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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Modal Verb,Modal Verb,情态动词的语法特征,1.情态动词,不能单独做谓语,。,2.情态动词,没有人称,时态和数的变化,,但有些情态动词,如,can,may,will,dare,也 有一般式和过去式的变化。,情态动词的语法特征1.情态动词不能单独做谓语。2.情,Mv 情态动词的个数(15),(4组),can/could,may/might,shall/should,will/would,(4对),have to,had better,ought to,used to,(3个),must,need,dare,4,4,3,Mv 情态动词的个数(15)4 4 3,考点一:情态动词的基本用法,(一)can/could,1.表能够做某事(具备某种能力);could主要,指过去能够,Two eyes can see more than one.,Could the girl read before she went to school?,2.表许可;用于,疑问句中表请求,(could表示的,语气更加委婉);用于,否定句中表不允许,。,Can I have a look at your new pen?,You cant wear jeans at work.,考点一:情态动词的基本用法(一)can/could,3.表,可能性或推断,,多用于否定或疑问句中;,若用于,肯定句中表常有的行为和情形,,意为“有时会;时而可能”,That,cant be,Mary-shes in New York.,(用于否定句中表某事肯定不真实。),He can be stubborn sometimes.,It can be cold here in winter.,4.表疑惑或惊讶等情绪;意为“究竟能;难道会;到底是”,What can they be doing?他们究竟在干些什么?,Where can she have put it?她到底把它放哪了?,3.表可能性或推断,多用于否定或疑问句中;,(二)must,1.must 用于,肯定句,中表说话人的意志或义务;或坚决要求某人做某事;,否定mustnt 表禁止,I,must go to,the bank and get some money.,Cars,mustnt park,in front of the entrance.,2.在以must 开头的疑问句中,肯定回答用must;否定回答用neednt 或dont have to,Must,we hand in our exercise books now?,Yes,you must./No,you neednt./No,you dont have to.,(二)must1.must 用于肯定句中表说话人的意志或义,3.表示可能性或肯定的推断。意为“想必、准是、一定”,等,只用于肯定句。,He must be ill.He looks so,pale,.,Shes wearing a,diamond necklace,.She must have a lot of money.,4.表说话人生气或不满的情绪,意为“偏要;非得”,-Must you,interrupt,now?Cant you see Im on the phone?,-Sorry,sir,but its,urgent,.,5.用于短语,if you must(do sth),,表虽然不赞同但可允,许,意为“如果你一定要的的话,”,-Can I smoke here?,-If you must.,3.表示可能性或肯定的推断。意为“想必、准是、一定”,(三)will/would,1.表意愿,用于各种人称的陈述句,I will do anything for you.,They wont lend us any more money.,2.表请求允许,用于疑问句,Will you send this letter for me,please?,Would you mind leaving me alone for a few minutes?,3.表习惯,She will listen to music,alone in her room,for hours.,He would spend hours on the telephone.,4.主语为物时,多用于否定句中,意为“不起作用”,The door wont open.,(三)will/would1.表意愿,用于各种人称的陈,(四)may/might,1.表允许,might可以指过去时间,也可指现在时间,语气更委婉。,You may take whatever you like.,May(Might)I ask for a photo of your baby?,2.表可能(事实上)。might可以指过去时间,也可以指现在时间,但语气更加不肯定。,He may be at home,but Im not sure.,She may/might not know about it.,3.may还可表祝愿,May you succeed!,(四)may/might1.表允许,might可以指过,(五)shall,1.shall用于二、三人称的陈述句,表“命令、威胁、警,告、强制、允诺、决心”等,You shall do as I day.,(命令),You shall have my answer tomorrow.,(允诺),Nothing shall stop us from carrying out the plan.,(决心),2.shall用于一、三人称的疑问句,表征询意见或请求,允许,多与I或we连用,What shall we do this weekend?,3.shall 常用于主语是第三人称的条约、法律法规、规,章制度等文件中表“义务”或“规定”,One of our rules is that every student shall wear school uniform while at school.,(五)shall1.shall用于二、三人称的陈述句,表,(六)should,1.表义务,意为“应该”(某件事宜做),用于各种人称。,You,should be polite,to your teachers.,You,shouldnt waste,any time.,2.表推测,意为“想必一定、照说应该、估计”等。,The film,should be,very good as it is starring first-class actors.,They,should be,home by now.,3(表示不确定)万一。,If I,should see,him,Ill tell him.,If it,should rain,tomorrow,the sports meeting would be postponed.,(六)should1.表义务,意为“应该”(某件事宜做),4.should 可以用来表示意外;常意为“竟然;居然”,I find it astonishing that he,should be,so rude to you.,(七)ought to,表义务,意为“应该”(因责任、义务等该做),口气比should稍重。,You are his father.You ought to take care of him.,You oughtnt to smoke so much.,4.should 可以用来表示意外;常意为“竟然;居然”,(八)used to had better have to,1.used to表示过去的习惯动作或状态(现已不复存在),He told us he used to play football when he was young.,疑问句:,Did,you,use,to go there?/,Used,you to go there?,否定句:I,didnt use,to go there./I,usednt to,go there.,反意疑问句或简略回答:She,used to,be very fat,didnt she,?/,usednt she,?,-Did you use to play chess?,-Yes,I did.,-Used you to get up early in the morning?,-Yes,I did./Yes,I used to.,(八)used to had better have t,双性动词need,dare,dared,1.need 可以作实义动词或情态动词。,eg:We,need,to finish the job before dark.,You,neednt,hurry as theres plenty time left.,2.dare,dared可以作实义动词或情态动词。,eg:He,dared to,travel abroad when he was young.,How dare you let your little child go out alone?,如何分辨是实意动词或情态动词?,有没有加s;有没有加助动词;有没有加to;,有没有在句首;有没有加not;,双性动词need,dare,dared 1.nee,考点二:表推测的情态动词,1.对现在或客观事实的肯定的推测,Must:肯定;准是;想必是,Should:很可能;应该。指按常理推测,May/might:也许;大概;表示把握不大的推测,Can/could:用于疑问句表怀疑,-What are you doing this Saturday?,-Im not sure,but I,might/may go,to the cinema.,-Good morning.Ive got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department.,-Ah,good morning.You _ be Mrs.Peters,A.might B.must C.would D.can,考点二:表推测的情态动词1.对现在或客观事实的肯定的推测,2.对现在情况或客观事实的否定推测,cant:,不可能;推测的语气相当有把握,couldnt:,也可表不可能;语气较委婉,may(might)not:,可能不;也许不,表推测的语气,不是很有把握,It,cant be,the postman at the door.Its only five oclock.,2.对现在情况或客观事实的否定推测cant:不可能;推测,3.对过去情况的推测,must have done:,过去一定做过某事,cant have done/couldnt have done:,过去不可能做某事,can/could have done:,过去可能做过某事,may/might(not)have done:,过去可能(没)做过某事,Since nobody gave him any help,he _ have done the,research on his own.,A.can B.must C.would D.need,Why are your eyes so red?You _ have slept well last,night.,A.cant B.mustnt C.ne


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