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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/10/29,#,写作,-,基于结构、内容和,语言的视角,1.,培养应用文,写作逻辑思维。,2.,熟悉应用文篇章结构特点。,3.,牢记应用文语言表达特点。,4.,精选写作题材与范文分析。,01,02,应用文的评分原则、细节和样文赏析,从结构、内容、语言的视角,应对应用文写作,03,如何改进你的应用文写作,假定你是李华,计划组织一次郊游,请给你的英国朋友,Chris,写封邮件邀请他参加。内容包括:,1.,参加者;,2.,时间、地点;,3.,活动:登山、野餐等。,注意:,1.,词数,80,字左右;,2.,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,邀请信,2017,年,6,月浙江省高考应用文,一,.,应用文的总评分原则与细节,严谨的行文结构,:,第一部分应为问候语和写信目的,第二部分main body 活动内容,第三部分表达对方应邀的愿望,完整的内容、丰富的语言和句式,词数少于,60,或多于,100,扣,2,分,内容要,点遗漏,或篡改要点,降一档,标,点符号大面积不规范,扣,1-2,分,书写较差,影响交际,可将分数降一档,格式不对,扣一分,(,一)总评分原则,应用文的总分为15分, 这一次的均分去零分卷后为9.1。,(,二)具体评分细节,一,.,应用文的样文赏析,Dear,Chris,I,m Li Hua and,I,m writing to extend my earnest invitation for your participation,in the outing organized by me,.,Aiming,to gain a better acquaintance with exotic culture, I have,invited,teenagers I know all over the world to,get actively involved in,this event.,For the sake of convenience, the outing,falls in,Hong Kong at 9,a,.,m,on July 6th.,Brimful of intriguing activities,like climbing and having a picnic, this outing,is bound to be,a huge success.,A response at your earliest convenience will be highly appreciated!,Yours,Li Hua,14,分,行文结构清晰,;,适当添加细节使内容完整;,语言表达能力强;词汇和句式丰富;,完全达到了预期的写作目的,开头段:自我介绍,+,写信目的,适当的细节添加:活动的目的、意义(第二句),中间段:活动内容(语言表达地道、词汇丰富、有理有据、行文流畅),结尾段:表达愿望(恰当使用应用文套话),一,.,应用文的样文赏析,Dear,Chris,I,m Li Hua. I intend to organize a trip. I,ll invite my friends who you,ll get on well with. We will go to Huangshan,nest,Wednesday where we can,visit,beautiful natural views,. Of course, the activities,w,hich,are fantastic.,For example, climbing the mountain and having a picnic,. At the same time, we,ll take photos in order to,memory our trip,.,I believe if you join us, you,ll love the views from the bottom of your heart. I,m looking forward to traveling with you,!,Yours,Li H,u,a,行文结构比较完整,若写信目的自成一段可使文章结构一目了然;,覆盖了主要内容;,有些语言方面的错误,但不影响理解;,整体而言,基本达到了预期的写作目的;,8分,1,.,应用文的分类,2,.,应用文的特点,3.,应用文写作中存在的问题,4.,解决的策略及实践,二、应用文写作,-,基于结构、内容和语言的视角,失物招领,寻物启事,倡议书,请假条,告知函,发言稿(演讲稿、,致辞等),通知(书面、口头),报道,(一)、 应用文的分类(,Classification,),投诉,信,感谢信,邀请信,道歉信,求助信,求职信,建议信,推荐信,申请信,祝贺信,询问信,(二)、应用文的特点,Clear in structure,(结构清晰),Substantial in content,(内容充实),Appropriate in language,(语言得体),(三)、应用文写作中存在的问题,1.,卷面不洁,2.,文体不辨,3.,格式不妥,4.,结构混乱,5.,读者不明,6.,要点不全,7.,过度添加,8.,语法错误,9.,套语连篇,10.,观点缺乏,内容,完整性,格式,规范性,语言,得体性,应用文,问题分析,卷面不洁,2.,文体不辨,3,.,格式不妥,4,.,结构混乱,5.,要点不全,6.,过度添加,7.,观点缺乏,8.,语法错误,9.,套语连篇,10.,观点缺乏,结构,内容,语言,例,1,:,假定你是李明。你校邀请了英国伯明翰大学的,Elliot Smith,教授来做关于莎士比亚生平的讲座。请你作为主持人向参加讲座的同学用英语介绍讲座情况。内容包括:,1.,讲座的教授和讲座的内容;,2.,讲座后有自由交流时间;,3.,对教授的讲座表示欢迎。,注意:,1.,词数,80,左右;,2.,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,3.,参考词汇:,伯明翰大学:,the University of Birmingham,主持稿,例,2,:,假设你是淘宝店“,Beauty& the Beast”,的店主张林,因为给客户李华发错了两件衬衫的尺码和颜色,特向李华书面道歉,愿意提供换货服务,并且打八折优惠以弥补过失。内容包括:,1.,自我介绍;,2.,诚恳道歉并说明原因;,3.,愿意提供免邮费服务和八折优惠;,4.,如果对方不同意换货,退货也可以。,注意:,1.,词数,80,左右;,2.,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,道歉信,1.,卷面不,洁,字迹不 清,解决对策: 每天一练,日见效果,阅卷时的视觉疲劳,速度快,如,卷面的不美观,书写差,有时对作文成绩的影响不是,1-2,分,而是,5-6,分,所以要把书写放到第一点强调。,行文结构,2.,文体不辨,3.,格式不妥,4.,结构混乱,2.,文体不,辨,称呼,署名,3.,格式不妥,4.,结构混乱,无分段,解决对策:仔细审题,明确格式,分分段落,结构清晰,投诉,信,感谢信,邀请信,道歉信,求助信,求职信,建议信,推荐信,申请信,祝贺信,询问信,请假条,告知函,倡议书,书信、邮件、假条等,Dear XXX,(,称呼,),Yours,(,落款,),XXX,失物招领,(,标题,),Found,(,署名,),寻物启事,(,标题,),Lost (,署名,),书面通知,(,标题,),Notice,(,署名,),出通知单位,/,个人,口头通知,Ladies and gentlemen, /Boys and girls/,may I have your attention please?,发言稿,(,演讲稿,致辞,) Ladies and gentlemen,/ Fellow students/Boys and girls/,Thanks for your listening,.,报道,(,标题,),征文 (标题),Contribution Wanted,书信的结构,开头段,:,(自我介绍,),背景介绍,+,写信目的,I am Li Hua, a seventeen-year-old student (from senior school).,I have learned / been informed that ,Now I am writing to,apply for the position / express my gratitude,中间段,:,具体问题(主题句),+,具体分析(拓展句),There are four main reasons that I am,qualified,for the job. Firstly, Besides, Whats more, Additionally,Here are some details for the activity.,Id like you to know how much your meant to me.,I really find it extremely hard to do Hopefully you could give me some suggestions.,The following suggestions carried out, things would probably become much better.,I have been looking forward to doing However, I believe if you were I, you would make the same choice. I sincerely hope that you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.,结尾段,: 客套话,I would appreciate it if you can write me back as soon as possible.,I would feel greatly honored if you ,(,求职信,),(,邀请信,),(,感谢信,),(,求助信,),(,建议信,),(,道歉信,),内容完整,5.,要点不全,6.,过度添加,7.,观点缺乏,5,.,要点不全,内容包括:,1.,自我介绍;,2.,诚恳道歉并说明原因;,3.,愿意提供免邮费服务和八折优惠;,4.,如果对方不同意换货,退货也可以。,6,.,过度添加,We will gather at our school gate before 8. am, which is located on Chong Shi Road.,Please get to our school gate before 8:00 am, which may be pretty early for both teachers and students at weekend.,You may take a camera with you because Im pretty sure that the awesome view on the top of the mountain will deeply impress you and you will have a strong desire to record it.,学校发现最近经常有学生违反学校规定,通过美团、饿了么等手机,APP,订购外卖。假设你是新华中学学生会主席李华,请你代表学生会拟一份书面通知 。,重申禁令,陈述禁令原因,呼吁同学样自觉遵守学校规定,be harmful to health,break the school rules,7.,千篇一律,缺少独到观点,解决对策:相互探讨,相互借鉴;,仔细,思索,考虑全面;,观点深刻,见解独特;,陈述禁令原因,-,观点收集:,1.,点外卖需要手机,将手机带到学校来不仅会分散我们的学习注意力,还会造成其他的负面影响。,To order takeout, you must take mobile phones into campus, which will,distract our attention from study, and,exert other negative impact on students,.,2.,外卖的食品安全不能得到保障,而学校食品都是经过权威部门检测,可以放心食用。,The safety of takeout,cant be guaranteed,while,the food provided by our school canteens are healthy to eat, because,it is inspected by authorities,.,3.,点外卖不仅浪费时间还浪费金钱,因为学校的饭菜价格合理,口味多样,品种丰富。,Its a waste of time and money to,order takeout because school canteens provide food which,is rich in tastes and variety.,4.,外卖往往盛放在塑料盒里,塑料很难降解,会对环境造成污染。,Takeout is usually kept in plastic containers, which is,hard to break down,and,does harm to the environment,.,送外卖的人员随意进出校园,会给校园管理增加困难,对学生的安全也是一种潜在的危险,.,The fact that the delivery men of takeout enter our campus,at will adds to the difficulty,of our school management. Besides,it is a potential danger,to the safety of students.,Notice,Recently, some students have ordered fast food on APPs such as Meituan, Ele,me. Their,behaviors have violated the school rules,so Im here,to,restate,the restriction,that,ordering,takeout is banned,.,Delicious as fast food is, students will,lose their balance of diets,if they,take long-term takeout,. Moreover,the source of food cant be,guaranteed,since producers,add harmful substances,to,the food,for higher profit,. Whats more, some thieves may,pass themselves off as,the delivery man which,is a threat to,students possessions and,safety on campus.,In,a word,the ban is beneficial to,all of you so,I,appeal to,everyone obey,it,automatically,.,students union,-,陈汪怡,语言丰富得体地道,8.,语法错误,9.,套语连篇,10.,不得体不地道,8.,语法错误(母语干扰),two T-shirts,in,wrong size and color,Professor Tu will come to our school and give us a lecture, which is welcomed by,Shaoxing No. 1 Hiddle,Schools teachers and students.,时态、语态误用;主谓不一致;,词性混用;从句使用中缺乏语法结构;,9.,套语,连篇,We will appreciate it if you are able to join us and take part in this consequential activity.,First, please get to the school gate at 8:00 am. After that we will set out together by bus. In the end, we will come back at 5:00 pm. Last but not the least, you can bring a camera to record the happy moment.,With a history of 80 years, our school, where you are in now, is equipped with three buildings.,解决对策:夯实语言基础,,多实践多积累,,仔细研读范文。,假定,你是李华,从互联网上,得知第十二届国际未来商业领袖峰会(,Internet Future Business Leader Summit,)将在上海举行,并欢迎中学生参加。请你写,一封,电子邮件,申请参加。,写作要点:,自我介绍 (包括英语能力)。,参加,意图,(增加商业知识、提高领导力、加强交流),。,希望,获准。,申请信,背景介绍,+,写信目的,I read about your announcement of the 12,th,International Future Business Leader Summit posted on the Internet.,I learn about the 12,th,International Future Business Leader Summit advertised online./I get to know .,I am writing to apply for participation in it./I am writing to express my desire to participate in it.,2.,自我介绍,(着重描写自身优势,:,英语很棒、交流技能很强、对商业很感兴趣、有参加此类活动的,经验,),have a good command of English,speak English fluently,be skilled in communication,have experience in attending such summits,be enthusiastic about financial activities,3.,申请参加的意图即活动意义(增长商业知识、提高领导力、加强交流、积累经验、拓宽视野、把中国推向世界、让世界更加了解中国、搭建中国与世界沟通的桥梁),enrich my business knowledge,my leadership can be greatly boosted,the activity can promote the exchange of views,accumulate experience,build up friendship with peers of the same interest from all over the world,,,expose China to the world,enable the world to have a better understanding of China,4.,结束语(祝愿或希望),I desire that my application can meet your approval.,I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.,Dear Sir or Madam,Im Li Hua, a middle school student from China.,I read about your announcement,of the 12,th,International Future Business Leader Summit,posted on the Internet,. Im writing to,apply for an opportunity to join in it,.,I think,my qualifications can meet your requirements,. Two,years of English learning,enables me to,communicate fluently,in English,. In turn, through the summit, I,can,deepen my understanding of,business, improve my leadership and communicate with students from other countries as well. I do hope,to be admitted to your summit,.,Looking forward to your reply,at your earliest convenience,.,Regards,Li Hua,开头段的,好句:,I am writing to make a sincere request for an opportunity to participate in it.,I am writing to express my great desire for admission to it.,I am writing to apply for access to it. /admission to it.,I happened to know that the 12th International Future Business Leader Summit would be held in Shanghai, which appeals to me a great deal.,中间段,的好句:,Economy or business has kept me spellbound since I was a child. -,陶沂希,I am dedicated to learning English from childhood to keep pace with times. So theres no problem for me to communicate with native speakers. ,钱俊珺,It,can be well proved by the prizes I have got in the various English Competitions that I have a good command of English.,方寒,It is no use,showing,off how I have a good command of English, but I do have no trouble communicating in English.-,张豪,Remarkable scores on papers never satisfy me. I hold the view that only face-to-face communication can promotes language skills. That partly accounts for my request. -,何志臻,Without doubt, if I could be admitted to this summit, it,would,bring me some benefits. -,沈纪年,It will be a perfect platform where I can enrich my business knowledge, strengthen my leadership as well as promote mutual understanding and communication. ,钟泽宇,As an English club organizer, I have been engaging myself in English learning heart and soul. In return, I have a good command of spoken English. Attending the summit will surely get me well equipped with better leadership. -,鲁家泊,结尾段的好句:,I bet my qualification will meet your requirements. Looking forward to your reply. -,王诗引,I will be obliged to you if you offer me a precious opportunity to attend the summit. -,夏俊豪,I will be more than glad if I am blessed with this opportunity.,桂宇凡,三、如何改进你的应用文写作,Tip1:词块的积累,Tip2:英语常用句子的熟悉和锤炼,Tip3:应用文可以模板化的一些东西,专题,教学,-,掌握技巧,词块的积累,(,Adv; Adj),Adv:,rely,heavily,on; quarrel,bitterly,;,highly,successful;,reluctantly,;,deliberately,;be,amply,rewarded;,equally,pleased;,Adj:,a,rewarding,cause,;,particularly,appealing; amazing;,a,remarkable,achievement,;,enjoy,tremendous,popularity,; prompt,action,;,an,impressive,reminder,; (,marvelous,;,distinguished; splendid; decisive; incredible/inevitible; ),词块的积累,(,Verb),enable,sb to do sth;,ensure,ones success;,enrich,ones school life;,encounter,numerous chanllenges,; enhance,efficiency,;,refresh,ones spirit/sb,; relieve,guilt/anxiety/stress,; remove,objections/doubt;,relax,oneself;,restore,ones confidence,; reassure,sb,; recall,memories,;,reveal; replace;,contain,my feelings;,conceal,the fact;,Noun,体贴,consideration,;,同情,sympathy,宽恕,forgiveness,;,慷慨,generosity ;,感激,gratitude;,好客,hospitality;,忠诚,loyalty,;,分享,sharing ;,容忍,tolerance,;,理解,understanding;,见解,insight,;,志向,ambition;,执着,信奉,commitment,;,勤奋,devotion;diligence;,毅力,perseverance;,persistence,热情,passion=enthusiasm=zeal;,智慧,wisdom,;,创造,creativity;,合作,cooperation;,新奇,的事物,novelty,词块的积累,(,词组,),1,、提高,improve/,enhance,/ promote/,2,、努力,struggle/,strive,/ spare no efforts/,3,、得到,gain/,acquire,/ obtain/,4,、提供,给,offer/,present/ grant,/,provide/supply,5,、表达,convey/extend,ones gratitude to.,6,、实现,achieve/,realize/,fulfill/attain,7,、记得,bear.in mind/ never fade,8,、有利于,contribute to/,make for/,9,、影响,be affected / influenced/,be,impacted,by,10,、应该;,be supposed to,期待,be expected to,;,一定,be bound to,;保证,be guaranteed to,11,、忙于;从事,be occupied/ be,involved/ engaged,in.,12,、唤起对,.,意识,a,rouse/,evoke/,ones awareness of.,13,、吸引注意力,attract/ draw/,capture,ones,attention,catch ones eye,词块的积累,(,词组,),“目的”的表达式,1,.,in,order to /so as to,2. for the purpose of,3. with the aim of,4. in the hope of,5,. be aimed at/aim to do,6,. be designed to do,7,. be intended for sth/sb,8,. be tailored to sb,词块的积累,(,词组,),“活动意义”的表达式,1,. enrich after-class life,2. broaden ones horizon,3. get acquaintance with,4. shorten the distance between ,5,. have a better understanding of profound culture,6,.,build up friendship/confidence,7. better oneself,8. promote mutual interaction,9. arouse/provoke ones enthusiasm/interest/passion,一、,巧用名词,写封邮件邀请英国朋友,Chris,参加,extend my earnest,invitation,for your,participation,早期学习英语对学生以后的成绩提高有帮助。,Early exposure to English,will help children improve their academic performance.,e.g.,Your presence and blessings,will be highly/ greatly appreciated.,英语常用句子的熟悉和锤炼,二、,形容词作状语,活动:登山、野餐等,Brimful of,intriguing activities, like. are bound to be a huge success.,(,2017,浙江高考),保证补交作业(,2106,嘉兴),Guilty about it,I assure that,I will accomplish my assignment carefully and hand it in as soon as possible.,E.g.The old goat rolled,dead,.,英语常用句子的熟悉和锤炼,三、定语从句,(which,非限制性定语,),teenagers,I know,;,你设计的阅览室和你留下的英语原著,the reading room,you elaborately designed,and the Enlgish novel books,you left,未能完成英语老师,Mr.Chen,布置的作业而道歉,(2016,嘉兴),I am more than apologetic for failing to accomplish the homework,you have assigned.,说明原因,(2016,嘉兴),I was in hospital with a continuous fever,which,thus prevented me from being engaged in any academic activity.,英语常用句子的熟悉和锤炼,四、 非谓语,the outing,organized by,me,Aiming to,gain,.,为了丰富学生的校园生活和激发学生写作的热情,(2106,年绍兴市适应性考试),To enrich,students school life and,activate,their enthusiasm for writing,原创篇幅,500,字的英语小说,反映学生现实生活,All contestants are required to create a 500-word English story,reflecting,students true life.,英语常用句子的熟悉和锤炼,五、,It,作形式主语或形式宾语句型,保证补交作业,It,is,my promise that I am bound to finish it in time.,Id appreciate,it,if you could,grant,me another two days for the task,能跟你在一起是我们的荣幸。,Therefore,it is our honor,to be accompanied with you.,六、 虚拟,Without/But for,your generous and timely help, I wouldnt have made such progress.,英语常用句子的熟悉和锤炼,七、,with +,宾语,+,非谓语,(,状语)或者独立,主格结构,With the festival approaching,矛盾解决,我们的友谊得到加强。,Conflicts solved/With conflicts solved,our friendship strengthened.,The cohesion of the class was enhanced,everyones potential motivated and mutual trust built.,八、 强调,Its .that/who.,对外教,Edward,表达感激之,情,It is,your enthusiasm about teaching and devotion to students,that,have,stri,c,ken,a deep impression on us.,英语常用句子的熟悉和锤炼,九、否定或者反义,1 Never / by no means,By no means/Never,will we negelect the significance of .,2 双重否定,We,can,t,succeed,without,persistence,as well as confidence,.,3 cant .too/enough.,You,can,t,emphasize the significance of,practice,too,much.,4,nothing but/ less than,He,was,nothing but,a li,ar,.,英语常用句子的熟悉和锤炼,十、 让步 :,whatever, however, whenever,(,powerful; affectional),Whatevevr challenges,we are faced with, we are supposed to struggle against them.,However occupied, you spare time to accompany us and help us to solve questions we raise.,英语常用句子的熟悉和锤炼,十一、被动句,All contestants,are required to,All entries,submitted to,the School English Newspaper,will be carefully graded,by.,Winners of the contest will then,be awarded,.,英语常用句子的熟悉和锤炼,Thank You!,We still have a long,way to,go,!,Prepare to the fullest,Hope for the best!,1.,高考作文不同于“自由写作”,高考作文为了达到一定的考察目的,考生要“根据要求写作”,在这个基础上鼓励考生发挥想象和联想写出自己的思考和感悟,因此,若要写好高考作文,既不能不顾写作要求信马由缰,也不能被要求所限,畏手畏脚。,2.,而要既符合要求,又要有张扬个性的出彩的地方。所以说高考作文不是自由写作,既有限制又有开放的空间,既有考生必须完成的规定动作又要有彰显特色的自选动作。,3.,一篇议论文如果能有几个联系密切并具有较强论证力度的主体段,那就会增加论证的深度、广度和厚度,颇具层次感,使议论文富有说服力。因此,同学们写好议论文的主体段至关重要。,4.,出现大量的叙述文字,而缺少相应的议论性语言点睛,给人以罗列事例或者啰嗦叙事的感觉,并且暴露自己欠缺说理能力的缺点,。,5.,空洞乏味的议论,缺乏必要的理论和事实支撑,车轱辘话绕来绕去,论述肤浅无力,。,6.,段落中有事例有论述,但却水是水,油是油,没有分析融合,论点就如同生硬地贴在论据上面的标签,缺乏说服力,。,7.,这是一则新材料运用作文,先是列举了古往今来中外青年成人礼仪和节日的沿革;接着从国际和国家层面,对青年提出了明确的希望和要求;最后指出“你们”成年,青年们前赴后继,成就自我人生,勇作社会脊梁。,8.,在运用部分,则指出结合材料进行联想和思考,致即将成年的自己。整道题条理明晰,从现象到本质,逐一得到揭示,很好地拓展了考生的写作思维。,


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