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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5 Can you come to my party?,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,基础知识梳理,基础知识梳理, 重点短语,英汉短语互译,1,为考试而学习,_,2,太多家庭作业,_,3,去看电影,_,4,保持安静,_,5,文化俱乐部,_,6,这个周末,_,7,网球训练,_,study,for,a,test,too,much,homework,go,to,the,movies,keep,quiet,culture,club,this,weekend,have,tennis,training,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,基础知识梳理,8,go to the doctor,_,9,have a piano lesson,_,10,come to ones party,_,11,on Saturday afternoon,_,12,come over,_,13,try to do,sth,_,14,the whole day,_,去看医生,上钢琴课,参加某人的聚会,在星期六的下午,顺便来访,努力做某事,整天, 重点句型,Unit 5,基础知识梳理,根据汉语意思完成句子,1,“星期六下午你能来参加我的聚会吗?”,“对不起,我不能去,我不得不帮助我的父母。”,you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?,Im sorry, I,. I,help my parents.,2,“今天几号,星期几?”,“今天,14,号,星期一。”,today?,Monday the 14th.,3,谢谢你的邀请。,Thanks a lot for,.,your,invitation,Its,Whats,Can,cant,have,to,英语,新课标(,RJ), 语法解读,Unit 5,基础知识梳理,A,:情态动词,can,1,can,的基本用法,can,是情态动词,没有,和,的变化,但有时,态的变化,它的过去式是,,其后可直接接动词,。变一般疑问句时,将,can,提到,。变否定,句时,直接在,can,后加,(,缩写为,cant),。如:,Can she sing?,Yes,,,she can./No, she cant.,她会唱歌吗?是的,她会。,/,不,她不会。,人称,数,vould,原形,句首,not,Unit 5,基础知识梳理,英语,新课标(,RJ),2,can,的具体用法,(1),表示能力,意为“,”, 具体指体力或脑力方面的能力。如:,I can play basketball.,我会打篮球。,(2),表示,,意为“可以,能够”。如:,I can catch the bus.,我能够赶上公共汽车。,(3),表示推测,意为可能。如:,This cant be true.,这个不可能是真的。,(4),用于向别人发出,,意为“可以”,一般用在问句中,,一般用句型“,Can you”,,肯定回答一般为:“,Yes/Sure/Certainly,Id love to.”,否定回答一般为:“,Id love /like to,,,but”,拒绝时要,并表示歉意。如:,Can you go to watch the baseball game?,你能去看棒球比赛吗?,Im sorry, I cant, I have to study.,对不起,我去不了,我得学习。,能,会,允许,邀请,请求,说明原因,Unit 5,基础知识梳理,英语,新课标(,RJ),拓展,向别人发出邀请,请求,提出建议或征求某人的意见,还有几种表达方法,大多数语气都比较委婉,显得客气而有礼貌。,Would you like,?意为“你想要,/,愿意,吗?”其后接名词,代词或动词不定式,用来提出建议或邀请。,Shall we,?意为“我们,,好吗?”,shall,是情态动词,故其后接动词原形,此句用来征求对方意见。,Lets,意为“让我们,吧。”,Let,后接不带,to,的动词不定式作宾语补足语,本句用来提出建议或征求对方的意见。,Why not,?或,Why dont you/we,?意为“为什么不,呢?”其后接动词原形,本句用来提出建议。,How/What about,?意为“,怎么样?”,about,为介词,故其后接名词,代词或动名词。本句用来提出建议或征求对方的意见。,Unit 5,基础知识梳理,英语,新课标(,RJ),B,:精题精练,.,单项填空,( )1._ you speak Japanese?,No, I cant.,A,Can,B,Must,C,May,D,Should,( )2. Jack, can you come to my party on Sunday evening?,_.,A,Its kind of you B,Really,C,That sounds good D,Sure, Id love to,A,D,Unit 5,基础知识梳理,英语,新课标(,RJ),.,根据汉语意思完成句子,1,你会游泳吗?,Can,?,2,我可以看一下你的新手表吗?,I,a look at your new watch?,3,这个星期六你能和我一起去动物园吗?,to the zoo with me this Saturday?,4,当然了,我乐意去。,Sure,,,.,5,玛丽不会开车。,Mary,.,can,t,drive,Id,love,to,Can,you,come,Can,have,you,swim,英语,新课标(,RJ),能力提升训练,Unit 5,能力提升训练,.,单项填空,( )1.Would you like to go to the concert with me?,Id love to, _Im afraid I have no time.,A,so,B,or,C,and,D,but,( )2.The old pen is broken. Id like _ one to write,with.,A,the other B,another,C,others,D,the others,D,B,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,能力提升训练,( )3.Please keep quiet! Im studying _ my English test.,A,as B,to,C,for D,with,( )4.Thanks,for_me,_your party.,A,invite; to B,inviting; to,C,invite; for D,inviting; for,( )5. _ going to the movies with us?,A,What about,B,Why not,C,Would you like,D,Can you,C,B,A,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,能力提升训练,( )6.He doesnt play_ basketball well,,,but he,plays_ piano wonderfully.,A,the; / B,the; the,C,/; the D,/; /,( )7.Today is Sunday. The day after tomorrow is _.,A,Saturday B,Monday,C,Tuesday D,Wednesday,( )8._ did you talk with?,Julia.,A,What B,Whom,C,Where D,When,B,C,C,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,能力提升训练,.,完形填空,Dear Uncle,,,Thank you very much for your invitation. Im sorry, _1_ I cant visit you this week. Im really_2_this week. Its Monday today. This evening I have too much_3_.Tomorrow, I am going to see the doctor. There is something wrong with my_4_.I cant see the blackboard clearly. Maybe I should_5_a pair of glasses. On Wednesday,,,I have football training.As_6_know,,,I am on our school football team. I have football training_7_the school,team.On,Thursday,,,I have to study for my English test. I am not_8_at English. I should work harder. On Friday evening,,,Im going to the_9_. My favorite star Jay Chou will come. I like his music_10_.,Uncle Huang, I think I will be free next Monday. Im going to visit you on that evening. Is that OK?,Write soon.,Linda,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,能力提升训练,( )1.A.and B,so,C,but D,then,( )2.A.free B,all right,C,OK D,busy,( )3.A.home work B,home works,C,homework D,homeworks,( )4.A.ears B,hands,C,legs D,eyes,( )5.A.put on B,wear,C,in D,be on,C,D,C,D,B,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,能力提升训练,( )6.A.he B,I,C,they D,you,( )7.A.for B,to,C,of D,with,( )8.A.bad B,good,C,right D,wrong,( )9.A.hospital B,school,C,concert D,shop,( )10.A.much B,very,C,very much D. very well,C,C,B,D,D,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,能力提升训练,.,词汇,(A),根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。,1,I dont like this color. Can you show me a,one?,2,They are s,for a test.,3,Can you come o,to my house to help me with my,maths,?,4,Thanks for your i,to your house to have dinner,but I cant come.,5,Wang,Hui,should do some tennis t,before the,match.,raining,nvitation,ver,tudying,nother,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,能力提升训练,(B),用所给词的适当形式填空。,6,My American friend is going to,(,visit)me,next week.,7,Thanks for,(ask) me to your party.,8,Please come and join,(we),9,Are you,(play) soccer this weekend?,10,He,(real) likes the book.,really,playing,us,asking,visit,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,能力提升训练,.,根据汉语意思完成句子,1,你能和我一起去商场吗?,Can you go to the,me?,2,昨天王阿姨让我照看她的儿子。,Aunt Wang,me to,her son yesterday.,3,打扰一下,请问地铁站在哪儿?,Excuse me. Where is,?,4,你认为这件红色的外套怎么样?,do you,of the red coat?,5,你周六晚上能来我家商量足球比赛的事情吗?,Can you come over to my home on Saturday evening to,the things about the football,?,match,discuss,think,What,the,subway,babysit,asked,mall,with,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,能力提升训练,.,从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话,Jeff: Good morning, Cathy.,Cathy: Good morning,,,Jeff. Jack is having a party at his house next week.,Jeff: What is it for?,Cathy: Its for Jacks 14th birthday.,Jeff: 1.,_,Cathy: Its on Thursday. Can you go with me?,Jeff: 2.,_,I have to go to the hospital to see my grandfather on Thursday.,Cathy: 3.,_,His birthday is on Thursday,,,but the party is on Friday.,Jeff: Ill be free on Friday.4.,_,Cathy: At 5,:,30 pm.,Jeff: 5.,_,Cathy: Lets take a taxi.,Jeff: OK. See you on Friday!,Cathy: See you!,C,E,B,F,G,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,能力提升训练,A. Sure, Id love to.,B,Oh, I forgot to tell you.,C,How are we going there?,D,What are we doing there?,E,When are we arriving?,F,Im sorry I cant.,G,When is it,?,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,能力提升训练,.,任务型阅读,Mary Wangs Calendar(Oct.2127),Monday,Morning,:,lessons,Afternoon,:,meeting,Evening,:,piano,practice,Friday,Morning,:,lessons,Afternoon,:,correct,exercises(,改作业,),Tuesday,Morning,:,lessons,Afternoon,:,meet,parents,Evening,:,housework,Saturday,Morning,:,housework,Afternoon,:,visit,parents,Evening,:,meet friends,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,能力提升训练,Wednesday,Morning,:,lessons,Afternoon,:,prepare lessons,(,备课,),Evening,:,watch NBA,Sunday,Morning,:,do some reading,Afternoon,:,fish with some,friends,Evening,:,watch TV,Thursday,Morning,:,lessons,Afternoon,:,talk with some,students,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,能力提升训练,根据表格内容回答问题。,1,What does Mary Wang do?,_,2,What does Mary have on weekday mornings?,_,3,When does Mary watch NBA?,_,4,What does Mary do on Sunday afternoon?,_,5,When does she do housework?,_,She,is,a,teacher,.,She,has,lessons,.,She,watches,NBA,on,Wednesday,evening,.,She,fishes,with,her,friends,.,On,Tuesday,evening,and,Saturday,morning.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,能力提升训练,.,书面表达,假如你是,Nelly,,你的朋友,Nick,邀请你去参加他的生日聚会,但你整个星期都很忙,请给他发一份电子邮件,告诉他你不能去的原因。,One possible version,:,Hi,,,Nick,Thanks,a,lot,for,your,invitation,.,I,m,sorry,I,can,t,come,to,your,party,.,On,Monday, I,have,to,go,to,see,the,dentist,.,On,Tuesday, I,have,tennis,training,with,the,school,team,.,On,Wednesday,,,I,have,to,help,my,mom,.,On,Thursday,,,I,m,studying,for,my,math,test,.,And,on,Friday,,,I,m,going,to,the,movies,with,my,classmates,.,Can,you,come,here,with,us,on,Friday?,Write,soon,.,Nelly,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,易错点针对训练,易错点针对训练,( )1. Lin Tao are leaving for Beijing _Wednesday.,A. in,B. on,C. at D. from,( )2. Bobs mother came to New York _ a cold,morning _ February.,A. in; in B. on; on,C. in; on D. on; in,D,B,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 5,易错点针对训练,( )3. Must I get up early tomorrow morning?,No, you _.,A. mustnt B. didnt,C. cant D. neednt,( )4. What is Mary doing?,She is busy _ volleyball.,A. to play B. plays,C. playing D. played,( )5. You _ play soccer in the street. Its dangerous.,A. cant B. neednt,C. mustnt D. dont,C,C,D,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,基础知识梳理,基础知识梳理, 重点短语,英汉短语互译,1,公有的,共有的,_,2,和,相同,_,3,看起来一样,_,4,孪生姐姐,_,5,不像,那样,_,6,使某人大笑,_,7,大多数,_,8.,善于与孩子们相处,_,9,喜欢讲笑话,_,10,一名周末教师,_,in,common,the,same,as,look,the,same,twin,sister,not,as,/,so,as,make,sb,laugh,most,of,be,good,with,children,enjoy,telling,jokes,a,weekend,teacher,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,基础知识梳理,11,打败某人,_,12. be good at,_,13,in some ways,_,14,look different,_,15,more than,_,16. opposite views,_,17,be different from,_,18. as you can see,_,19,have good grades,_,20. primary school,_,beat,sb,擅长,在某些方面,看起来不同,超过,多于,对立的观点,与,不同,正如你所看到的,成绩出色,小学, 重点句型,Unit 6,基础知识梳理,根据汉语意思完成句子,1,他的头发比萨姆的短,而且他比萨姆更沉着。,He has,hair than Sam. And hes,than Sam.,2,佩德罗比鲍尔风趣,汤姆比萨姆更擅长运动。,Pedro is funnier,Paul. Tom is,athletic than Sam.,3,正如你所看到的,在某些方面我们看起来相同。,you can see, in some ways we,.,4.,我喜欢结交和我性格一样的朋友。,I like to have friends,are like me.,5,相同是不必要的。,not necessary to be the same.,It,s,who,As,look,the,same,more,than,shorter,calmer,英语,新课标(,RJ), 语法解读,Unit 6,基础知识梳理,形容词的比较级,在英语中,形容词和副词通常又可分为,形式,(,直接用该形容词或副词的原形表示,),,,形式,(,由形容词或副词后加“,er,”,或前加“,more”,构成,),和,形式,(,由形容词或副词后加“,est,”,或前加“,most”,构成,),三种形式。,1,形容词比较级的构成:,(1),一般在,原级词尾直接加,er,。,如:,tall taller,;,cold colder,(2),以字母,e,结尾的形容词,词尾加,r,。,如:,large larger; nice nicer,原级,比较级,最高级,形容词,Unit 6,基础知识梳理,英语,新课标(,RJ),(3),以重读闭音节词结尾且词尾只有一个辅音字母时,应先,这个辅音字母,再加,er,。,如:,big bigger; thin thinner,(4),以辅音字母,y,结尾的双音节词,先变,y,为,i,,再加,er,。,如:,easy easier,;,happy,_,(5),多音节和部分双音节形容词前直接加,more,。,如:,popular,;,beautiful more beautiful,(6),不规则变化。,如:,good/well,;,bad/badly worse; many,/much,;,little less; far farther/further,双写,happier,more popular,better,more,Unit 6,基础知识梳理,英语,新课标(,RJ),2,形容词比较级的用法:,(1),形容词比较级常用于,之间的比较,表示两者之,间的差异,常见句子结构是“形容词比较级,than”,,形容,词比较级在句中可作表语或定语。,如:,He has shorter hair than Sam.(,形容词比较级作定语,),他的头发比萨姆的短。,Im more outgoing than my sister.(,形容词比较级作表语,),我比我妹妹更外向。,(2)“,比较级,and,比较级,(,单音节词和少数双音节词,)”,或,“,more,and,more,原级,(,多音节词和部分双音节词,)”,意为“越来越,”,如:,Our city is more and more beautiful.,我们的城市越来越漂亮了。,两者,Unit 6,基础知识梳理,英语,新课标(,RJ),(3)“the,比较级,the,比较级,”,意为“,。”,如:,The more you read, the more you know.,你读的书越多,你懂的就越多。,(4)asas,意为“与,一样,”,,否定形式是“,not as/soas”,意为“不如,怎么样,不与,一样,”,也是一种表达比较的形式,但,as,与,as,之间用,。,如:,This room is not as/so big as that one.,这个房间不如那个房间大。,This room is smaller than that one.,这个房间比那个房间小。,(5),形容词比较级前还常有,,,,,等副词修饰表示程度。,如:,Im much heavier than before.,我比以前胖得多。,越,就越,形容词原级,much,a little,a bit,英语,新课标(,RJ),能力提升训练,Unit 6,能力提升训练,.,单项填空,( )1.Which color do you like_,,,blue or green?,Blue.,A,good B,better,C,best,D,the best,( )2.Sometimes walking is even _than driving,during the busy traffic time.,A,last B,faster,C,slow,D,slower,B,B,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,能力提升训练,( )3.Li Lei, my best friend, is a little _outgoing,than any other student in his class.,A,much B,many,C,more D,very,( )4.Taking buses in Beijing is _than taking a taxi.,A,more cheap B,much cheaper,C,a little cheap D,less cheaper,( )5.We dont look the same, _ were twins.,A,although B,but,C,and D,so,C,B,A,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,能力提升训练,( )6.Li Lei is good at_.,A,run B,running,C,runs D,to run,( )7. Sam looks like his dad. They are _ tall.,A,either B,any,C,all,D,both,( )8._ very important for us to learn English,because it is an international language now.,A,It is B,It,C,That is D,We are,A,D,B,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,能力提升训练,.,完形填空,I was waiting for the bus when I met the woman. “You look_1_. Come and sit here,,”,she said. “_2_are you going,?”,“,I dont,know.I,just want to catch a_3_and see what it will be like at the end.”,“Im afraid youll see_4_there. Why dont you enjoy the sights on the way,?”,“,How can I do that while my hearts_5_,?”,I asked sadly. My best friend had left me.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,能力提升训练,The woman seemed to understand my feeling. “Dont cry, little girl. Ive had a similar experience as yours. Thirtyfive_6_ago, my husband left our three children and me. I was deadly sad. I decided to kill myself and the children, so I took_7_to the sea._8_,,,they seemed to know what would happen, so they_9_loudly. Their cry suddenly woke me_10_. How could I_11_my hope to live for one of lifes problems? After that, I worked hard to raise the children. Now they all live_12_and one of them has his own family.”,Then the woman gave me a_13_,, “,We should never wait for the door to_14_before us. We should find the key to the_15_or try to find another way.”,The bus came and I got on it with a smile.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,能力提升训练,( )1.A. tired B,excited C,happy D,well,( )2.A.What B,How C,Where D,When,( )3.A.train B,bus C,boat D,plane,( )4.A.nothing B,everything,C,something D,anything,( )5.A.smiling B,breaking,C,singing D,dancing,( )6.A.days B,weeks C,months D,years,( )7.A.her B,them C,him D,it,( )8.A.So B,Or,C,Besides D,However,A,C,B,A,B,D,B,D,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,能力提升训练,( )9.A.laughed B,talked,C,spoke D,cried,( )10.A.in B,out C,up D,down,( )11.A.give away B,give up,C,get up D,stand up,( )12.A.happily B,sadly,C,badly D,hopeless,( )13.A.cry B,shout C,hit D,smile,( )14.A.open B,close C,lock D,mend,( )15.A.classroom B,office,C,door D,shop,C,A,D,A,B,C,D,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,能力提升训练,.,阅读理解,A,A small man goes to the cinema. He buys a ticket and goes in. But after two or three minutes he comes out. He buys a second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys a third ticket. Two or three minutes after that he comes out a third time and asks for another ticket. But the girl says to him, “Why are you buying all these? Are you meeting friends in the cinema all the time,?”,“,No, Im not doing that.” the small man says, “But a big woman always stops me at the door and tears(,撕掉,) my ticket up.”,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,能力提升训练,( )1.The small man goes to the cinema to _.,A,see a film B,watch TV,C,meet his friends D,have a rest,( )2.The small man _ a ticket.,A,takes B,buys,C,brings D,tears,( )3. After a few minutes the small man _ again,and buys a third ticket.,A,gets B,tears up,C,comes out D,goes in,A,B,C,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,能力提升训练,( )4. “No, Im not doing that.” means “_.”,A,He isnt seeing a film,B,He isnt meeting his friends,C,He wants to buy a ticket for the big woman,D,The big woman doesnt let him in,( )5.From the story we can guess _.,A,the small man is the first time to go to a cinema,B,the big woman at the door doesnt like him,C,the small man is afraid of the big woman,D,the small man doesnt want the big woman to tear,his ticket up,A,B,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,能力提升训练,B,To,:,Rose hotmail. com,From,:,Mary yahoo. com,Subject,:,My best friend,Dear Rose,,,Thank you for your last email. You told me about your best friend. Now let me tell you about my best friend,,,Jane.,Jane is as old as me, but she is a little shorter. She has brown hair and blue eyes. She is always happy.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,能力提升训练,We are in the same class,


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