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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Section B,Period 2 (2a-3b),Unit 8 When is your birthday?,1.,多大岁数,_,2.,生日聚会,_,3.,祝生日快乐,! _,4.,在一月份,_,5.,在二月三日,_,6.,在今天下午三点钟,_,birthday party,Happy birthday!,in January,how old,按要求写出正确的词组。,on February third,at three this afternoon,7.,三月二日,_,8.,四月五日,_,9.,五月八日,_,10.,六月一日,_,11.,九月十二日,_,12.,十一月二十日,_,13.,十二月二十六日,_,March third,May eighth,June first,April fifth,September twelfth,November twentieth,December twenty-sixth,soccer game,English Day,What activities do you have at school?,school trip,School Day,basketball game,volleyball game,English speech contest,speech contest,演讲比赛,How to be healthy?,art festival,Sports Day,book sale,party,2a,Check () the activities you have at your school.,soccer game English Day,school trip art festival,School Day Sports Day,book sale party,What activities do we have this term?,We have,Read the passage and answer the question.,Dear students,We have some interesting and fun things for you this term. On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon.,October is a great month. On the 12th and the 15th, we have two ball games, soccer and volleyball. School Day is on October 22nd. Your parents can come to our school. Next month, we have an art festival. Its on November 3rd. We have an English party on November 30th. And on December 3rd,1. Is this a busy term?,2b,we have a book sale in the school library.,This is a really busy term! Have a good time!,1. Is this a busy term?,Yes, it is.,2b,Read the school notice and list the activities and the dates.,Dates,Activities,Sept. 21st,school trip,Oct. 12th,soccer game,Oct. 22nd,School Day,Nov. 3rd,art festival,Nov. 30th,English party,Dec. 3rd,book sale,Oct. 15th,volleyball game,We have some interesting and fun things,for you this term.,这学期我们为你们准备了一些,既有趣有好玩的活动。,have a school trip,October is a great month.,进行学校郊游,十月的活动非常丰富。,School day is on October 22,nd,.,Next month, we have an art festival.,have a book sale,This is a really busy term!,学校开放日在十月,22,日。,下个月我们要举办艺术节。,举行图书特卖活动,这学期真的很忙。,Notice,(通知)的写作要点,开头:,Dear +,某人 , 顶格写,正文:,顶格写,总起句:,1. We have some interesting,and fun things for you ,2.We haveon,3.On, we have,4. Next month, we have,5. is on ,6.,评价,发出邀请:,Please come to ?,Do you want to come to ?,结尾:,This is a really busy term! Have a good time!,Come and join us!,2c,Discuss the questions with your partner.,What activities from 2b do you like?,2. What other activities do you like?,3a,Complete the notes with the words in the box.,my school game September like basketball,Dear Alan,Do you _ sports? Do you have a _? Please come to _ next week. We have a basketball _. It is on _ 28th. See you there!,Guo,Peng,like,basketball,my school,game,September,3b,Write your own note to a friend.,Invite him / her to an activity in your,school. Use the questions to help you.,Dear _,_,写作指导:,这是一则邀请某人参加某项活动的便条,其内容须包含括号内提出的四个问题,即:参加人的名字及爱好、活动名称及该活动举行地点与时间。写作过程中可能用到的句型如下:,1. Do you like (have) ?,你喜欢,(,有,),吗?,2. Please come to next week/this Friday.,请下周,/,这周五来,(,某地,). 3. We have a (an) . Its on .,我们举行,(,活动,).,它在,(,日期,). 4. On , we have,a(an,) in .,在,(,日期,),我们在,(,某地,),举行,(,活动,). 5. See you there!/Have a good time!,那儿见!,/,祝你玩得高兴。,Dear_,One possible version:,Jane,Do you like English? Do you have a tape player? Please come to the English party next week. On November 16th, we have an English party in our school library. See you there!,Eric,Self Check,1. Complete the chart with the correct forms of the numbers.,one,first,six,twelve,second,seventh,thirteenth,three,eight,twenty,fourth,nine,twenty-first,five,tenth,thirty,two,four,third,fifth,seven,sixth,eighth,ninth,ten,twelfth,thirteen,twentieth,twenty-one,thirtieth,2. Write the dates for these holidays in China.,1. When is Childrens Day,(儿童节),?,2. When is National Day,(国庆节),?,3. When is Womens Day,(妇女节),?,4. When is New Years Day,(新年),?,1. Its on _,2. Its on _,3. Its on _,4. Its on _,June 1st,October 1st,Mar. 8th,Jan. 1st,名词所有格,名词的所有格 :表示所属关系,即表示某物是“谁的”。,名词所有格常见的结构有两种:,一、,s,所有格,表示有生命的人或动物的名词所有格,单数名词和不以,s,结尾的复数名词一般在词尾加“ ,s”,,以,s,结尾的复数名词在词尾只加“ ”。,Kates cat,凯特的猫,Childrens Day,儿童节,the girls books,女孩们的书,二、,of,所有格,无生命,事物名词的所属关系,一般常用“,of, 名词,”来表示,即,of,所有格。,a map of China,一幅中国地图,the legs of the table,桌腿,of,所有格与,s,所有格有时可以互换,不过要注意它们物主的位置不同。,猫的名字是咪咪。,The name of the cat is Mimi.,(,of,结构,物主,the cat,在后,),The cats name is Mimi,(,s,结构,物主,the cat,在前,),注 意,:,如果一样东西为,几个人所共有,,则只在,最后一个名词上加“ ,s ”,。如:,Lucy and Lilys father is a teacher,露茜和莉莉的爸爸是名教师。,2.,如果所指事物不是两人共有,而是,各自所有,,则应在,每一个名词后加“ ,s ”,。如:,Lucys and Marys mothers are doctors, 露茜的妈妈和玛丽的妈妈都是医生。,1. This is,(李雷的家庭,).,2. Is that,_, ( 比尔家的一幅照片),?,3. Whats,(汤姆妹妹的名字),?,4. This is,_,(莉莉和露茜的,) room.,5. They are,(格林夫人的儿子),.,6. Its my,(,mother,),bag.,7. Are these the,(,twin,),books?,Li Leis family,a photo of Bills family,the name of Toms sister,Lily and Lucys,Mrs. Greens sons,mothers,twins,8. March 8,is _ (women) Day.,9. Whats the girls name?,(同义句),Whats the, ,the girl?,10.,一幅中国地图,_,桌子的一条腿,_,Sally,的棒球拍,_,Bill,的堂兄,_,我父亲的一位朋友,_,Womens,name of,a map of China,a leg of the table,Sallys baseball bat,Bills cousin,a friend of my fathers,三、,根据汉语提示完成句子,1.,这些是简和琳达的,T,恤衫。,These are _ and _ T-shirts.,2.,艺术节在九月九日举行。,The _ _ is on September 9th.,3.,你们学校举行足球比赛吗?,Do you have a _ _ at your school?,4.,祝你们愉快!,_ a good _!,5.,今天是我的第十二个生日。,Today is my _ _.,Janes Lindas,art festival,soccer game,Have time,twelfth birthday,四、连词成句,1. is, when, English, the, party (?),_,2. old, is, aunt, how, your (?),_,3. Jennys, trip, September, is, on, school, 27th (.),_,4. activity, in, have, you, what, school, do, your (?),_,5. really, is, term, that, a, busy (!),_,When is the English party?,How old is your aunt?,Jennys school trip is on September 27th.,What activity do you have in your school?,That is a really busy term!,一、写出下列词组或句型,。,1.,排球比赛,_ 2.,英语日,_,3.,篮球比赛,_ 4.,在五月,_,5.,在九月二十日,_,6.,在上午,_,7.,在今天下午七点钟,_,8.,举行一次英语考试,_,9.,祝你玩得高兴!,_,11.,想要做某事,_,volleyball game,basketball game,on September twentieth,in May,in the morning,Exercises,at seven this afternoon,English Day,have an English test,Have a good time!,want to do,sth,.,二、用括号内单词的适当形式填空。,1. August 23rd, 2009 is her _ (eight) birthday.,2. When is _ (Jeff) birthday?,3. My birthday is July _ (20).,4. How old _ (be) William and Dick?,5. _ (his mother) birthday is November 2nd.,are,Jeffs,twentieth,eighth,His mothers,6. May is the _ (five) month of the,year.,7. November is the _ (nine) month.,8. This is his _ (twelve) birthday.,9. Fathers Day is on the _ (three),Sunday in June.,third,twelfth,ninth,fifth,三、选择填空。,1. Do you have _ art festival?,A. a B. an C. the,2. There are _ months in a year.,December is the _ month.,A. twelve, twelfth B. twelve, twelve,C. twelfth, twelfth,B,A,3. _ Lisa have a birthday party?,No, she _.,A. Do, dont. B. Does, doesnt,C. Do, does,4. My trousers are on the bed, but,_ on the sofa.,A. Linda is B. Linda are,C. Lindas are,B,C,1. They have an English test. (,一般疑问句,),_ _ have an English test?,2. We have a school trip every month. (,一般问句,),_ you _ a school trip every month?,3. Does Sally have an English Party? (,肯定句,),Sally _ _ English Party.,4. The English party is,October 6th,. (,划线部提问,),_ _ the English party?,5. They have a school trip,on November 17th,.,_ _ they _ a school trip?,四、句型转换,has an,Do have,Do they,When is,When do have,五、将左栏的节日与右栏的日期相连。,1. May Day,2. Womens Day,3. Childrens Day,4. Teachers Day,5. National Day,6. Christmas Day,7. Mothers Day,8. Fathers Day,9. New Years Day,10. Tree Planting Day,A. September 10th,B. in June,C. December 25th,D. March 8th,E. in May,F. March 12th,G. January 1st,H. May 1st,I. October 1st,J. June 1st,Homework,Do the other exercises in this part.,中国的主要节假日:,New Years Day,元旦(,January first,),the Spring Festival,春节(农历正月初一),the Lantern Festival,元宵节(农历正月十五),Womens Day,妇女节(,March eighth,),May Day,五一劳动节(,May first,),Childrens Day,儿童节(,June first,),Army Day,建军节(,August first,),the Mid-autumn Festival,中秋节(农历八月十五),National Day,国庆节(,October first,),Explanation,英美国家的主要节日:,New Years Day,新年(,January first,),St. Valentines Day,情人节(,February fourteenth,),April Fools Day,愚人节(,April first,),Mothers Day,母亲节(,the second Sunday in May,),Fathers Day,父亲节(,the third Sunday in June),Halloween,万圣节 (,November 1st,),Thanksgiving,感恩节 (,the last Thursday in November,),Christmas Day,圣诞节(,December twenty-fifth,),


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