation,Para2:Li Kang is very impressed with,the,teachers and the technology,in his,new school.,Para3,:The English teachers method,is quite,different from that in his old school.,Para6:The,class,is bigger and the students,work hard.,探究点一,Summary and promotion,总结:概括主旨时,须透彻理解文章大意,首先看是否有主题句,同时要注意恰当的关键词的选用。,2.Para1:Li kangs,self introduction,.,Para2:His,new school,is very good.,Para3:The,English class,is really interesting.,Para4:,What they did today,in English class.,Para5:They,love,their,English teacher,because of her teaching way and attitude.,Para6:Something about his,new class and his new classmates.,总结:概括主旨时,透彻理解文章的大意,尤其是注意选用恰当的关键词。,My First Day at Senior High,Para.1 Self-introduction,I amliving in,thoughts,Para.2 The new school,be enthusiastic and friendly,amazing classroom,almost as big as,Para.3-5 The English teacher&the English class,a woman called,method of teaching,reading comprehension,have fun,be bored,be embarrassed,work by oneself,in a fun way,previous class,in other words,Para.6 The students and the homework.,three times as many girls as boys,hard-working students,write/give a description of,look forward to doing sth.,探究点二,1.,同位语,,that/which is not far from Beijing.,Beijing,the capital city of China,is beautiful.,Mr.Li,my Chinese teacher,is strict with us.,Last week,I had a lot of fun with my friend,Jerry.,2.,后置定语;,woman;,动宾关系,/,被动,call sb.sth(,双宾,)-sb be called sth.,一位名叫,Jack,的医生:,a doctor,called Jack,a doctor,who/that is called Jack,我想见一位名叫,Jack,的医生:,I want to see a doctor called Jack.,I want to see a doctor who/that is called Jack.,探究点二,1.同位语,that/which is not far from Beijing.,2.后置定语;woman;被动,The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman who/that was called Ms Shen.,3.(1)翻译:我认为上沈老师的课我是不会感到厌倦的。,否认形式在主句,而否认的信息焦点却在从句,此类动词还有:think,believe,expect,suppose,guess,imagine 等.,3.(1)填空 as,as,翻译:换句话说,女生人数是男生的三倍。,同级比较:A+be+as+adj.+as+B,比较级:A+be+比较级+than+B,倍数表达的三个句型:,A+be+倍数+as+adj.+as+B,A+be+倍数+比较级+than+B,A+be+倍数+the size/length/height/depth,/width+of+B,即时练习,要求:独立、迅速完成即时练习。,答案:,1.cook改为cooked,2.calling改为called;,a person who is called Jack.,3.will it;do you,4.D,5.Asia is four times as large as Europe.,/Asia is three times larger than Europe.,/Asia is four times the size of Europe.,点拨:注意主句的主语是I 或是其复数形式we时,反意疑问句取决于从句,否那么,由主句决定。,1.,Please have a thorough consolidation about what we have learned together in this class according to the blackboard and your paper.,Consolidation,&reflection,2.,Have a deep reflection on your,behavior in this class.,Express yourself freely,Using what you have learned in this class,try to tell us something about your new Senior High to all of us.,A quiz for this class,Try to finish“课文回忆 without your books:,1.writing down 2.enthusiastic 3.amazing,4.as big as 5.brilliant 6.interesting,7.called 8.method of teaching 9.bored,10.introduced 11.embarrassed 12.attitude,13.behavior 14.In other words 15.description,16.am looking forward to,Summary of this class,1.What have you learned in this class?,2.Who are our excellent students and groups?,3.What should we do in the new term?,Try your best to memorize the whole,passage as fluently as your can.,Homework for today,Thanks so much!,Cultural Corner,Scanning:,What aspects of American school system are talked about?,Close Reading:,read to fill in the blanks,US secondary school system,Chinese secondary school system,Grades(from to,School diploma,School year,First semester,Second semester,Summer Vacation,School sch


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