Unit6 READING课件刘翀

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Reading,I only eat food that tastes good,.,赣县二中 刘 翀,Jacks,diet,He prefers:,to drink coffee,to eat white bread and rice,to eat sweet desserts,Whose,diet is healthier?Why?,Lindas,diet,She prefers:,to drink water,to,eat,brown,bread,and rice,to eat fruit and fish,I think Because,barbecue,n.,v.,烤肉,biscuit,n.,饼干,taste,V.,品尝,.,good,stay away from,与,.,保持距离,fry,v.,油煎,(fried,adj.,),cancer,n.,癌症,increase,V.,增加、增大,risk,n.,风险、危险,to be honest,老实说,be bad for,对,有害,New words,Read the text quickly and,answer,the following,question,.,Who likes barbecue in the text?,Peter,90 seconds,也许这些词可以帮助你:,sweet,甜的,actually,说实在的,mainly,主要地,be in agreement,itself,它自己,laboratory,实验室,type,种类,意见一致,Read through carefully,then find out Peter,Tony and Lauras,ideas,about the food that they prefer.,Peters:,Tonys:,Lauras:,I only eat_,I love to eat,_,I prefer not to eat,_,Its also fine to eat,_,I prefer to only eat,_,I love to eat,_,I never eat,_,I stay away from,_,1.,1.,2.,2.,2.,1.,3.,3.,4,mins,food that tastes good!,meat thats well cooked.,too much food that is fried.,some meat or fish.,food that I like.,food,that is healthy.,sugar.,meat.,也许这些词可以帮助你:,sweet,甜的,actually,说实在的,mainly,主要地,be in agreement,itself,它自己,laboratory,实验室,type,种类,意见一致,(仔细阅读,在文中找出他们喜欢的食物并填空),根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。,2.5,mins,1.From what Peter says we know_.,A.he only eats healthy food,B.he,knowns,his food is not always healthy.,C .his food is not healthy,D.Peter is serious ill,2.Which of the following is Tonys opinion?,_,A.Eating meat is bad for health.,B.Eating a lot of meat is good for health,C Eating a balanced diet is better than eating only biscuits,and hamburgers.,D If you dont like a kind of food,you shouldnt eat it.,3.Laura never eats anything thats been cooked in,oil because,_.,A some types of oil are bad for her health.,B such food doesnt taste good.,C oil hasnt been tested in the laboratory.,D.she doesnt like burnt food.,Peter,Laura,Tony,This person spoke last.,This person says tasty food is bad for you.,This person eats a balanced diet.,This person is a strict,vegetarian,.,This person doesnt mind eating burnt food.,This person,is shocked by,what others eat.,After you read,match the statements with each person.,被,震惊,素食主义者,Fill in the blanks with the phrases given.,be bad for,stay away from,prefer to,be in agreement,the risk of,Peter thinks food tastes good _him.He,loves to eat meat thats well cooked.,Tony _not _eat too much food that is,fried.He,thinks most people _that fruit and vegetables are good for health.,Laura never eats fast food,he wants to take care of his health.So he _ sugar.He has heard eating burnt food can increase _cancer.,is bad for,prefers to,are in agreement,stays away from,the risk of,(用所给词的适当形式填空),Task 2:Write a short passage about your survey.,Task 1:Make a survey,Are you a vegetarian?,Yes,Do you care how much fried food you eat?,Yes,Do you prefer to drink water when you are thirsty?,Yes,Do you only eat food that you like?,No,Chen,fuhua,Chen,fuhua,is a vegetarian.She never eats fried food.She likes drinking water when she is thirsty.She always eats healthy food.I agree with her.Because her diet is healthy,its good for her health.,Example:,Homework:,1.Compulsory(,必做题,):,Finish the workbook of reading part,.,2.Optional(,选做题,):,write an article about 80 words,a.“My healthy diet”,b.“How to keep healthy?”,Thanks for your listening!,


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